Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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Standard Match with Hentai allowed: Winner to be determined by pinfall, submission, knockout, or making an opponent orgasm three times.

Alizeh took a breath in preparation for the match ahead of her tonight. In a way it was almost a blast from the past since she was up against her very first opponent in LAW. But it wasn't a happy occasion. Quite the opposite in fact. Alizeh had a long and complicated history with Hayami stemming from the fact that the woman had thrown almost all her matches in LAW, all as a way to stack the deck in her favor when a fight that mattered came her way.

For Alizeh it was the epitome of disrespect and shameful display that a fellow LAW wrestler could take and Alizeh didn't let it slide when she found out.. Only it backfired on her. Leading to the two being at uneasy stand off. Forced to remain quiet about it until Hayami let her true colors show... By attacking Alizeh after a match which brought them to now as Alizeh marched to the entrance way, her music started up with a crackle of lightning.
Coming out from the entrance with as serious an expression as could be expected given the situation Alizeh would make her way down the ramp. Wearing her green attire and looking ready for a fight as she hopped onto the ring apron. Looking out among the crowd before offering a sneer towards the entrance ramp that would be directed at her soon to be opponent Alizeh would then turn and vault over the rope, heading to her corner to wait for her opponent.

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Re: Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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Hayami had just chanced into her wrestling attire which consist of lavender colored boots , booty shorts and an tanktop with fishnet fabric covering up her breasts.As she was gonna show everyone what she could really do , and put Alizeh in her place as the young woman knew that her opponent knew her secret for so long. That she had bin faking her skill , and now after so long she was done hiding . As the shy girl act was an thing of the past as she could not wait to show that greenette who was the better woman.

So with one more look in the mirror it was time for the Japanese teen to walk to the backstage area.While on her way their Hayami would bend her head and refuse to look anyone in her eyes as she paced around.Just a few seconds until it was time one of the crew members would walk towards her and say''it almost time Hayami so you better get ready''. The blue haired woman would just reply back 'obviously as i already heard Alizeh's terrible music just now''as she walked towards the curtains just as the piano version of ''every time we touch by Cascade ''started to come out of the speakers.

With her music playing it was time for Hayami to start fooling everyone as she walked down the ramp as she waved her one hand slightly until she reached the steps.As the Japanese teen climbed the stairs the announcer would say ''now entering from Harajuka, Japan.Weighing in at 140ibs ,its Hayami Shizumi'' as the fans took in the new Hayami as she looked at Alizeh as she whispered ''you can always back down as it will keep you from becoming the victim of the new me''

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Re: Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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Upon hearing the familiar theme of her opponent Alizeh would narrow her eyes slightly while clenching her fists in preparedness. Ready to handle business tonight against this faker. Soon enough Hayami would come out, wearing new and professional style wrestling attire. One that made Alizeh tsk slightly. It was a disgrace as far as she was concerned for the girl to pretend like she was the real deal now after taking so many dives in the past. Soon enough she would enter the ring and whisper to Alizeh making her glare a bit more before taking a few steps forward until she was nose to nose with Hayami. "Not happening bitch." Alizeh said, refusing to back down to Hayami as she glared into the woman's eyes.

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Re: Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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For the first time in forever the two were in the same ring once more , and it seems that neither wrestler was harboring any good feelings for the other wrestler. As the clear disgust they had for the other was clear to see if you looked into there eyes. For both female wrestlers were nose to nose as the Japanese wrestler heard what the greenette had to say as she retorted ''would have saved you an lot of embarrassment. Since you don't have to worry as I don't plan on making you suffer. No I am gonna win this match by making you beg for mercy as I keep edging you time and time again until you plea with me to give you the sweet release your craving''

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Re: Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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The hate and vitriol between Alizeh and Hayami was coming out right away between the two, standing nose to nose and insulting one another before the match even began. Technically the two should have been separated, but knowing the history of the two and how they were treating each other there ref knew not to bother even trying. So instead he'd call for the bell, prompting the match to be started right away! "The only one that will be begging for mercy will be you." Was all Alizeh said in response to Hayami's words before leaning back and swinging her arm around to slap Hayami in the face!

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Re: Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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The bell had barely rang when she got slapped right across the face as Alizeh responded to what the Japanese wrestler had just said.As all Hayami could do was touch her cheek as she began to growl as she raised her right hand as it was time to return the favor. Swinging her arm back , and then bringing it towards her opponent's face with all the might she had as she shouted ''how dare you touch my face bitch. You don't get to touch an amazing work of art like me in that way''as the battle was on as these two wrestlers would finally have an proper match.

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Re: Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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Slapping Hayami across the face right out of the gate Alizeh had started the match off hot and Hayami was looking to match that energy. Slapping Alizeh right back across the face! "Ugh!" Alizeh cried out before growling in determination, her other hand coming up and grabbing a fist full of her opponent's hair! "Don't be so sure about that!" Alizeh shouted back in response, pulling back on the woman's hair while using her free hand to start sending slaps back at the woman's face!

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Re: Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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The two wrestlers had traded slaps back and forth before the Greenette took it up an step. As she grasped onto the Japanese wrestler's hair as she was quick to do the same. Grabbing hold of Alizeh's green hair as she heard the other wrestler shouting back at her. How she should not be so sure of herself as she retorted ''right back at you . As this time you are facing the real me , and not my weak little persona you struggled to beat last time ''as she yanks hard onto her opponent's hair to try and send an message her way that things were different now.

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Re: Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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Every movement and reaction was met in equal force by Hayami as the woman grabbed Alizeh's hair right back after Alizeh did so to the Japanese beauty! "Grahhh! Like that even matters!" Alizeh yelled back at Hayami, turning and bringing her arm up, trying to deliver a hard uppercut right into the woman's stomach to try and knock the air out of her!

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Re: Lustful Revenge: Alizeh Midori vs Hayami Shizumi 2

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Hayami was trying , and failing so far to gain control as she felt her opponent to grasp her hair. She did the same in return as both wrestlers were pulling on the other's hair as she heard Alizeh yell at her as she retorted ''your right , but all tharghhgh''when she got hit in the stomach as she gasped for air as she tried to push the greenette away to give herself some time to recover.

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