6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

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6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Team Gauntlet Match
1 member of each team wrestles in the ring. When one member is eliminated, a teammate comes in to take their place in the match.
Eliminations occur when the losing wrestler is smothered to knock out
The team that eliminates all of the members of the opposing team wins
Hentai permitted

Clara stood up, calming herself down before a very big match up. She was going to be starting things for her team, against an opponent she was on very friendly relationship with…not that that meant she was going to show her mercy! Taking one last look at her comrades-in-arms for this match, Clara would wave to them:

”See you, girls! I will make sure to leave some ladies for you to smother out!”

With that, Clara left for Gorilla Position, taking helm of the team as the first entrant.


GASTER would enter onto the entrance ramp with her cowl and mask on, laughing her signature: ”Mwahahahaha!” laugh, contrasting with the upbeat music as she posed for the crowd, before running down the walkway, clapping hands with people in the front row. From there, the Brit would roll inside the ring, taking off her cowl and mask to reveal the cute lady behind it!

With a final pose, sticking her rear up and her chest forward, Clara accenuated her body for this smother-fest, as her music quieted down. Clara took her place in the further corner of the ring from the entrance ramp, awaiting her rival captain’s arrival…

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Re: 6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Tonight, a special treat had been arranged for the LAW fans, in the form of a six on six gauntlet match, and not only that, with a smother stipulation to boot! And given that the match involved smothers, none other than one of LAW's most prolific smotherers, Ducky Williams, had been elected to lead one of the teams, having formed up a group for the clash tonight, and now, who waited backstage as her opponent made her entrance! It seemed that herself and Clara had similar ideas when it came to the captains starting the match off, and so as soon as the masked woman would finish making her way down to the ring, all eyes would turn to the top of the ramp to await Ducky Williams! And, ever the crowd pleaser, Ducky wouldn't make them wait very long at all, before the arena would darken, and the blonde would appear for the crowd!
The blonde posed atop the ramp, letting the cheers wash over her, before beginning to strut her way down the ramp and towards the ring, taking a bit of time to greet the fans seated along the way! Her hips swayed and her chest bounced with each step, an enticing sight, but when she finally made it to the ring, she'd bend over and slide between the ropes, pausing while doubled over to give a teasing wiggle for the crowd, before fully slipping into the ring! And with a happy smile on her face, she'd turn and hold her arms out, rushing over to Clara to give her a big hug!

"Clara! So good to see you! I see great minds think alike, huh? Putting the team leads out first!" Ducky said with a smile, hugging Clara's head against her cleavage, wiggling her side to side in the embrace! "Well, this is definitely exciting then! Means I get to put you to sleep with the girls here! Won't that be fun!" Ducky teased Clara, holding her for a bit longer before finally releasing her, stepping back and preparing for the match to begin!

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Re: 6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

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Right before the match started, Clara only recieved the name of the first person she was going to be facing - one Ducky Williams, a woman Clara was fairly familiar with, but never quite managed to face in the ring…something that was going to change tonight!

Clara smiled when Ducky made her way to the ring…and blushed when she revealed her attire to the crowd, as it showcased the blonde American’s hot body, big boobs and wide hips. The Hitwoman was dressed to impress tonight!

The moment she finally finished her entrance, the two women would quickly hug before the match, a show of friendship between the two captains before this match begun!

”That was a perfect idea, can’t deny!”, the Brit would say, trying her best to hide her blush, right as Ducky pressed her head against her cleavage, wiggling them side to side, and doing a bit of friendly taunting to the Shadow Lord:

”Hmph! Don’t get ahead of yourself…or else I’ll be the one sending you to the land of slumber!”, Clara would say in faux offended tone, pressing her boobs together with her arms to “threaten” her white and pink rival!

With both women nodding to the ref about their readiness, the ref would call for the bell. On the titantron, a VS Screen would be show to announce Clara vs Ducky, and with that:


The 6 v 6 match would officially get under way!

Clara would start things off slow, with knowledge that she might face up against 5 other opponents, and her first one was already far from being an easy task to defeat! The Brit would carefully outstretch her hands forward, looking to grapple with Ducky in a collar and elbow tie up!

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Re: 6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

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Greeting Clara with a smile and a warm hug, Ducky would quickly pull the lightweight in and place Clara's head right up against her chest, a smile on her face as she teased her opponent for just a bit, before Clara would tease her back, pushing her chest against Ducky's! Ducky faked a surprised look, opening her mouth and holding a hand in front of it as if shocked by Clara's boldness, but she couldn't hold it for long before a giggle escaped, and the blonde would step back from her opponent, allowing the both of them to move back towards their own corners! But before long, the bell would ring and bring them together once again, the two women coming together to start the match!

With both Clara and Ducky meeting, the two wrestlers would come together in classic collar and elbow tie up, quickly interlocking with one another as the began to compete for space, but Ducky, ever the technical wrestler, didn't wish to stay like this for long! Instead, she'd attempt to suddenly duck down and slip underneath Clara's arms, wrapping around behind her and grabbing hold of a limb as she went, before ending up behind her, pulling Clara's arm along behind her back!

"Ooooh, I guess I better be careful then. I wouldn't wanna get sent to the land of slumber by such a cute little thing like you, would I?" Ducky said, before a mischievous smile would come over her face, and she'd reach a hand down to Clara's plump rear end, pinching one of her cheeks with her free hand! "Although, I can think of worst ways to rest than with this cute little thing on my face!" Ducky said with a giggle, quickly moving her hand to give Clara's other cheek a pinch, clearly poking some fun at her opponent with this non-serious offense!

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Re: 6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

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The bell would ring, the match would officially be under way, wth the two technical women engaging each other with a collar and elbow tie up. The position wouldn't be in place for too long, as Ducky would manage to grab at Clara's arm, slipping underneath the Brit as she gt behind her, twisting her arm with a Hammerlock!

"Mgggh! This cute little thing will whoop your-YAH!"

Clara would yelp as Ducky continued to taunt the Brit, pinching each of her buttcheeks!

"Ah! Well then...get ready!"

With that, Clara would try to duck low, trying to slide between Ducky's legs behind her, trying to break her grip on her arm with her momentum. From there, the Brit's arms would wrap around Ducky's body, making sure do give a quick grab on her boob as payback for her pinching, before aiming her hands lower, and wrapping her arms around them. Trying to go for a powerful move early, Clara would try to drive the blonde into the floor with a German Suplex!

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Re: 6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

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Coming together in the center of the ring, Ducky and Clara would get the pleasantries out of the way quite quickly, before the two of them would come together in the center of the ring, meeting one another for a lockup, clasping hands and beginning to push against one another! Of course, it was accompanied by some more teasing for Ducky, as she snuck a hand behind her friend and pinched her on the cheek, teasing her behind and earning a very cute yelp from Clara, the shorter woman caught slightly off guard! Of course, it wouldn't bring her much of an advantage, but it was always fun to tease Clara, the Brit having certainly come out of her shell more and more when it came to matches of a more lewd nature!

She seemed ready to show her progress too, since after Ducky teased her, the black haired beauty would suddenly go low, slipping between Ducky's legs and sliding behind her, catching the blonde off guard as she did so! She'd get revenge for the pinch to her butt with a quick reach around, grabbing hold of Ducky's boobs for a moment, before her arms would go low, latching onto the bombshell's waist, and Ducky would find herself getting hefted up and overhead!

"What th- UUGH!" Ducky would find herself cut off when Clara brought her crashing down hard into the canvas, the ring rattling from the force of the german suplex, leaving Ducky folded up! Her famously thick rear end was pointed at the air, legs coming to rest on either side of her head, taken off guard and put down hard for the first move of the match, giving Clara an early advantage!

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Re: 6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

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With the teasing from the blonde, Clara got more confident to be a bit spicier against Ducky! She would intentionally keep the bridge from her hold up for longer, even if she couldn't win by pinfall! She heard the cameras click and the crowd cheer for her friend's shapely booty being up in the air. After a solid second, Clara would flip over in one motion, sitting above Ducky as she looked down her rival's face with a sly smile.

Though there wasn't a hard time limit set, the officials expected the match to go fast to allow the future 11 mini-bouts within this match to go ahead. With that, the Shadow Lord's next move was clear:

"Not going to lie...I had dreams of doing this to you forever!" Clara would mock Ducky, before scooting forward, and pressing her rear against the blonde's pretty face, holding her feet up in the air!

"Mwahahaha!" the Brit would let out her signature laugh, rubbing her butt into the blonde's face...and to put a cherry on top of her dominating, the Shadow Lord would lightly swat at Ducky's butt, making it jiggle even more, much to the fans' delight!
Last edited by Vc0m on Mon Dec 09, 2024 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

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Swung overhead by Clara, Ducky was given quite the surprise introduction to her foe thanks to the sudden suplex, with Clara showing off impressive strength as she slammed Ducky into the mat, bringing the blonde crashing down hard on her shoulders and upper back! The impact was hard enough to force the air out of the blonde bombshell's lungs, and Clara was quick to swing herself up and over Ducky, ending up hovering just over the blonde wrestler and switching her grip to get the thick thighs of Ducky underneath her arms! It left the blonde staring up into the air as her body was folded up, though that view would soon be consumed as Clara's rear end suddenly moved into frame, quickly lowering towards her face!

"W-wait a- Mmmmmph!" Ducky let out a sudden, muffled cry into her foe's plump rear end, as Clara sat down and buried Ducky's face in her cheeks, while hooking the blonde's legs and leaving her folded up! Ducky could tell how much the Brit was enjoying this, as she would let out a cartoonishly evil laugh, before spanking Ducky's ass a few times, smacking the blonde's plump rear and leaving it to jiggle for the crowd!

"Mmmph! Mmmh!" Ducky grunted again as she was forced to endure the first smother of the match, before attempting to bring her hands up and plant them on Clara's cheeks, getting a firm grip, before shoving hard to try and unseat her opponent!

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Re: 6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

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The Shadow Lord's smother-y dominion wouldn't last for too long, unfortunately for Clara. After a solid few seconds, Ducky would forcibly shove the Brit off of her pretty face, and Ducky still had plenty of strength about her by this point in the first round of their fight.

"Agh!" Clara yelped as she stumbled off of Ducky, turning to face her likely frustrated rival:

"Mweheh...no...no hard feelings, right?", Clara would get red in the face, realizing just how much embarrassment she subjected the blonde to, slowly getting in position to continue their battle!

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Re: 6 vs 6 Smother Team Gauntlet!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Clara's plump rear end had been the first one to score a smother for this match, but thankfully, Duck hadn't been so worn down that she couldn't get her wits about her quickly, bringing her hands up to her foe's rear end and shoving her off with a hearty grunt! Rolling over, Ducky would give a slight grunt as she forced herself up to her hands and knees, shaking her head slightly before slowly pushing herself the rest of the way up, seeing Clara with a slight blush on her face already, seemingly a bit bashful after smothering Ducky so early! Of course, it wasn't out of the ordinary to expect smothers in a match like this, but that didn't mean that Ducky was going to lie down and simply take it when she was dished out one!

"Oh, none at all... here, let's just hug it out to be sure!" Ducky said, before suddenly charging towards her bashful friend, and ducking down low in order to get her arms around Clara's waist and scoop her right off of her feet! Ducky would look to show off her affection for her friend as she cinched her arms tight, so tight that she would begin to squeeze the air from Clara's body, as she looked to work her over in a devastating bearhug!

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