Black Swan vs Clara Gaster - Hentai Smother Match!

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Black Swan vs Clara Gaster - Hentai Smother Match!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Hentai Smother Match
Winning Condition: Smothering your opponent to knock out
Special Conditions: Winning Condition only counts once the opponent has climaxed

After her lack of success so far in hentai bouts, Clara put in a request to the booking commitee (on top of the existing request for a difficult match against a heavyweight) for a difficult, albeit still passionate hentai match for the Brit...

...and once again, LAW has delivered in spades.

The Brit has occasionally checked out a hentai or softcore match before bed, and quite often, LAW's streaming service recommended her a smother-y match involving Black Swan. She was one of the best known names in both softcore and hentai divison, and for a good reason, between hot body, good looks, and positive personality. It was easy to like Swan...and tonight, Clara was likely to fall head over heels for her...followed by the luchadora smothering her to knockout if she wasn't careful.
Clara came out in her mask and fresh attire, doing her signature laugh, while on the scene, striking a sexy pose, pushing her butt and chest forward, before making her way down the ramp, clapping high fives with the folks in front row, before rolling herself inside the ring. Doing a short: "Mwahaha!", Clara would take off her mask and lower her hoodie, to reveal her face underneath!
The Brit would form a V with her finger's, placing them at her eye, before winking and sending an air kiss to the crowd, as her theme calmed down. She took her corner as she awaited for Swan's arrival...

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Re: Black Swan vs Clara Gaster - Hentai Smother Match!

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Another night, and another sensual challenge for the luchadora Black Swan to take part in! However, this was something of a special occasion, and it was largely due to the woman she'd be facing off with tonight, a well loved staple of LAW who had been very much delving into the lewder wrestling scene recently, the British superstar Clara Gaster! Swan and Clara had been familiar to one another for a while now, but this was the first time they'd be sharing the ring together, and the stipulation meant that the two would be getting as intimate as could be together, something that had put a big smile on Swan's face as she prepared herself for their bout! And once Clara had finished her entrance and entered the ring, the luchadora would waste little time, stepping out onto the ramp right behind her, striking a pose for the fans as she made her entrance following the Brit!
Swan's appearance drew many cheers from the crowd, and the luchadora made sure to show off as she headed towards the ring, swaying her hips and blowing kisses to various fans, before she finally reached the ring! With a quick and athletic movement, she'd leap onto the apron, before deftly grabbing hold of the ropes and flipping over them into the ring, her entrance completed! And once it had been, her attention would quickly turn to her opponent for the evening, eyes lighting up when she turned to face Clara!

"Claraaaaaa!" Swan cried, and in a flash the masked wrestler had covered the distance between them, suddenly wrapping her arms around Clara and pulling her into a tight embrace! Swan pushed Clara's face down into her cleavage as she hugged her, gently swaying Clara left and right within her embrace as she squeezed her, while Swan happily whispered into the Brit's ear!

"Oh, you have no idea how excited for this I am! Been wondering when I'd finally get my hands on you in a match like this... let's just say I have a lot planned for you Claraaaaaaa..." She sang to the woman in her grasp, before finally releasing the dark haired beauty, letting Clara free from her grasp as she took a step back! Swan would quickly lean down and plant a quick kiss on Clara's cheek, accompanied by a wink, before separating back to her own corner, as she got ready for the match to begin proper!

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Re: Black Swan vs Clara Gaster - Hentai Smother Match!

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Immediately, Swan’s exciting and sexy aura enveloped the arena as her music hit, and she stepped up onto the entrance ramp with a big smile, hips that didn’t lie, and big kisses for the crowd, swiftly running down the ramp. In 2 seemingly easy for her, but athletically impressive jumps, Black Swan was in the ring…

Clara has kept her eyes on Swan all throughout her entrance. Her blush was becoming a trend in all her softcore and hentai matches, and it was present now as well. The luchadora looked so hot and impressive in her ring gear, that it was hard to keep her eyes off her opponent. This was likely why Swan was as big a star in LAW as she was, be it regular matches or softcore or hentai ones. The woman’s presence made it very difficult to not want to see her!

Right after entering, Swan would forgo all pretense of a match, and glomp Clara, hugging her and forcing her face into her cleavage!

”Mmmmmf!!!”, Clara let out, as Swan already started her teasing of the British cutie! Soon, she let her go, but not before planting one final kiss on Clara’s cheek before the match!

”Aaah…” Clara moaned, left speechless by the Luchadora, as the ref asked whether she was ready to start the match, to which Clara nodded positively, standing in fighting stance as she got ready for the match:

”You are as irresistible as they say you are, Swan…but tonight…I’ll make you sleep softly under me!”, the Brit would proclaim!
Last edited by Vc0m on Thu Jul 25, 2024 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Black Swan vs Clara Gaster - Hentai Smother Match!

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Once Swan entered the ring, there was very little time wasted from that moment, as the luchadora almost immediately closed the distance between herself and her opponent, wrapping Clara in her arms and pulling her into a warm, and very cleavage-filled, hug! Clara let out a muffled groan into Swan's chest, causing the masked wrestler to let a wide smile cross her face, gently swinging Clara side-to-side before she would finally release her, taking a step back to allow her to lean down and plant a kiss on her foe's cheek! Swan had always been the teasing type, and with an exceptionally cute woman like Clara in front of her, there was no stopping the luchadora from flirting with the lightweight wrestler like her life depended on it!

Of course, Clara didn't seem to mind, a good thing given the match type that the two were going into, and she would quickly proclaim that she had plans of winning this match, causing the luchadora to give a small chuckle! Clara was just as adorable as Swan anticipated, and as the bell rang to signal the start of the match between them, Swan would approach once more, a slow walk towards her readied opponent, looking quite unbothered!

"Oh yeah? You better not make promises that you can't keep..." Swan teased, before suddenly reaching out to snatch Clara's hand, dragging her in close! She took Clara's hand in her own, holding it gently, while her other arm circled around her foe's waist, and for a moment, it looked like she was going to start ballroom dancing with her! However, after bringing her face teasingly close to Clara's, Swan would suddenly swing a leg out, sweeping Clara's out from under her to start the match off by immediately taking the lightweight down onto the canvas!

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Re: Black Swan vs Clara Gaster - Hentai Smother Match!

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For Swan, it was almost as if the match had already begun, freely hugging, smothering and kissing Clara before the bell! Although already red in her face from embarassment, Clara still had some tough words around for Swan, to which Luchadora simply responded with a chuckle, as the ref called for the match to begin!


Clara carefully approached the Luchadora would swiftly snatch the Brit's arm from mid-air! With a yelp, Clara was face to face...and body to body with her foe, as she taunted her, and danced with her along the ring:


Right as Clara tried to talk back to Swan, the floor disappeared from underneath her, as Swan tripped Clara to the floor!

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Re: Black Swan vs Clara Gaster - Hentai Smother Match!

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With the ringing of the bell bringing both women together in the center of the ring, Black Swan would be the one to act first as she reached out and grabbed hold of Clara's arm to yank her in nice and close, pulling the smaller woman flush against her and wrapping an arm around her waist! Clara's cute little squeak as Swan pulled her in close would bring a smile to the luchadora's face, but it also wouldn't stop Swan from suddenly sweeping her opponent's legs out from underneath her, sending the pair tumbling to the ground! Swan would quickly land atop Clara and take a position atop her opponent just seconds into the match, and flashing a devious smile at the woman underneath her, she'd quickly secure a tighter mount!

"Ya know, I was gonna take you dancing, the whole nine! But you're just too cute, I can't help but wanna skip to the fun stuff!" Swan teased, before shifting herself to grab hold of Clara's wrists, and hovering her chest just over the Brit's face!

"Stay right there sweetie, and let me give you a little taste of what you're in for tonight!" Swan said with a teasing smirk, before lowering herself down and planting her breasts right on Clara's face! She quickly wedged her smaller opponent's features between her hefty chest, letting her weight keep Clara down, starting things off with an immediate smother to show Clara what she had coming to her later on!

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Re: Black Swan vs Clara Gaster - Hentai Smother Match!

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Needless to say, even before the bell rang, Clara was already at a disadvantage when it came to this match. She was already completely smitten by the sexy Luchadora, and now Swan was quite literally sweeping Clara off her feet!

Already, she would mount the British cutie, as she pulled her hands at either side of her, wanting to skip to the fun stuff instead as she hovered…and eventually planted her big chest on top of Clara’s face!

”MFFFFFFFFF!”, Clara would scream into Swan’s chest in a panic! Trying to get her legs under Swan, Clara tried to get the luchadora off of her by trying to throw her off with a monkey flip! But even then, the Brit would be left a blushing, gasping mess after Swan’s confident start!

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Re: Black Swan vs Clara Gaster - Hentai Smother Match!

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With Swan taking Clara down with relative ease, having the advantage as the British wrestler was quite taken aback by how quickly the luchadora had brought them together, which gave Swan more than enough time to pin Clara down and position herself over her! Clara had quite the cute face, and so Swan took great glee in lowering herself down and planting her breasts on the face of the British wrestler, forcing her opponent to motorboat her as she happily wiggled her shoulders back and forth, smiling down at Clara, though she wasn't likely to be seeing it! However, after a few seconds of Clara being forced to endure a faceful of titty from the luchadora, she finally found the energy to buck Swan off of her, the luchadora sent tumbling, but catching herself on the dismount and quickly rolling back up to her feet, rising and looking over her shoulder at Clara!

"Aw, what's wrong? Not enjoying yourself? Or maybe you're just more of an ass girl?" Swan teased, before bending over, sticking her plump ass out in Clara's direction, and giving her hips a teasing little wiggle! "Come on then, why don't you give it a kiss! It's waiting for youuuuuuu!" Swan sang to Clara, hooking a thumb into the waistband of her thong and tugging it upwards slightly, all as she continued to flaunt her rear end to her opponent, looking to see how Clara would respond to such teasing!

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