Serpent's Shadow: Jessica Parker vs Blake Belladonna

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Re: Serpent's Shadow: Jessica Parker vs Blake Belladonna

Unread post by SwordSavior1 »

Simple gang tactics left her opposition defenceless and unable to fight as effectively. With only serpent tearing into Blake's hide, it took quite a few knees before the opposition cowered. She paused the onslaught temporarily to address Blake and cup her chin. "What's wrong kitty? Didn't they teach you to dodge? But thanks..." Without warning the crimson demoness raised a thigh to strike Blake in the gut with a snap kick.

If this rattled the other wrestler long enough and forced her to keel, Jessica would spin around as if pretending to be graceful, only to forcefully slap Blake with her unusual hairdo. Regardless of any hissing, she encircled around Blake's neck for a headlock and took one leap forward for a sudden bulldog!

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Re: Serpent's Shadow: Jessica Parker vs Blake Belladonna

Unread post by Ultima »

Blake had been given a more than rough start in this match. She would need to do something quickly if she wanted to win. Otherwise Jessica would be playing with her for even longer. Taking a moment on her knees, Blake let Jessica take her victory lap. Jessica cupping Blake’s chin made Blake want to explode with anger. But she knew better, it would be a waste of energy. Guess they didn’t teach the snake manners… Blake said immediately followed by a snap kick to Blake’s abdomen. Still keeping her stance. Blake refused to fall.

Jessica used this chance to slap Blake with her hair. Adding insult to injury, but Blake knew her time to strike was coming. Once Jessica would come to headlock Blake, she would quickly rise and push Jessica forward! Slipping through the headlock, keeping up with her surprise. Blake would meet Jessica as she bounced back from the ropes. Wanting to catch Jessica with a super kick straight to her chin!

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