Alizeh took a breath in preparation for the match ahead of her tonight. In a way it was almost a blast from the past since she was up against her very first opponent in LAW. But it wasn't a happy occasion. Quite the opposite in fact. Alizeh had a long and complicated history with Hayami stemming from the fact that the woman had thrown almost all her matches in LAW, all as a way to stack the deck in her favor when a fight that mattered came her way.
For Alizeh it was the epitome of disrespect and shameful display that a fellow LAW wrestler could take and Alizeh didn't let it slide when she found out.. Only it backfired on her. Leading to the two being at uneasy stand off. Forced to remain quiet about it until Hayami let her true colors show... By attacking Alizeh after a match which brought them to now as Alizeh marched to the entrance way, her music started up with a crackle of lightning.