Brandi Quinn vs. Tina Armstrong - Unyielding, Unflinching, Undying

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Tina Armstrong - Unyielding, Unflinching, Undying

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

With the third count, the match was over. Brandi let go of Tina's leg and pushed herself up, standing proudly as she was announced as the winner of the match. The referee raised her arm, declaring her the victor. While she received mixed reactions from the crowd, she still basked in her victory. Tina herself was quite a formidable opponent despite her youth, and if they were outside of the ring, Brandi might even compliment her for her skill.

"Heh... you still got more to learn."

After leaving her parting words to Tina, Brandi would make her exit, heading back to backstage where she could finally get herself a little rest. With this first win, Brandi knew that she would make quite a wave her in LAW.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Tina Armstrong - Unyielding, Unflinching, Undying

Unread post by Highfly »

Winner via pinfall: Brandi Quinn

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