Isabella Perez (D) vs Clara Gaster - Smother Catfight!

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Re: Isabella Perez (D) vs Clara Gaster - Smother Catfight!

Unread post by Vc0m »

With Isabella audibly stunned from Clara's Super Kick, the Brit would try to take her shot at ending the match. Grabbing Isabella's body, the Brit would carry her rival towards a corner. Sitting her on top, Clara would then lower her body against the turnbuckles in a Tree of Woe position, crossing her legs around the top turnbuckle to make sure the Puerto Rican beauty didn't easily escape.

Trapping her rival against the corner, Clara would then press her rear against her rival's face in a variation of a Stinkface, smothering her rival, smirking a sly smile all the while!

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