Clara Gaster vs Alaina Sanders

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Alaina Sanders

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Clara might've been fighting with Alaina on equal footing, but she was still fighting a woman 2 weight classes above her. Being squashed by the Amazon against the canvas completely sucked. As Alaina got off of Clara, the Brit would wheeze air into her body to try and motivate herself to keep going, trying to peel herself off the canvas...

Only for Alaina to act first, pulling on Clara's arm as her massive legs wrapped around the lightweight, trying to press one for a Triangle Choke hold to knock the Brit out or force her to submit!

Swiftly, Clara would shoot her arm forward, trying to avoid having it be trapped behind Alaina's leg. With her limb free, she was able to rain punches down on the Amazon's chest to free herself before the hold was fully in!

"And I...can escape...out of any hold you try to put me in!" she would say with each strike!

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Alaina Sanders

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Alaina grunted with each strike, her failure to get the hold locked in frustrating her. "Oh shut up you cocky little pain in the ass!" Alaina said back. "You are good but you are arrogant." Alaina added as she let go shoving Clara away with her legs. Alaina was going to get back up to her feet and swing her leg up at Clara looking to plant it in her chest or even better her face with a big boot! She hoped to leave Clara laid out on the mat and then try more holds to show Clara that her claim wasn't accurate.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Alaina Sanders

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"Huff!" Clara would let out as Alaina shoved her away: "I am good enough to BE arrogant!"

As Clara rose, she attempted to rush Alaina, hoping to strike the Amazon down off her feet...but the Champion would be quick on her feet, rising quicker than Clara and driving her foot straight into the Brit's face with a Big Boot!

"GYAAAAAGH!!!" Clara cried out in pain, toppled on her back as she nursed her aching skull!

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Alaina Sanders

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Clara went down in a heap and now Alaina gasped for air. She wanted to try to restore something of the natural order of the ring to this match. She bent down, grabbing Clara as she was on the mat, scooping her right off and spinning around before slamming her down to the mat as hard as she could! The amazon waste no time in jumping up so she could splash down across Clara's chest before reaching down to hook a leg going for a pin! Alaina wanted to re-establish herself here and this was the fastest way she knew how!

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Alaina Sanders

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With Alaina regaining some ground in the match, she would swiftly grab Clara up into the air, before slamming her into the canvas of the ring with authority, intending to showcase her strength against Clara. From there, Alaina would jump up, body splashing the Brit as she went into the pin right away!

"GAAAAAAAGH!!! Clara wheezed out as the ref dropped to her knees for the count!

"ONE! NO!!!"

Despite the hurt and fatigue, Clara would throw her whole body upwards, defiantly breaking the pin right before the ref's hand connected with the canvas for the first count of the pin!

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Alaina Sanders

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Alaina was in total shock as Clara kicked out immediately before any count! She knelt next to her opponent and raised her fists up smashing Clara's abdomen with axe handle strikes before pulling her up by the hair. Alaina wanted to wrap her arms around Clara's head and lift her up for a vertical suplex refusing to believe what had just happened!

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Alaina Sanders

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Clara kicked out at one, but she was 100% sure it took every last drop of adrenaline and energy to pull off, and if Alaina hit her with a powerful attack one more time, she was done for...

This was a problem, especially as this kick out angered the Amazon, as she started repeatedly attacking Clara, driving her fists into the Shadow Lord's stomach, driving the air out of her body!

From there, Alaina would go on to lift the Brit off the ground, and upside down, planning to slam her for a Vertical Suplex...but Clara would have other plans, driving her knee down on Alaina's head to slip out and drop back to her feet to escape the move!

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Alaina Sanders

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Alaina lift Clara up and then as she was about to fall the knee strike smashed the top of her head! "Ugh!" Alaina groaned as she dropped Clara down to the ground knowing that no good could come of letting this woman get on a roll. She spun around and extended her arm trying to crash into the newly freed Clara with a discus clothesline intent on sending her to the mat on her back one way or another as Alaina was giving it her all knowing she couldn't do anything less to walk out with a victory.

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