Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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Re: Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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Ishtar had the crowd for tonight's match salivating at the mere prospect of being able to eat out of the palm of her hand. Both what she was displaying to the audience herself and what she was doing to her busty ragdoll Honoka. Ishtar was currently treating the poor lightweight's head like a watermelon in an internet challenge as she continued to crush it between her thighs.

Before Ishtar had stuffed Honoka's face into her crotch as a part of this hold, she had noticed that the jobbers tongue was slightly hanging out of her mouth. She didn't think much of it though until she felt something soft and wet laying against her panties. "Un, oh-uh," Ishtar stammered out in embarrassment once she realized what had happened.

It was a good thing for Honoka that she wasn't actually doing anything with her tongue, or else Ishtar would have likely turned this match from sexy to ugly real quick. But Ishtar understood that Honoka was most likely not doing this on purpose. She was still rather uncomfortable though, so she decided to shift to another hold once again.

Ishtar would use Honoka's chest as something of a bounce pad as she popped back up to her feet. She would look down at Honoka as she lay on the floor, at she chest specifically. Those are definitely big enough to get a hold on, Ishtar thought with smile that soon faded back to a more neutral expression. But poor girl. I should take her out for a drink or something afterwards.

As quickly as Ishtar went to her feet, she would go back down to the mat, jumping up and landing butt first on Honoka's stomach for a senton. Then she would scoot off of Honoka to her side and wrap her legs not around her body, but her breasts. Ishtar was going for a scissor variation that was surprisingly uncommon in women's wrestling for how sexy it was: the breastscissor. With Honoka being as busty as she was, Ishtar would have more than enough chest to grip onto with her legs and squeeze.
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Re: Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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It was a lucky thing indeed that Ishtar realised Honoka's lapping motion was anything but on purpose. It was most certainly the absolute opposite, given Honoka's constant desire to put on a match she'd be proud of; both in general, and in showing to her friends and family.

The current predicament was nigh entirely the opposite too, as the referee herself found herself taking a step forward to check on the condition of Honoka under the imagined sounds of cracking and creaking coming from her cheeks. Had Ishtar opted to squeeze but a moment more, the referee would have found herself in a very tricky scenario as to whether to call it there and then. Honoka herself didn't seem to have her wits about her enough to realise she should have given in - even less so as her eyes rolled nigh all the way into the back of her head, with her entire body close to shaking.

Though the moment Ishtar released her crushing scissors, Honoka came back to life. If but to turn her head and splutter, quite literally wheezing for the life of her as her hands came down to put herself on her side where she felt it would be easier to breathe.

Only for Ishtar to resume with her torture, by first dropping the entirety of her frame on Honoka - after unbeknownst to the pinkette, oogling her heavy breasts! Crushed entirely for a moment beneath the sheer size of Ishtar, Honoka could have quite literally have been peeled from the canvas, akin to a Loony Tunes character that had fallen victim to a steamroller. A lack of motion for a good second or two on her end once again inspired the referee to take a step forward, before a jerk of Honoka's frame told her she was somehow still alive.

Which felt to be a good thing for the controlling Ishtar, whom had already hooked her legs around Honoka's midriff. Or rather, above it.

"Wha-" Noticing even in her delirious state the curious position of those legs, all at once Honoka had never wished herself so desperately to be flat chested. With the jaws of life right over her ribs and bust, Honoka's lungs emptied entirely - with the top heavy figure she possessed near enough falling inwards. Her arms slapped naturally every which way - first to Ishtar's thighs to likely no avail, before they fall to the canvas. Motion far too sporadic to be considered a tap out, the same pressure that threatened to crush Honoka's skull was now being used to near crack her ribs, as Honoka screamed into the nosebleeds.

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Re: Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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Ishtar faced no resistance as she slammed, squashed, and squeezed Honoka. That status quo of the match did not change as Ishtar's senton into breastscissor combination worked exactly as the Russian had planned for it to. In fact, it was going better than planned if anything. Honoka was freaking out as she lay trapped in the hold.

Actually, Ishtar thought as her face turned to concern. It's like this is working too well. What's going on? This should hurt, but she shouldn't be in this much pain. But a closer look at Honoka's chest gave Ishtar the realization of what was going on with this hold and Honoka's reaction to it.

The main point of the breastscissor was the visual spectacle of the victim's breasts being squeezed and pushed outwards. The general sexiness of an attack that targets the breasts along with the image of those breasts bulging out made for quite a scene. But the scissor also had an effect on the pectoral muscles underneath those breasts.

As Honoka's breasts were pushed up and out, her pectorals were pushed down and in, presumably into her chest cavity, and maybe even pushing down into her lungs and ribs depending on just how much of an effect this hold was having on Honoka. While Ishtar wanted to win in a dominating fashion, she did not want to injure her opponent, especially if they were clearly weaker than herself. So Ishtar released her scissor.

Ishtar then rolled backwards and stood up, giving Honoka an opportunity to get away and stand up herself. The Russian was willing to give her overwhelmed opponent a turn on offense as a bit of a silent apology for the torment she had put her through so far. Though that didn't mean Ishtar would just roll over for Honoka. That would just make it cheap, not to mention how obvious it would be.
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Re: Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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Honoka's body was entirely stiff - it would have taken effort to come in and bend Honoka's limbs any which way right now. Such was the intensity at which her figure spasmed. As if she was under a thousand volts.

The voltage only seemed to pour on as the seconds passed, with Ishtar seemingly intent on breaking Honoka clean in two if the pinkette wasn't going to give in. Though Honoka's lack of submission was not something intentional; the busty pinkette couldn't focus long enough to even recall that she could submit.

Right now she was having trouble recalling anything, save for the fact the jaws of life were out to break her ribs all at once with a powerful compression.

It was only kindness in the end that saved the pinkette from a brutal injury - and not the kindness of the referee as one would suspect for that matter. For whilst the official was very much considering stepping in under the pretence of a referees stoppage possibly being needed, she wasn't given chance to take but more than one step before Ishtar released the hold on her own.

For reasons yet unknown!

Rolling near instantly onto her front to cover her bosom, Honoka coughed and cried even when she was now free of the hold. With her face tight against the canvas, Ishtar may have been willing to give the pinkette a bit of offense but it was not something the smaller gal was able to take her up on. Not with this agony riding through her body.

Agony that didn't look to fade even slightly any time soon, as Honoka pushed out one hand in front of her. With a clutch of the nearby bottom rope, she'd slowly but surely see about a rise, before turning to face the woman that could have evidently snapped her like a twig by now.

With minimal effort, one might add.

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Re: Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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Though Ishtar had hoped that Honoka would use the time and space that the Russian had given her to try mounting an attack, she couldn't say that she was surprised that the snake bitten lightweight simply wanted to recover from her beating. Nor could Ishtar blame Honoka for that decision. She had truly been dealt a beating so far by the Russian.

Ishtar would walk slowly towards Honoka at the ropes. Both to give her some more time to recover, and to give the audience the idea that something was happening. As if Ishtar had changed from a Russian woman, to a Russian grizzly, stalking injured prey before going in for the kill. Yeah, I could play into that a bit, thought Ishtar.

Even as Ishtar got to Honoka, she would begin gesturing to the crowd and strafing around the lightweight. Playing with food she knew couldn't escape. Ishtar wondered if Honoka would be able to fight back, or if she would just stay there and wait for it. But eventually, Ishtar did have to actually attack. She pulled back her fist, literally winding it up in circles before attempting to drive it into and through Honoka's belly. And the punch would come in hard. If Honoka just wanted it to be over, Ishtar would end it.

If Ishtar's punch connected, Honoka would no doubt double over. The Russian would use this as an opportunity to grab Honoka around the waist and lift her upside down. It looked like a piledriver was coming, but Ishtar instead began to squeeze. It was an upside down bearhug. "Better submit Honoka, before I drop you on your head. It'll be a lot harder to take you out for drinks after if you're KOed,"
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Re: Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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Honoka barely had her wits about her enough to stand straight - never mind launching an attack. How the referee didn't stop the encounter merely based on the state of the pinkette right now was a question in itself.

Her long locks were a mess; her cheeks were red raw; and her eyes near constantly had water upon them despite the efforts of her wiping knuckles.

She'd turn eventually to face the coming storm of Ishtar, but it would be far too late. The larger woman had been quite kind in giving Honoka the free time she had; time meant for launching an assault mind, not time meant for resting. Her patience however, seemed to all at once run out. She could hardly be blamed, given a wrestler of a more heelish variety wouldn't have even let Honoka reach the ropes.

Hell, they'd of likely not released the scissors in the first place.

"No-" Honoka's attempt at calling for mercy were met with a literal strike to the gut, one that by some miracle didn't make her spew her guts out. Instead rearing all the way other, unbeknownst to the fact Ishtar was planning on her doing just that, Honoka's fingers only tickled upon the canvas before the Russian was on her yet again.

This time, to hold her up before the masses prior to launching another incredible squeeze on her midriff!

Screams a plenty would pour freely from the pinkette, with her arms and legs flailing though with little consequence to the woman holding her. Her tout midriff couldn't even muster a defence against the strength pushing it in; with Honoka's waistline collapsing as if her small frame was a tube of toothpaste being squeezed in.

Demands to submit were ignored, needless to say, though not because Honoka still felt she was in this fight. She was simply too distracted by the agony of being crushed by Ishtar in this manner - not to mention the fact that all of the blood in her small frame was rushing to her head, nigh doubling the disorientation from the squeeze!

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Re: Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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Ishtar understood all that she needed to through Honoka's inaction. She was completely and utterly done. Anybody who still had some measure of fight within them would have done something during the immense amount of time Ishtar had spent grandstanding and messing around. But Ishtar's blow struck uninterrupted and true. It was time for this to be over.

Considering everything, Ishtar had been fully expecting Honoka to submit. To her, the fact that Honoka took her last punch was effectively an acceptance and admittance of defeat. And yet, Honoka just kept taking it. Her agony and helplessness were clearly apparent. Ishtar simply could not understand what was driving Honoka to keep trying to fight.

Ishtar finally decided that she would simply take the decision to fight on out of Honoka's hands. Despite Ishtar's implied threat of a piledriver, or any other slam that would doubtless send Honoka to dreamland, Ishtar simply released her. Dropping Honoka to the mat in a heap as the Russian spread her arms out wide in another gesture to the crowd.

Then, Ishtar would turn Honoka onto her back and press her foot down lightly on her chest. It was probably the least effective pinning technique possible, but Ishtar was technically holding Honoka down with her shoulders against the mat. And it wasn't as if Honoka was actually going to lift them up off of the mat. Ishtar simply struck a pose, clasping her hands up over her head as she flexed for the crowd, and waited for the count.

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Re: Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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Ishtar could have driven the tiny pinkette into the canvas at any moment - ending not only the match, but likely her chance at wrestling for a good few weeks. If not more so from the injury alone!

It seemed the heart of the Russian was the only thing saving Honoka at this point however, as with but one final squeeze she opted to simply let go of Honoka. Of course the pinkette was doomed to fall - likely on her head and shoulders all the same, but not at all in a manner comparable to being made victim to a piledriver. Honoka could barely even imagine the agony that would beset her had Ishtar driven all of her weight down on Honoka as she came down. Never mind her strength!

Though the pinkette was far from being in a painless predicament as she tumbled. With her hands to her squeezed waistline, Ishtar didn't seek to even let Honoka have a moment to herself before extending her foot. To rest it - on Honoka's delightful goods!

Squealing out as her heavy bust was pressed in, it was only with the second clap of the referees hand against the canvas that Honoka realised Ishtar wasn't merely just posing to the crowd. She was looking to end this!

Turning her head up even in her agonised state to lock eyes in the referees direction, Honoka used what strength she could muster to slap at the thigh of Ishtar just before the officials hand came again. Narrowly saving herself in this match-up, as she forced her shoulder up the moment Ishtar's leg was off her!

Albeit, one onlooking simply had to ask - why? Why continue in an encounter in which she was so evidently outmatched in; with the only saving graces given to her being those out of mercy? It was a question only Honoka could answer, as for the moment she tried her best to turn onto her front prior to making motions towards the ropes.

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Re: Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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Ishtar would have been open to admitting the fact that she was absolutely stunned when Honoka broke out of the pin if the look on her face didn't give that away already. The Russian wasn't surprised that she had the physical ability to do so, but that she chose to do it and keep fighting when that meant being subjected to more torment from Ishtar.

Ishtar could appreciate a never say die attitude, but she also understood when bravery and determination gave way to stupidity and foolishness, and Honoka had crossed that line in her eyes. One needed some concrete reason, even if tiny, to believe that they at least had a chance to win and thus a reason to keep fighting. But this was just Honoka running headlong into a meat grinder.

"Honoka, I've attempted to show you mercy through a relatively painless finish to the match," Ishtar said as she grabbed Honoka by her hair. "But for some reason, you keep deciding to fight on. Well now, I'm going to make sure that you can't continue after my next attack. This match needs to end before I injure you."

Ishtar's finisher would be simple: a rear naked choke. Honoka wouldn't be able to escape, and if she still refused to submit anyway, the pressure Ishtar had on her throat ensured that a knockout would come quick. Unless Honoka magically gained both the will and strength to fight back in the next few moments, it was truly over this time.
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Re: Ishtar Vasiliev vs Honoka Kobayashi

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Ishtar had being showing mercy through the entirety of their encounter, yet Honoka in all her pained splendour didn't see it. She merely felt as though the bigger Russian was having her way with her, transitioning from hold to hold with the utmost ease. If she was letting up, Honoka imagined it because she was getting bored and nothing else.

The pin itself, which was somewhat of a mocking sort, only cemented the idea further.

One eye closed and the other halfway as she stood straight, Honoka wasn't given time to verbally respond nor otherwise as Ishtar came to her. Standing wobblily upon those baby deer legs, Honoka's hot exhale left her cheeks in tandem with Ishtar stepping close, as the pinkette felt the heavy bust of the bigger gal to her back. Though in an extremely odd turn of events, she had an adequate move in response.

If one made purely out of desperation!

Knowing full well that Ishtar could support her weight and turn what felt to be a coming sleeperhold into a lifted variety, Honoka needed to be fast with her efforts at a counter as not for it to be pointless. Reaching up to grab at the arms of Ishtar, ideally before she could fully lock her choke hold in, Honoka all at once kicked out her feet.

To drop down onto her rear with Ishtar's head in toe - with the end goal being to snap the bigger gals jaw cleanly off the top of Honoka's skull!

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