Clara GASTER vs Katherine Scarlett

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Katherine Scarlett

Unread post by thesteedman »

Drifter sat up, the look upon her beautiful face speaking more than a thousand words with the sheer disbelief. A moment ago, it was Kay on the other side of things, flicking out of Gaster's devastating Shadow's End.. but now it was Clara's turn to pull off a display of sheer fortitude, never saying die and managing to flick out of one of Drifter's own finishing moves. The crowd were on their feet, seeing Clara's upturned shoulder, the woman breathing deeply as the referee could only raise two fingers to signal that a three count had not been reached.

Kay did not know what to do. She was nearly out of everything... if the Nomad Slam could not keep Clara down, then what would at this point?! By now both women were exhausted, Kay beginning to shift, knowing she could not let the momentum die right now or Clara would find a way to turn things around! The crowd began to stamp their feet, cheering both competitors at this point. Kay looked spent, but she managed to get to her feet, before reaching down to grasp at Clara.
"I don't... know how you do it..." Kay whispered in shock, having never had anyone flick out of the Nomad Slam before.

Despite her being a lightweight, Clara felt like she weighed a ton right now as Kay's arms were strained. After being subjected to so many holds that weakened her arms, Kay was really struggling. It had taken pretty much everything just to hit the Slam she had, and it was not enough! Clara was still in this match!

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Katherine Scarlett

Unread post by Vc0m »

Despite Clara barely kicking out, all of her body felt like it was on slow burn. Her spine hurt, and from it, her arms, legs and skull were in agony…still, she tried to get back up to her feet, but Kat would be quicker, grabbing at Clara’s head to try and lift her to her feet…

”Could…say….the same thing…to you!”

To accentuate the last word, Clara summoned the last reserves of her strength, trying to tackle Kay into a nearby corner to sandwich the brunette’s back between it and herself! She was running on desperation…but Clara was still fully determined to beat Kay and have her finally take her side in their argument, by any means necessary!

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Katherine Scarlett

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Kay gasped as Clara rammed into her. The time for technical wrestling was no doubt at an end with both young women being exhausted. Both had endured and somehow kicked out of each other’s finishing moves, and yet both still battled on as the crowd began to chant for both of them, knowing this had proven to be one hell of a PPV match for We Are LAW 5 that would be spoken about for decades to come and no doubt beyond. However... with both women pushed to their limits, it was turning into an endurance match. Clara went more basic, ramming herself into Kay to begin charging her towards the corner in an attempt to press the fight from the beautiful bluenette.

Through a strong mix of determination and luck, Kay somehow managed to gain some semblance of balance and control as Clara ran with her, managing to slip from her grasp just at the last moment, positioning herself in such a way that she was able to get free and slip through the ropes. It left Clara to ram into the turnbuckle hard, as Kay near collapsed to the outside of the ring... it was only that she managed to hook an ankle onto the ropes and grasp with one arm that she did nto fall out of the ring to the outside as she spared herself a heavy impact.

Clara bounced backwards, stumbling... with Kay realising just how perfect her positioning was right now. Despite her arms feeling heavy and almost numb, despite her trembling legs... Kay pulled hard on the ropes from her position, bringing it downwards, before she released with what little strength she had, using the momentum of the ropes to spring her up towards the top of them. In an impressive display of athleticism that she had owed thanks to all the training from Clara, Kay found herself standing on the top rope which soon sunk downwards with her weight. Feeling the ropes become taut, she knew they would soon launch her upwards... and thus she went with that momentum, propelling herself into the air and right towards Clara.

The fans rose to their feet as flashes of cameras and phones began to sparkle in the crowd, watching as Kay launched herself towards the love of her life. She hated herself for what she was about to do... Kay never wanted this, nor did she want to hurt Clara. But she knew now why this was happening... she finally began to see things Clara's way. It felt like time had slowed, and Kay knew she could not hold back... Clara would never forgive her if she did at this moment. All Kay knew was that she would never keep a secret from Clara ever again... if she was in trouble... she would let her know. This was a relationship between two women who loved each other, but it would only become complete when they would trust each other, and Kay was aware she had been holding back her troubles, when the whole time they should have been sharing them together.

It happened all at once, as Kay came down to the mat, rolling onto her side with the momentum... the Canadian born beauty gasped out loud... her eyes filling with tears as she could hear the stamping of the crowd and the massive ovation. Clara was already down, having been struck true with Drifter's Wayfarer finishing move, a majestic and impressive strike from up high. It brought pain to Drifter, pain that she was not used to knowing she had to hit it against her love... it was not physical pain, it was a kind she had not felt before within her chest.. within her core... within her heart.

By now there was nothing left in Drifter as she could not even stand at this point. All she could do was reach for the downed Clara, placing an arm almost lovingly across her chest as she placed her head against the side of Clara's temple.
"I'm so sorry... I... I won't keep any secrets from you ever again... " Kay whispered, as the referee took the embrace for a pin attempt, coming down to begin the pinfall.

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Katherine Scarlett

Unread post by Vc0m »

As Clara rushed towards Kay, planning to squish her against the corner before executing her finishing move one more time to properly pin her, she almost gasped as Kay slipped through the ropes, leaving Clara to hit the turnbuckle with her chest!


Clara gripped the ropes tight, trying to steady herself to not fall down, barely managing to do so. Her head spun, as she desperately tried to find her girlfriend, with her vision blurred from fatigue and the punishment she got over the course of the match…

…which was when she looked to the left of where she just was.

And saw her girlfriend soaring through the air…

Stunned, dazed and tired, Clara closed her eyes as Kay delivered her forearm across Clara’s jaw. Somehow, after she fell, she was still awake…but barely. Her limbs weren’t listening to her. There was no way she could muster the strength for a kick out. Kay didn’t even need to hook her leg as the ref counted:


But maybe it didn’t ultimately didn’t matter as Kay saw things Clara’s way…in a way, even though the ref counted up to Clara’s defeat…both women would win in a way:



”Th-thank you…”, Clara barely managed to say, before the final hit of the canvas:


”DING DING DING!”, the bell sounded as the crowd erupted!

Clara laid down on the canvas, telling Kay: ”Wipe those…augh…tears away. We’ll have time to talk later…Celebrate your win…”, Clara half-giggled. She felt…bad for having this situation be the basis of the match…but she was happy to have it, not feeling bad Kay beat her…this time. All that meant was she had to get better, and try and beat Kay in a match next time!

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Katherine Scarlett

Unread post by thesteedman »

Kay would plant a loving kiss upon Clara's lips after her girlfriend congratulated her. Kay hated seeing Clara down and out like this, especially knowing it was from her own doing, but she could already see there was not a shred of bad blood within her over what had happened, and Kay was all too aware that she would feel the same if Clara was the one victorious on this night.

As it was however, Kay was the one who managed to pip the win. She wanted to just stay on the ground and cuddle and kiss her lover, embracing her and pretending the world around simply did not exist... but Clara had given her clear instruction, and she knew the fans watching wanted a celebration. Kay wiped away her building tears, before she struggled up to her feet with great effort, feeling the referee grasp her arm. The crowd went wild as Kay's arm was lifted.

The exhausted Drifter raised her other arm, celebrating the hard fought match. She let the moment bask in for a few seconds before she would return to the woman she loved, helping her up to her feet before she would pull her into a loving embrace. Seeing her and Clara together only brought louder celebration from the watching crowd, both lightweight wrestlers and lovers getting a standing ovation for a match that would be cemented into one of the LAW PPV greats.

Kay would turn to the crowd, holding Clara's hand with her own and lifting it. She wanted to share the real victory in this ring, and that was managing to get such a loving and amazing girlfriend in Clara Gaster. The two would revel in the high octane cheers of the crowds, which continued long after the two would leave the ring to go home...

... together.

Winner by Pinfall /via Wayfarer
Drifter (Katherine Scarlett)

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