Kimiko "Star Power" Nagasawa
Kimiko's Twitter: @RealStarPower
Official Record
▌Full Name: Kimiko “Kim” Nagasawa
▌Alias: Star Power
▌Age: 21
▌Height: 163 cm (5’4”)
▌Weight: 69 kg (153 lbs)
▌Nationality: Japanese-American
▌Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (Closeted, primarily attracted to women)
▌Occupation: College Student, Office Worker, and Wrestler
▌Alignment: Lawful Face
▌Intro Song: Scandal - Harukaze
Character Info
▌Personality: A timid, optimistic, and hard-working young woman. However, in the ring, she’s a confident albeit naïve rookie with a strong passion for fighting and an unwavering determination to win. She dreams to take the champion title and be the best wrestler in the league, and she’ll do anything it takes to get there! She lives to be challenged and will fight anyone with any requested rules to help her become champion, especially if it means fighting above her weight class or skill level. She can be smart and has the potential to be incredibly cunning while fighting but being inexperienced and physically inadequate means her plays end up backfiring.
▌Quirks: She believes that in order to be the best she must eventually defeat everyone she fights. She has a bad habit of foolishly challenging her victorious opponent again immediately after losing, even if it was a completely one-sided match or she was injured. She’ll even physically prevent them from leaving the ring until she’s won against them!
▌Likes: Her ambition to win drives her more than anything else! She likes sparring and training to be a better fighter. She secretly likes being choked out, dominated, or put in humiliating or exposing moves by other wrestlers.
▌Dislikes: Heels, bullies, or people who break the rules or antagonize others to win. She despises any type of cardio training. She also can’t stand any form of pain due to her incredibly low pain tolerance.
Wrestling Info
▌Strategy: Her strategy relies on adapting to her opponent and tiring them out with her body and weight advantage. If she can’t get the upper hand, she tries to never tap out no matter the pain. She tries to endure what they dish out and exploits potential openings to try and end them with a finisher. Kimiko favors high risk high reward strategies in the moment, which betrays her core strategy and almost always end up backfiring due to her lack of experience.
▌Style: Grappler and Submission
▬▬General Statistics▬▬
▌★★☆☆☆ ▌ 【Strength】- Amazing strength for her size and weight class, but only finds herself using it in specific scenarios.
▌☆☆☆☆☆ ▌ 【Defense】- She has an extremely low pain tolerance, making any move used on her near torture. She can also be easily KO'd by nearly any strike to her many weak areas.
▌☆☆☆☆☆ ▌ 【Speed】- Too slow to physically react to anything. Blatantly telegraphs nearly everything she does.
▌★☆☆☆☆ ▌ 【Endurance】- Vows never to tap out! However, she easily gets winded from even moderate exercise.
▌★☆☆☆☆ ▌ 【Technique】-Lacks knowledge and experience outside of the most basic moves.
▬▬Wrestling Statistics▬▬
▌★★☆☆☆ ▌ 【Strikes】- Can deal serious damage but she's easy to dodge.
▌☆☆☆☆☆ ▌ 【Submissions】- Her preferred holds are incredibly easy to both escape and painfully reverse.
▌★★★☆☆ ▌ 【Powerhouse】- She can hold her own!
▌★★☆☆☆ ▌ 【Aerials】- Devastating if well-placed, but she’s considerably inaccurate.
▌☆☆☆☆☆ ▌ 【Counters】- Has no knowledge on how to counter and often hurts herself further by panickily struggling to get out of holds.
- Kimiko often challenges fighters WAY out of her skill level to prove her ability to be champion. This does not go well for her.
- She can easily be distracted by her opponents’ sexual appeal, especially if they’re acting or dressed in a provocative manner.
- Despite vowing to never give up, she has a tendency to tap out of holds like Boston crabs or camel clutches where she doesn't have the experience to escape.
- Her inability to accept losing leads her to rematch the victor immediately after being defeated, even going to the point where she’ll try to physically stop her opponent from leaving the ring if they refuse to fight again right then and there. This likely leaves her unconscious or devastatingly beaten when all is said and done.

A sizeable strike to any critical area results in the crippling of the surrounding areas or even an instant KO!
Her extremely low pain tolerance and previous injuries means nearly her whole body is a weak spot.
Any blow to the groin, even light or accidental, can compromise her lower body strength to the point where she can’t stand, even for the rest of the match if struck hard enough. Due to previous head injuries and frequently being choked out, her head is also extremely weak to any strikes. She’s pathetically easy to KO via choke, smothering, or body constriction.
- Punching, Tackling/Takedowns, Hip/Leg/Knee Strikes, Boston Crab, Camel Clutch, Bearhugs, Piledrivers, Carries, Headscissors/Bodyscissors, and Smothers.
- Hip Strikes
- German Suplex
- Camel Clutch
- Boston Crab
-“Royal Smother” (Breast Smother)


- Wrestling Outfit
- Rookie Wrestling Outfit
- Boxing Outift
- Bun-Bun Boxing Outift
- Bunny Wrestling Suit
Kimiko is a meek but well-meaning Japanese girl attending college in the United States. Although her father pressured her to study chemistry, she knows her deepest secret passion is for wrestling. Kimiko spent her early childhood living in the US being a single child to her mother and father. Her father was a businessman from Japan and her mother was a champion pro-wrestler from America. As a child, Kimiko would do nothing but idolize her mother and love nothing more than to watch her wrestle her opponents to submission in the ring! However, when Kimiko was only a child her mother died during a wrestling match to defend the champion title. After that tragic event, there was a hole left in her family that was never filled. Her father felt like there was nothing left for them in America and moved them back to Japan.
Kimiko strives to be as strong as her mother one day. Today, to keep afloat she works herself to the bone, leaving little time for sleep. She attends classes and works her office desk job during the day. And at night she instructs classes and labs as a teacher’s assistant. But her passion for wrestling relit when she discovered the university’s Fighting Appreciation Club. She took the plunge and signed into the wrestling scene at LAW, dawning a blue mask to conceal her identity, and wearing her mother’s wrestling star symbol to fight for her legacy. Now she’s coming out of her shell for her true purpose and to follow in her mother’s footsteps to become the best wrestler in the world!
Kimiko's Trivia
- Kimiko is very gullible and can easily be manipulated and used by others, especially if she finds them attractive.
- Kimiko has a star-shaped birthmark located on her lower right butt cheek. This curious birthmark seems to be passed down from Kimiko's mother, the original Star Power, who had the exact same mark.
- Kimiko puts on star stickers and glitter onto her legs before every match to match her outfit. This tends to obscure her birthmark amongst the decoration.
- Kimiko had a replica of her mother's wrestling suit made after Anastasia "Murder Princess" Akira took her original suit as a trophy. She seeks to rematch Akira and take back her mother's suit, the last possession Kimiko has of her mother.
- Kimiko can be hypnotized very easily, even by opponents who have no experience in hypnotism. If her opponent uses their body in a seductive manner, she will stop all thoughts and be entranced by their seduction.