Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

Qualified wrestlers face off in a tour around the world for a chance to become Inaugural Openweight Champion
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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

Unread post by Vc0m »

Clara didn’t even have energy to fear further retribution from the Baroness, like during their first match…

…but still, the Baroness let her alone, honoring the stipulation of the match as she exit the ring, her pride hurt…as Clara saw her leave, she knew that, one day…she’d have to content with her once more.

That didn’t matter…what did was the cage above her being lowered. The wait for Kay’s release felt agonizingly long. She didn’t know if she’d be conscious enough by the time Kay exit…

…but after a few seconds…Kay would finally get out of her cell, her maid outfit off as she was left in her gym apparel, carefully lifting Clara as she looked over at her girlfriend:

”Th-thank you…”, she remarked, before accepting her kiss, having missed this feeling, of warmth and love for the last several months. The crowd cheered for Clara…but she could barely hear them…

…in fact, all of her senses were dulling by the moment. Before slipping into unconscious, she could only tell one last thing to Kay:


Before closing her eyes, the pain and fatigue of the match finally putting her to sleep for good…

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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

Unread post by thesteedman »

"It's alright... I've got you..." Kay would whisper in a soothing manner, seeing how Clara had spent everything to defeat her arch nemesis. Kay managed to pull Clara close, gathering her within her arms before she stood up with her. The referee offered assistance and a stretcher for Clara but Kay shook her head. Kay wanted to be the one to carry out her girlfriend, after all the heart and soul she put into fighting for her freedom. Carrying Clara in a bridal carry like position, Kay had no issue taking her lover as the crowd continued to cheer for the home town victor.

Such was the standing ovation, Kay thought the roof might collapse from the vibrations of the noise. Baroness was long gone by now, giving Kay a clean path towards te backstage. The Cell had long been lifted to grant the two their freedom, as Kay began to carry Clara away, kissing her on top of the head. Clara was out of it, exhaustion finally catching up with her, adrenaline fading. The poor girl would be sore for a good while, but Drifter would be there to care for her. Kay smiled, clutching Clara tightly against her own form, just glad to be with her again, ecstatic to be holding her within her arms.

"Thank you Clara..." Kay would whisper as they passed through the curtain, leaving the ring and the memories behind. Kay had been there for Clara in the past, saving her from the Baroness' clutches when she meant to do her harm... but this time it was Clara who came to her rescue, putting herself on the line to save her from the despicable schemes. Kay would never forget that, nor would she let Clara forget it. For now though, she just let her rest... Clara had earned that luxury, and had more than earned the cheers and standing ovations of the crowds after her Apex Finals Victory.

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