Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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A number of League-wide announcements had the Queen of Clubs on pins and needles. In the coming weeks, LAW would be embarking on the fifth edition of its annual Pay-Per-View, We Are LAW. Beyond that, the next year of the League's history would see its roster focused almost single-mindedly on the pursuit of its Inaugural Openweight Title.

Ever the big game hunter, Satsuki found herself enthralled by these events. All of LAW's best and brightest talents, from its rising stars to its storied champions, would be vying for the undisputed title of "The Best."

For Satsuki, victory was less a goal and more an obsession. Her entire reason for joining LAW -- her entire reason for existing -- was to face off against deadly foes, in a spirited bout to come out on top. And this... Apex was all of that. It had the deadliest foes, it promised the most spirited combat, and it would propel the ultimate victor to the greatest heights imaginable.

Still, Satsuki was but a rookie of a few months in this promotion. She was already a capable fighter, but she'd never truly tested herself against the best to the best. Even so, she'd often been beaten back, even in matches she'd went on to win. If she wanted to have a shot at even being an underdog against the Starrings, Akans, and Harts of the world, she'd need to improve.

That meant more matches. And as she stepped into the ring, wearing a giddy sneer fueled by the thought of another fight, all she could think was:

Man, this chick is screwed.
Satsuki Hayano, the Queen of Clubs

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Re: Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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Mikan Tsumiki had seen this coming a mile away. With the back to back announcements of Apex and We Are LAW, Mikan knew that wrestlers would be clamoring for jobbers to squash to beef up there records and resumes before the event. Especially so with the minimum match requirement for getting into the Apex tournament for a shot at the Openweight belt.

And Mikan was just the perfect jobber for those wrestlers. Harmless, easy to beat, and no real upset factor that would put her squashers at risk of an embarrassing loss at the worst time. Honestly, Mikan was expecting more people to try booking her for matches than they already had. But as relieved as Mikan was that all of LAW wasn't at her doorstep, she still knew she was walking into another beating.
Music: Sorry - Halsey
Ring Attire
As Mikan's music came on, the nurse began walking towards the ring. If she had gotten one benefit from her wrestling career, it was that she was getting better at being in front of crowds without becoming terrified, which was really something for her. But the fear of getting a repeat of her match against Tae Takemi was right their to replace it.

Mikan looked at her opponent when she entered the ring. Satsuki was smaller, but she looked stronger than Mikan regardless. She also looked confident, excited, and ready to kick Mikan's plump ass all around the ring for as long as she pleased. Oh no, thought Mikan. I'm in so much trouble.
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Re: Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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Satsuki was not one to research her opponents much. In fact, the only thing she knew about this Mikan girl was her name, and that was because she needed to sign the match contract. Nothing about her record, biography, career, or anything like that. Not even a picture.

When Mikan walked down the entrance ramp, Satsuki couldn't help but... analyze her in the way that only someone who wrestled for LAW could. Most obvious was that she was a pretty little thing. Mikan was also a little larger than Satsuki, though she carried the weight differently -- more in her curves than in Satsuki's taut and deceptive musculature.

But more than anything else, her despairful body language spoke a million words. Hers wasn't the kind of overwhelmed apprehension that she'd often seen from newbies at a poker table. No, it was more like the pensive fear of a gambling addict. Utterly hopeless, resigned to lose whatever they'd brought that day.

That nonverbal clue left Satsuki a little apprehensive. She'd joined LAW for the thrill of walking the wire. She enjoyed cowing others through her reputation as a winner, but somehow, she felt as if her rookie year record wasn't what struck at Mikan's heart. But looks could be deceiving, and the Queen of Clubs was not one to be deceived.

So she'd start with a war of words. A battle, to both test her opponent and, possibly, gain a mental edge for the bout ahead. She sauntered up to her opponent, tossing her red jacket out of the ring. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Satsuki licked her lips, letting her predatory intent drip from every word. "What's the matter? Scared'a little ol' me?"

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Re: Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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Mikan entered the ring, but was given no time before Satsuki was upon her. The tone of the gambler's voice and the lick of her lips made it clear to the nurse; this woman was out for her blood. She was going to destroy the hapless Mikan and make sure she looked damn good doing it. Because if beating an opponent wasn't going to be impressive, then you had to beat them in an impressing way.

"W-well I-I-I'm pretty scared most t-times I fight," stammered out Mikan. "It's not l-like I'm any good. They only b-book me because everybody likes watching me get b-beat up. I'm just a quick and easy win f-for everybody else here. Isn't that w-why you're fighting me? A risk free opponent t-to g-get another match in before Apex?""

Mikan wasn't really sure how Satsuki would respond to this, but it would more than likely be a good indicator for how much pain she would be in for tonight. Hopefully Mikan would get lucky and Satsuki would want to be more flashy with her fighting instead of brutal once she understood that she truly didn't need to worry about giving her all.

When the bell rang, if Satsuki was still close to Mikan, the nurse would try to lunge forward and wrap her arms around the gambler with a bearhug. Because even if she was quite likely the weakest wrestler in LAW, she still tried to fight. If Satsuki had backed off by the time the match started, Mikan would charge her and try to use her size advantage to run the lightweight over.
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Re: Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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Satsuki tilted her head as Mikan sputtered out her fears. The apprehension she felt only turned into a deeper pit of confusion. Did LAW really... send people into the ring just to lose? Or was the buxom nurse simply trying to trick her? Or, perhaps, she was simply a sleeping giant that needed to be awoken? Either way, Satsuki wasn't exactly in the business of comforting her opponents, but Mikan's words were still important to her.

"To be honest? Maybe someone backstage wants to pump me up for God-knows-what-reason, but no, I haven't really gotten the right to pick my opponents yet. I'm just here to fight you because you're here to fight me. That simple. Besides..." She cranked her neck from side to side. "I dunno about 'risk-free.' I'm sure there's a fighter in there somewhere." Her grin widened once more into a snarl that made her intentions clear. This was not reassurance. It was experimental curiosity. "It's just a matter of forcin' her out to play."

The bell rang, and Mikan lunged for her torso! The agile Satsuki simply stepped back, giggling as Mikan swiped at air. "See?" And when Mikan followed that up with a surge forward, likely designed to bowl her over, Satsuki let it happen. The Queen of Clubs got set and let Mikan run into her with a visceral PLAP! Only, using her honed agility to take advantage of Mikan's charge, she spun the two of them around so that Mikan was closer to the ropes!

"Good!" she barked, right in the nurse's face. "Good, more of that!" Satsuki let Mikan push forward, meeting her with her own strength. After a few seconds, she walked past her, still keeping her grip on the nurse's swimsuit. Then, she hopped up onto the middle rope with one foot, then brought the other to the top -- all before pushing off, spinning around Mikan like a stripper pole, and flinging her to the ground for a rope-walk DDT!

Rope Walk DDT
If this move was successful, Satsuki wouldn't follow up. Instead, she would simply rise to her feet and take a few more steps back before beckoning Mikan forth once more. "Come on! Show me what else you've got!"

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Re: Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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Mikan was confused by Satsuki. Not only was she claiming to not have intentionally booked Mikan to job for her, but she also didn't believe Mikan when she claimed to be a wrestler who posed no threat to defeat her opponent. Mikan would be even more confused once the match started, and Satsuki claimed Mikan's double offensive failure as evidence towards her point before slamming down the nurse.

"UWAH!" shrieked Mikan as Satsuki spun around her, and brought the nurse from standing to down on her back with seeming no effort whatsoever on her part. Then the gambler continued trying to get Mikan to do something, allowing her to stand and try again instead of capitalizing on her advantage.

But Mikan didn't know what else to really do, seeing as her wrestling knowledge was very limited. So, she ended up sort of combining her original two tries. Mikan ran at Satsuki and lunged at her waist with a spear, hoping to wrap up Satsuki and drag her down. But Mikan was still quite slow, and her attempt would be rather obviously telegraphed to anyone who knew what a spear looked like.

But if Mikan's attack did somehow work, then she would try to follow up with just about the one wrestling related thing that she was good at: smothers. Mikan would try to climb forward and drop her chest on top of Satsuki's face if she was lucky enough to be given the chance.
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Re: Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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Satsuki's efforts served a dual purpose. She still wished to feel her opponent out, of course, and see whether or not Mikan's claims about the perniciousness of LAW's booking department were true. But more than that... Giving an opponent anything less than her best was an insult, both to them and to herself. By definition, that meant performing maneuvers that only a more skilled fighter could get away with, even if they were suboptimal in terms of winning the fight.

In essence, Satsuki was styling on Mikan out of respect for her as an opponent.

Of course, it was unlikely that the nurse would see it that way. Still, Satsuki watched as Mikan fired herself at her once more, arms akimbo and reaching for Satsuki's own waist. A clear attempt at a spear if there ever was one. Instead of dodging though, Satsuki simply braced for impact. Once more, Mikan ran into her, but this time, Satsuki simply let it happen, falling back with her legs splayed out wide. Though Mikan made no obvious attempts to corral her legs, Satsuki still wanted them free.

This time, Mikan pressed her advantage, clambering atop Satsuki and pressing her impressive breasts into the gambler's face! Smirking beneath the thin fabric of the girl's swimsuit, Satsuki rapidly rubbed her head back and forth and gave Mikan a sudden motorboating! "Bwrwrwr!" Then, she planted both powerful legs on the mat and sought to bridge and roll the pair of them over! The hope was that Mikan would be too stunned or flustered to fully bear down on her.

If Satsuki succeeded, she would attempt to climb on top of Mikan, planting a knee on top of her body and sitting up. "A body type that could unbalance anyone plus an impressive rack equals a good battering ram." She put her finger to her chin devilishly, as if pleased with herself for that brief bit of mental math. "Playing to your outs, I see." Then she fixed Mikan with a wild-eyed gaze once more, though it was somewhat more dull than the ones she'd flashed before. In truth, she was starting to believe Mikan a little bit by now. "Mind if I take a turn?"

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Re: Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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To Mikan's shock and delight, her spear had worked. The nurse tackled Satsuki to the ground, and was also successful in securing her breast smother. If Satsuki wasn't strong enough to overcome Mikan's raw size and weight, she just might possibly get her first win atop a suffocating lightweight. Mikan wasn't optimistic enough to expect it, but boy was she hoping.

Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Satsuki's motorboat didn't really throw Mikan off, as she was used to having boys stick their heads in her chest. But the gambler's simple display of her strength, bridging and rolling so that the positions were reversed. Now Satsuki was the one who was on top of Mikan, and thus, in control.

"T-take a turn?" said Mikan, taking notice of the last part of what Satsuki had said. "Does th-that mean y-you're going to smother me?" In all honesty, Mikan was kind of hoping she was right. Because Satsuki clearly had the capacity to hurt Mikan if she wanted to, and the nurse was willing to bet that Satsuki would be game to do it. If Mikan let herself get smothered out, it would be far less painful an outcome than what the match could be.
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Re: Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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"Smother you, huh?" Satsuki looked behind her at her own rear end. It was toned and firm, but relative to some of the others she'd seen around LAW? Her ass may as well have been the Uemachi Plateau. "Is that what you want?" Still, even if she didn't have the assets to compete with the Williamses and Arma-Gil-O's of the world, this was a pretty good opportunity to do something that she might not get to do in many other matches. Which meant she absolutely had to do it.

The Queen of Clubs didn't allow her quarry to answer her question. Instead, Satsuki turned around so that she was facing Mikan's legs. Her own legs hooked beneath Mikan's arms, and with that locked, Satsuki made an attempt to roll forward! If she succeeded, she would be laying on her stomach, head supported upon her manicured palms, with Mikan propped up behind her.

"Then here you go. Enjoy the show."

In that pose, she would bend her legs at the knees, attempting to push Mikan's face right into her firm butt for a rather stylish butt smother! Technically, this was a submission hold. And the ropes, Satsuki had ensured they were still within reach of Mikan's feet. In a way, then, this was just one more test to see how much of a fighter Mikan wanted to be.

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Re: Martial Malpractice - Satsuki Hayano v. Mikan Tsumiki

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When Mikan asked Satsuki if she was going to smother her back, the nurse had been expecting a breast smother. Considering that's what Mikan had done to Satsuki, along with the gambler already being in prime position to do it. So she was quite surprised when Satsuki turned around and hooked her arms. Due to her lack of wrestling knowledge, Mikan had no idea how Satsuki actually got her into her butt smother, but the nurse was trapped regardless.

"MMMPH!" came out Mikan's muffled voice and Satsuki's butt. Her face rubbed back and forth against her firm cheeks as she struggled and squirmed against the hold. Even if Mikan considered smothers a preferable way to be beaten, the human body still didn't take kindly to being deprived of air. So Mikan's body fought still.

Mikan had no clue where she was relative to the ropes, and by extension did not know that she had a rope break with reach. So since the nurse didn't see much purpose to using her legs in her current situation, all they really did was kick and bend back and forth aimlessly. Not even attempting to reach the ropes that would be in reach if only Mikan could see them.
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