A New Enemy Emerges! — Katja Archangelais [D] vs Cléophée Ysé

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A New Enemy Emerges! — Katja Archangelais [D] vs Cléophée Ysé

Unread post by Monsy »

“Finally! It’s my time!”

Her words to the agent were sharp, proud and loud. “Out with the old and in with the me.”

Said a wiley little devil, pencil-arm flexed and teeth brandished. A full pearly white set! Minus one golden tooth in the upper-left jaw. She’d ask about WHY she wasn’t booked sooner, and this fucker, about 5’4” and 120 pounds of pure WIMP, had the gaul to bullshit her with: “You never answered our calls.”

“WRONG! I never forget.” With a thumb thrust against her chest ( ouch ), she continued to exclaim the following malarkey. “You know what it is? You’re just too good at your job. You’re absolutely amazing. Blew it out the park. In-fact, I think I’ll be giving a call to your boss at the loser department to say you need a promotion.”

“T-Thank you? I think. No one has ever said anything nice to me.”

A sweat formed on this guy’s receding hairline. The classic M wasn’t doing him any wonders. When it came to sweat, did it leak on the new path of a razed hairline? Questions for when she shaves a bitch bald. That was already on her to-evil list. Along with… Many, many other promises that were always epic, HUGE and definitely heinous, topping the social media posts at one-hundred likes on her highest one YET! Look at me, she posted, LAW is about to be taken by FORCE! Posted… Three months ago, and yet… In the dozens of tweets that followed, there was a pattern developing…
Katja Archangelais is coming to LAW
“About your upcoming match?”

Katja was gearing up. At least, that’s what the agent assumed when Katja was putting her hands inside a duffle bag and fidgeting with something. When he came over to get her attention, he was blindsided by her magnificent maneuvers. Wrist lock, hammerlock, then a good shoulder to the lumbar to make him careen into the locker, splat, then twist around for a barrage of thinner metals clanging, denting, un-denting, then facing his assailant.

“Wait a minute, Miss Archangelais! I haven’t said who your opponent is!”

A slice of tape slapped across his mouth. He blushed, muffling something, “What are you doing??”

Katja turned around, then went back into her duffle bag for a package wrapped in parchment and a second-hand brown cuckoo clock tied to the front. She took a bottle of super-glue then lathered that puppy up to place against his chest. The agent’s red face became a gulp. The package slid down, no doubt caused by the cuckoo clock. She rolled her bottom lip in, thought, then snapped her fingers, going back to the bag to unveil duct tape! A classic. She tried to envelop him, but the tightness of the space proved that awkward. It was hard to get around his back-side, but he helped! Thankfully enough.

“Here, here… Allow me. I got it.” He mumbled, leaning and twisting his shoulders, helping to secure the bomb AND his arms to his body. She turns the clock’s arms to make it ten minutes till the next cuckoo.

Tick… Tick… Tick… Tick…

“Thanks, loser.” She said, then shut the locker door, putting a new padlock on it that’s straight from the package. She discarded it in the bin next to the door, then exited into the hall. A maintenance shed door was about a five second walk away. Grey walls. Blue doors. White Labels. Easy, Peasy, Bearhug, Squeeze-Me. There was an assortment of usual stuff that meant nothing… except for the yellow folding sign. Wet floor! She placed that by the locker-room door, then walked in the total opposite direction of the ring.

“Heeeeelp! Someone get this bomb off me!” Goes the agent.

Another wrestler walks by with a bag. Younger girl. 20s, black and purple hair, short, purple eyes and in a long white dress with a crown of Angel wings around her head. She stops, hears the screaming, goes to the door and freezes. A text.

Love of my Life: Where are you? Get over here, I’m in the car.
Love of my Life: Now.
Winter: Coming! <3

Winter wanders off.


At the LAW Gymnasium, Katja fancied herself free of all responsibilities from five minutes ago. The place was mostly empty, apart from equipment and a single treadmill in the corner. It was the loudest thrum in the room, with jogging feet shooting the road back. Clomp clomp. She was tinier than her! Blonde, with mid-back locks bouncing and flowing as she jogged.

“Hey, pipsqueak.” Katja said, then came up to her. “This is my treadmill.”

There wasn’t any response. Katja spotted white wireless plugs of some kind in her ears. Definitely headphones. She looked like a swiftie. And that in of itself deserved Katja’s wrath, reaching out and plucking the ear-piece.


“Ah!” The blonde jolted, covered her ear and hopped up so her feet were stationary on the frame. She reached out for the ear-piece, but Katja pulled it away, straight-faced, then placed it on a bench. The blonde frowned.

“What the hell is your problem?”
“Bum the fuck off, alright? I need this to warm up.”

Katja gestured towards her back, dismissing her as the blonde ceded the treadmill. She got on, then worked up speed from a jog, into a sprint. Then she kept sprinting. And kept sprinting. Would they believe her if she overdid it? ‘Cause It wasn’t her fault she missed another debut opportunity, but that means more advertisements! She loved film sets, and even wished to become an actor to play a villain that squared up against the Avengers. To become the person that ruled wrestling AND film industries as the baddest, most eeeeeevil looking mastermind around.

But there was plenty of time.
Time now floating by as Katja warmed up.
Afterwards, she’ll go grab a bite to eat, head home for a nap, then wake-up and be able to come back in time for that match!

“Hello.” The blonde came back, standing at the side. “Hell-o.”


“H-Haff… Haff… Can’t you see… H-Haff… I’m busy breaking… H-Haff.. a record? The longest sprint!”

More running. The blonde didn’t leave, so Katja stared towards the ceiling and started to breathe deeply, closing her eyes and breathing deeply to maintain pace. It came a calm place, a straining place, a fucking sauna in her villainous leotard and thigh-high boots. When all the numbers flicker off, the belt’s speed simmering down, Katja grabs the sides, pants and slumps her shoulders.

“When I get my hands on the paws of whichever slimey cat did this!--”

The blonde. That’s who. She’s leaning against the wall, holding a plug-in cord behind her back.


Katja accused with the thrust of an index. She marched up to her, unphased by her prior sprint, then extended a hand.

“Give it back before I knock that wig off.”
“How do you know it’s a wig?”
“Experience, cunt. Now are you going to give it back or are we going to make things…”

A pause, then POUNCE! Katja tried to headlock her, but she slipped underneath her arm, wrapped Katja’s throat in the cord then shoved her against a wall.

“Difficult?” The blonde said calmly. Katja grinned, cheek mushed against the wall. “Nice moves. Where you get them? The farmer’s market for basic loser bitches?”

Katja moved her hips to the side, reached back, hooked a leg and attempted to suplex her into the carpeted concrete. The blonde torqued the cord choke, pulling them together and then tumbling onto their backs, with the blonde on-bottom and Katja left grabbing the cord. The blonde leg-scissored Katja’s right leg. “In some areas. I can't box to save my life. You should help me, since we’re all alone. I can replace the heavy-bag with a certain archangel.”

Katja’s body shivered. A hand touched her stomach, spread, then sucked in. Katja rolled both lips in, started to sweat at her hairline and felt her mouth go dry. Suddenly, she laughed. “Yeah, right! BITCH!” Then rolled out sideways and yanked the cord free. She kipped up, then threw the cord down. “Who needs treadmills?!” She points while taking a step back, queasy. “You need a mental hospital, freak! I may be evil but I’m not wicked! Stay the fuck away from me! Or in fact… Watch me! See what’s in-store for you.”

She bolted.

Beyond the blonde, a half-black, half-white haired goth emerged with eyes as deep as the kola borehole.

“I’ll be your date.” Said Nyarlathotep.




Nothing happened. The agent worked up a mess on his face of sweat, snot and silent mortal fear. He started to wiggle his arms. The tape wasn’t on every well or even tightly. He pulled it off under a minute, then checked the bomb. It smelled funny.


And he was correct! Partially! After tearing a corner of the paper, looking away, closing all extremities, he looked back at the block of cheese. “Cheddar?” He glares, wipes his face, then punches the clock. It hurts his hand, shaking it out, sighing, then giggling. Just outside, Maze Messina and Daishouri were outside the door. Daishouri tried to undo the lock, twisting knobs, then huffing.

“I’m not a safecracker. You?”

Maze crossed her arms to an X, hands pointed up, then shook her head.

“I’ll go get someone.”

After a moment of tapping her bottom lip with an index, she raised an index finger to Dai, then started to shadow jab the door with a fist.

Dai squinted, then scratched her cheek. “That’s metal.”

Maze shrugged.

Through the doorway, Maisilyn emerged in suit and tie, having finished another meeting to arrange more resources and scheduling for the upcoming gambit. She stopped, watched, then lifted a hand to her mouth, only to realise she didn’t have a cigarette. She sighs, looks over to the bin, then sees the only thing resting at the bottom: the padlock packaging.

She instinctively reached, cringed, padding her pockets for her handling gloves, only to remember they were already used today. “Maze, dear.”

Maze’s head towards her direction.

“I have something to tell you.”

Figuring Maze was about to get the talk she was waiting for, Maze got up and stopped right in front of her. For a few moments, they stared at each other. Maisilyn broke first, blushing, then having a sneeze she turned her head for. She covered her nose and kept her mouth shut.

“Maze, darling... Do you have hand sanitizer?”

Maze pulled a plastic bag with wipes inside. Clean, straight from a box behind Hotel Madison’s staff room no doubt. She opened the bag, then remembered something crucial. She looked at Maisilyn again, nodding three times, then putting the wipe bag into her suit breast pocket. Pat pat. Maisilyn squinted back, as if silently saying, 'I'll be collecting, later.'

“Guys?” Dai said aloud, then reached into the bin and pulled the packaging.

“I think we can get it open now.”

When they opened it, the agent was sitting, knees tucked, content and nibbling on the cheese block.

It tasted alright.



By the goddess of Tyche, Katja appeared as a guerilla mere moments before starting. Half didn’t seem too pleased, with rolling eyes, a sigh then an exchange of yen notes. The executive producer padded her shoulder, then slipped her an earpiece with a microphone. “Welcome! You’re just in time. The stage is all yours. I’m sure you’ll do wonderful.”

Katja grinned, feeling a blush of pink, “Leave it to me!”

“Wait!” Said an approaching Daishouri. Katja stopped, turned around, then faced a woman bowing to her and handing her the mask. Katja patted her head, then ruffled her hair. “My henchwoman. Thank you.”

And off she went. “You’re welcome?” Said Dai.
Theme Music
The Archangel
And out did she go! Through a flash of three clear smokebomb-esque explosions! Fire spires shoot up and sparklers arch over a section of the stage, making up a grand wannabe-me entrance! Katja stormed out, spinning and whirling herself up in her own cape, then thrust her arm out towards her shoulder. The cape obeyed.


Fireworks! Her mask flashed on Titantron just like it did her face. She surveyed the audience who clapped to the display through a red visor. Her tone now carried far from the microphone.. “League of Ameteur WIMPS!” Some furrowed their brows. Others didn’t expect there to be sermon. Her music cut and she strode down the rampart. “I bet you’re glad I’m finally here. Now you’ll honour me with SILENCE!”

The crowd listened.

“I’ve read, seen and participated in all the evil shit you get onto around here, and I, the Archangel, have only one word for it: BOR-ING. The world’s finest my pale butt, this place is five moves and a bearhug. Who loses to a bearhug?! Suckers. What you need… Is a bit of me. And what I will do is…”

She reached ringside, stopped and took a breath…

“... Make things TEN TIMES WORSE! HA-HA!”

She tore the mask off, then grinned wildly as she marched up the steps and stepped onto the corner pad to stand on it, then flex. “You think you’ve seen the best, brightest and most dastardly? WRONG! Everyone before me was a copy. I even invented the nut-shot and that he-ro in the back who wants one… Come GET one!”
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: A New Enemy Emerges! — Katja Archangelais [D] vs Cléophée Ysé

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Unlike her opponent who was going to have her debut match tonight, Cléophée's career continued to impress and attract the curiosity of the spectators. The young lightweight was indeed an Ysé, despite a rather difficult start to her career by stringing together 5 draws, the little Ysé stringing together victories since her 6th match. Everything seemed to shine in the Frenchwoman who had an almost perfect career, enough for some wrestlers to want to make her taste her first defeat.

But Cléophée no longer felt the pressure, to be honest, she had never had as much confidence in herself as tonight. She was one of the most formidable lightweights and the most appreciated by the crowd. While she was in the locker room, sitting on her bench, the Frenchwoman closed her eyes and crossed her arms while listening to the entrance of her opponent who seemed rather talkative. A smile appeared on her face, a smile that was plotting something mischievous but above all a lot of fun.

Oh yes, she was going to show tonight that she was much better than a newbie who only knew how to talk.
She stood up when she was called and walked towards the ramp with a big smile. While Katja had just finished her speech, the French theme started and no one showed up on the ramp. As usual, Cleophée waited for the vocals of her theme to start to finally show up on stage, walking to the rhythm of the music with a big smile on her lips.

The audience, who were rather silent with Katja, were noisy when they saw Cleophée appear. The French girl had a gift for pleasing people, she even seemed to encourage the spectators to dance and sing with her. But unlike usual, Cleophée didn't walk to the ring but to the commentators' table, grabbing a microphone while winking at one of the commentators before resuming her walk to the ring.

Her theme gradually stopped as she greeted the audience in the ring and after a small exchange of glances, she raised the microphone to her lips. Cleophée was a babyface but her idols and inspirations, her mother and her big sister, were heels. She couldn't help but provoke her opponents and inform on them and although Katja was new, she had things to say.

"My poor and sweet Katja... Why are you barking so loud ?~"

The Frenchwoman laughed lightly and gestured with her finger to ask Katja to come down and join her in the center of the ring so she could walk around her, continuing to look her up and down to analyze her opponent's body and muscles.

"You're still nobody in this league, or anywhere else for that matter.~ Why do you try to humiliate people who are much better than you? Why do you try to be so mean?... I know why!~"

"You're just trying to convince yourself! That's why you don't impress anyone and why you look like a little chihuahua that barks and shows its fangs!~ My poor Katja, you're so ridiculous!~"

Little Ysé had a big smile on her face and kept a straight posture, showing how much taller and more impressive she was to look down on Katja.

"But you make me sad... Yes, it makes me sad to have to humiliate a woman like you and break all your credibility and dreams tonight!~"
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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Re: A New Enemy Emerges! — Katja Archangelais [D] vs Cléophée Ysé

Unread post by Monsy »

Of course they’d get a loud reaction, because they didn’t know the respect to command total quiet on a -single- WORD! Nor any words. All Cleo had was swinging hips, smiling faces all around and a good look with the legs of a model. You know, second place to her own gloriously evil body, her hips and her smiling face. But Katja, with her crossed arms and shit-eating grin, watching, could acknowledge a silver medal loser.

In a foot-tapping, head-nodding, silently stewing kind of way. And then, Cleo got on the mic and called her forward. Naturally, she wouldn’t let a hero make her look silly, so she obliged and came forward. She looked up, first smug, then steadily less and less amused as she was bullied for her height and theatrics. Ridiculous. The muscles on her neck flexed, holding in the itch to just shout: RIDICULOUS?!

"HMPH!" Her head turned to the side. “I’ll have you know, that my act is officially the coolest one in town. Everybody knows that. I'm also bigger than the average shorty in spandex!” She said, thumb to her chest and a small glare in her eye. “And I just got here.” Now she pointed at Cleo’s face. “So who you callin’ Chihuahua when you haven’t even seen me in action?! HUH?!” She became smug, then crossed her arms. “Thought so, miss heartsy pants. You're a real jerk.” And concluded her point after consulting anyone.

Then snickered.

“But I'm the villain here, so remember that.”

And finally, she pulled back her fist, said, “It's me!” Before throwing it directly towards Cleo’s latex-clad belly!
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: A New Enemy Emerges! — Katja Archangelais [D] vs Cléophée Ysé

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Cleophée had met many female wrestlers by now and although she was a little surprised to come across women who played the villains... She didn't know why people liked this kind of person, it was also the kind of roles that were attributed to her mother and her big sister but unlike them, Cleophée was considered a heroine. She seemed so angelic, so pure, so kind and so caring for an Ysé that one could almost forgive her the many times she tried to torture her opponents.

She let her opponent speak, everyone deserved to speak and give their answer! She listened carefully to Katja who seemed a little irritated by the Frenchwoman's words, but above all, she ended her answer with a well-placed punch on the stomach of little Ysé who sighed in pain and leaned forward slightly!

"Oof !.."

Cléophée had both hands on her stomach, she sighed in pain and the public began to show their discontent with this unfair act and against the rules, the match had not yet started and the referee began to approach the two wrestlers to end their discussion until Cléophée stopped her by raising her hand.

"Mhh.. Not bad little chihuahua.."

The White Giantess still seemed a little in pain, at least, she let it show on the outside by keeping her body leaning forward and one of her hands stuck to her stomach. But deep down, Cléophée was already no longer in pain, to be honest she had even already put things into perspective! She had taken much more powerful blows than that and a heroine should never let herself be defeated by villains!


Cleophée didn't finish her sentence, she pivoted to the side while raising one of her legs to execute a simple but fast vengeful Side Kick against Katja's stomach so that this match could start fairly.

"... I cannot lose against a ridiculous evil chihuahua !~"
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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Re: A New Enemy Emerges! — Katja Archangelais [D] vs Cléophée Ysé

Unread post by Monsy »

Katja approached things with a vague beat sheet that told her how things are likely to play out. First, she dishes a blow. The next: a pause. Because like a ceremony for sizing each other up, it was now the heroine's turn! So she braced, about to declare one free-- "UUMPFF!" Katja felt the air suddenly leave her in a short, piped squeak. Her feet slid from the force on unprepared square footing. Suddenly she coughed, dropped to her knees, one hand on the floor and the other on her belly. Her hair hanged, her face looking at the mat. Eyes gaped, panting just a little until she regained her wind.

That wasn't a punch, what the crap?!

"Youuuuuuu..." She shook her head, then rose on her knees. "Everyone knows height is genetic! Just like those flabby cellar spider legs! Call me something else! I demand to be insulted better than a broken record! Chee-Chee-Waa..waa... Fuck youuu." Now she was feeling it. That tension in her neck and squeeze in her shin and boil in her blood. She thrust one index finger towards them while protecting her gut with the other, declaring with a full chest. "You're a hag with tricks that's also a bag of dicks! And a--" Then she coughed again. Crap did that kick huuuuuuuuuuurt. Hnnnnghhh-- This is already off script a little. Not too much for Archangelais who was about to go for her penultimate maneuver, BUT... "To your corners! That's enough out of you two. You can have at it in a minute." Said the referee.

Katja huffed, mumbling, "Killjoy." feeling the spite in her veins bubble over. Just who did she think she was? A rule abider? A referee's pet? Dan the Man's favourite superstar?! 'No way' was the look on her defiant glare. "Am kicking her ass, NOW!" Then she charged past the referee, going straight for Cleo where she tried to spear the Heroine straight into the mat!
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: A New Enemy Emerges! — Katja Archangelais [D] vs Cléophée Ysé

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

It wasn't the first time someone tried to attack the young Ysé before the match started and the French girl, although she was a face, it was always forbidden in return. Cléophée looked at her opponent and looked down on her, she was used to being rather friendly and provocative towards her opponents but this time it would be different, she was going to teach a good lesson to this villain who thought she could do anything!

She kept her hands on her hips, watching her opponent in front of her continue to growl words and spit her hatred towards the French girl. Cléophée simply rolled her eyes and let the referee intervene who very clearly asked the two wrestlers to return to their corners. Cléophée complied, immediately turning her back on her opponent and walking towards her corner... Until she heard the chihuahua bark again.


Cleophée quickly turned around to do Katja a new trick, noticing the little lightweight running after her with her arms slightly raised... The fight was going to take place on the ground, that was for sure, but Cleophée didn't back down. On the contrary, she let herself be pinned to the ground by her opponent, taking the Spear but for a good reason. As her body began to fall to the canvas, the Frenchwoman let her feet land on her opponent's stomach to stretch them out when her back hit the mat, countering Katja's Spear with a Monkey Flip!
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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Re: A New Enemy Emerges! — Katja Archangelais [D] vs Cléophée Ysé

Unread post by Monsy »

Shoulder buried into gut! Victory! Thought Katja in the split second when the resistance in spearing crumbled and they were canvas-bound.

Suddenly— “Wai-wai-wait!” Katja felt two feet on her body, her wrists captured and her hips sharply accelerating towards the heavens. There was nowhere her feet to go, her hands to retreat to or her body to twist out of. She flew. “OOMPH!” Then hit the corner turnbuckle pads with a thud that was like a smack on the back from someone with a huge hand. Immediately after, her body crumbled upside-down onto her neck, “Ow!”

It hurt. Six out of ten. Her nape and the back of her cranium all throbbed with a dull pain that stifled her thought processes. The angle right down made it so her lower-half had nowhere natural to unfurl, so Katja’s legs folded up towards her head, her back curved over so her hips hovered over her head. She held her head, forced to get cozy in her position to shake the cobwebs.
Last edited by Monsy on Wed Feb 26, 2025 6:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Bearhug Goddess
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Re: A New Enemy Emerges! — Katja Archangelais [D] vs Cléophée Ysé

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Cleophée was now used to fighting women smaller than her but aggressive, it was even the kind of wrestler who gave her the most trouble at the beginning, but she trained since then and like all Ysé, she should never make the same mistakes twice... Even if making a mistake could be shameful for them.

She straightened up and turned behind her to see the noisy chihuahua in a rather... Unprecedented position. The kind of pose that Cleophée could only dream of in her dreams, one that only happened once every thousand matches! Without realizing it, the Frenchwoman licked her lips in excitement at the idea of ​​knowing how she was going to take a picture to immortalize this scene!

The Frenchwoman approached her opponent to climb the ropes next to Katja, finding herself standing on the corner of the ring while posing for the spectators. The flashes were numerous but they were even more so when she jumped to land on her two feet... But on Katja's buttocks! Cleophée even allowed herself to pose at this moment, clenching her fists by bringing them closer to her chest and winking in front of her, taking the best pose for the camera in front.
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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