Chika Igarashi

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Chika Igarashi

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Name: Chika Igarashi (formerly Adachi)
Nickname: Raven Knight
Sex: F
Age: 27 (November 15th, 1993)
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Black
Height: 162 cm (5’4)
Weight: 46 kg (105 lbs)
Nationality: Japanese (Tokyo)
Alignment: Joshi Face (Chaotic Good)
Entrance music: Shoji Meguro – Fog

Wrestling Information:
Strategy: Wear down with kicks, holds and flashy splashes, before trying to go for her killing blow once the opponent is tired.
Style: Joshi wrestler, little regard for her body as she looks to hurt her opponents, bending the rules almost to the breaking point. Heavily peppered with kick based offence
Preferred Attacks: Kicks, Dropkicks, Suplexes.
Preferred Matches: Anything except hentai
Favorite Matches: Standard

Endurance: 5/5
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 5/5
Defense: 4/5
Technique: 3/5

Favoured moves: Dropkicks, German and Tiger Suplexes, Enzuigiri, running Knee strike.

Signature Moves: Tiger Feint Kick
Canadian Destroyer

Finishing moves:
Raven’s Claw – Brazilian Kick
Raven’s Wing – Moonstomp
Night’s Embrace – Anaconda Vice


Physical Appearance: Her seemingly light, thin, small-ish frame hides a very powerful, well-toned body and muscles underneath (with a lot of her foes being easily duped into thinking that she is very easy to beat because of that).

Personality: Outside of the ring: Kind, warm, bubbly and fun-loving, especially to her friends, and even more so to her daughter. Has a tendency of putting other people’s needs in front of her own, even if other people don’t want or need her help. Incredibly flirty with both men and women, be they her friend, rival or even outright foe.

Inside the Ring, while an occasional flirty quip will escape her lips, usually has her head completely in the match, and will use whatever means, barring actually breaking the rules, to win. Takes any risk she could if it means it would even slightly damage her foe. Will rarely submit, even under a threat of an injury. When faced with an inescapable hold, chooses to pass out rather than give up. Has been known to get second, third…and at times, fourth and fifth breaths in critical circumstances after career ending moves.

Even then, is known to be extremely moody on days, and sometimes weeks, and in cases of very important matches, months on end after a lost match. This doesn’t extend to spars and matches she has “for fun” but is still incredibly competitive in those as well. Her mood after a loss usually improves right before her next match, and naturally more so when she wins.

It's a long one
The only thing that anyone could recall from Chika’s infancy is her being found at a doorstep to an orphanage in Tokyo in a crib, with only a simple note attached to it, reading “Chika. She is your problem now.”

The orphanage kept her in until she was 5, at which point a family of Adachi adopted her. The next 2 years Chika would describe as “the first circle of hell”, held in the house in practically slave like conditions, tasked with cleaning the house on a daily basis, and a single piece of dust on the carpet resulting in her getting no food for a week, and any disagreement would result in a painful beatings, or in worst cases, outright lashings with a belt and in one grievous case, a cut into her arm with a knife.

After 2 years of mistreatment, Chika escaped from her home, leaving to live on the streets of Tokyo, not trusting her orphanage after the mistreatment she experienced. This period, “the second circle of hell” as she dubbed it later, mostly consisted of her doing odd jobs for Yakuza, serving as a glorified carrier pigeon (or raven, as the gang members would dub her for her black manner of appearance). As a result, she was on frequent escapes from police, and fights with members from rival gangs in the city. Due to this being barely profitable, in her off time, she would shuffle around populated squares, begging and sometimes simply pickpocketing people for extra change…or just fighting on occasion. Earlier in life, she mostly avoided and escaped any and all fights whenever she could, but whenever the situations became too difficult to escape, especially when she was given more difficult tasks the older she got, she would slug it out before seizing a window of opportunity to escape…and on rare occasions, actually manage to knock out her assailants, the adrenaline in these fights being one of the few things she truly enjoyed in her life, to the point of hating running away against more powerful foes.

This period of her life ended shortly after her 16th birthday when she tried to con a rather burly man into an alleyway, believing herself to be fast enough to steal his money and escape with no problems…

…only for the man to pick her up, and painfully slam her into the ground with ease. Not giving up, Chika attempted to fight her victim, only for him to successfully tank all of her attacks (including getting her knife stabbed into his shoulder) and for him to knock her out cold. In her last conscious moments, Chika knew that either the man was going to kill her or give her to the authorities. Either way, she believed her life was over…
Only for her to wake up in the same alleyway, the large man attending to her and dressing all her injuries. Following confusion, rough words towards the man, and statements of her telling him that she was doing this just to hurt her even more was the interview from the man once she was done, Chika giving some details about how she came to be this way.

Feeling pity on the girl, he asked her whether she would like to escape this life for a better one. Mistrusting, Chika kept silent, with the man understanding and telling her to visit “Scorpion’s Sting” dojo if she wanted to, any time that she liked.

A week of deliberating later, she showed up on the doorstep to the dojo, only for her to be greeted by Eiichiro right at the steps. Breaking down crying, she accepted his offer, Eiichiro Igarashi adopting her as his daughter over the course of next several months.

Very shortly after that Chika discovered what Eiichiro did. He was an independent pro wrestler, nicknamed Sting (devil’s luck that the more popular wrestling namesake did not sue him), touring with various federations in Japan, and occasionally worldwide. And on his off time from bookings? He operated his wrestling school and his dojo.

The first couple of weeks with the two together went fairly smoothly, barring Chika’s criminal instincts flaring up on occasion, stealing wallets from unaware passersby (and Eiichiro forcing Chika to find their owners and apologize). The girl would grow to trust her adoptive father, the first person who actually treated her like a human being. Being a daughter of a pro wrestler came with perks in that regard, such as free tickets, with Chika deciding to take a look at a show.

What she saw there made her heart flutter. Seeing people fighting for their lives inside of the squared circle reminded her of the adrenaline she enjoyed in her street fights…with much less risk of outright injury (unless, of course, the opponent was too sadistic).

After watching a few shows, both involving her adoptive father and some Joshi federations running shows in Koraken Hall, Chika made a firm decision to become a professional wrestler. Eiichiro agreed to train her on the condition she will be able to balance her training with her studies, fearing that the difficult world of pro wrestling might not pan out for the girl.

Despite the harsh training from her father (jokingly dubbing it her “third circle of hell”), it paled in comparison to the hardships she endured in her life. Eiichiro taught Chika the basics of Strong Style, focusing on strikes with her legs, while requesting help from veteran Joshi wrestlers he was friends with to teach her their style. The result was a powerful and explosive mix of offence. Mixing that with her durability and innate fighting spirit, and even as a teen, once Chika started wrestling in companies visiting Tokyo, she was already a force to be reckoned with in the ring…
...though that didn’t stop her from losing for a good while early in her career, her mounting up losses almost getting her to quit until she finally scored her first ever pinfall in an 8-woman tag match, nailing another girl with a lucky kick. Improving it further, she honed it in into her finishing Brazilian Kick.

Slowly, but surely her career built up, winning multi-person tag belts in her first year of wrestling, while she was still 16, and a secondary title of Kyoto Joshi Pro a few months after turning 17, having a decent length reign with the belt, dropping it 6 months later. In addition, she became a co-trainer in Eiichiro's school, helping him with lessons whenever she could, especially with his lady trainees. She also took part in quite a few intergender matches in this time, having more of a mixed success in those (even partaking in a light-hearted affair with her adoptive father), and going on to take quite a few international bookings while still 17, going to Mexico, UK and America within 1 year.

During this time, she also started dating one of Eiichiro's students, Tetsuya Omori. As he came to training sessions with Eiichiro, Chika and him were smitten with one another, flirting non-stop during and outside of spars...and occasionally, even matches with each other.

A little while after Chika turned 18, in Spring of 2012, Chika discovered that she was pregnant. When she announced this to Tetsuya, he at first seemed happy...until the next day, when Tetsuya completely cut contact with her. She soon discovered that nothing had happened to him, only moving to a different part of Japan, appearing in a local Kyoto based promotion. The message from his actions was clear, it was to get away from her and their child, soon discovering that he had more than a few flings with just more than her around Tokyo.

Eiichiro would recommend to give the baby up for adoption...but the word would immediately flare up unpleasant memories in Chika (Eiichiro quickly realizing his mistake), who would choose to raise the baby on her own, with Eiichiro being fine with it, vouching to help whenever he could. With that, Chika would wrestle one final match the next month, though announcing that this was not a good bye by any means, only a "see you later", not treating this like a retirement at all.

And so, in December 2012, Chika's daughter, Kairi Igarashi, was born. For a year, Chika would focus completely on taking care of her daughter, but with her adoptive father's body letting itself know of the punishment it took over the years he's been wrestling (his debut was when he was 18 and he wrestled with minimum interruptions to now, when he was 45), and the dojo and wrestling school not bringing as much money as it could, Chika knew she had to come back to the ring soon.

She announced her big return in Spring of 2014, and from then on, tried to mix up life of an indie wrestler and a mother, her adoptive father acting as Kairi's nanny whenever he could. Growing very loving of her daughter, she wanted to take her on her work trips whenever she could, and once Kairi turned 3, Chika would take her to trips to England and America, making sure to not overload her schedule (besides one incident which the little Kairi still complained to her mother about 3 years down the line). Her style did not change in the slightest, and once the ring rust was shaken off, Chika, who by this point fully solidified herself as "the Raven Knight" would become one of the best Joshi wrestlers in Japan, giving Aces of quite a few companies a run for their money and defeating them quite often for their world titles.

Between indie wrestling and starting to run her father's dojo more, Chika could make sure that herself and her daughter could have a normal living…
...but with Kairi growing up came another problem - school. She wanted to get Kairi to the best school she could to avoid her problems with education she had due to her childhood, but quickly realized that her jobs would just barely cover her daughter's education, Kairi entering school in April 2019.

Making a difficult decision, Chika finally looked to commit herself to a company full-time. Her father was distrusting of large scale promotions, but understanding the situation, gave her the go ahead. Soon after making that decision she was contacted by LAW, taking a sizable deal from them in December 2019...

Wrestling Attire: Raven painted shirt a top a black sports bra, black shorts, and kick pads.
Entrance Attire: In 2016, added a Raven themed armor to her entrance attire for dramatic flair.

- Her daughter
- Fun wrestling gimmicks
- Shojo manga

- Losing (extends to draws, has been known to attack her opponents even after the time limit expired to goad them into fighting her to the finish)
- Star Wars (still goes to watch every movie to troll it’s fans, both Japanese and American, on social media)
- Japanese Music (old and new)
- Rodents and lizards
Fun Facts:
- Is good friends with Gaster sisters and hangs out with them on occasion. She met Clara when touring UK in mid-2016, wrestling her to a time limit draw, but seeing how tired she was, decided to not push her further, befriending the masked Brit, and asking her for a match down the line. While touring, or just resting around town during that tour, she trusted Clara with Kairi quite often, the child and the Shadow Lord becoming quite good friends. From her match with Clara (and from how Kairi liked her Shadow Lord character), Chika started incorporating more audible one liners to act more superhero-like. The two had a rematch with a bigger time limit at an indie show in 2018, Chika striking the Shadow Lord unconscious to win.
- Alice, she met during a tour of America, fighting the Pale Rider in a deathmatch (Kairi left in care of her American friends for this match up), where the two wrestlers “destroyed each other’s soul” in their own words. Alice touts this as her favorite deathmatch, and was surprised to hear this was Chika’s first one. Chika loved deathmatches ever since, although realizing that these sorts of matches shorten careers if not careful, deciding to only partake in those on rare occasions.
- As a result of the above, Chika has already tagged with both Gasters, and has a few combination moves with them both.
- With raising Kairi, she rarely had time to herself, though Eiichiro aimed to give her that at least once a month. During these, she tried to find herself a soulmate, trying to make relationships with a few men and women, but she still couldn’t find a stable partner since becoming a mother.
- Legally, when Eiichiro tried to adopt Chika, the Adachi household still had legal possession of Chika. However, between Adachis ruining their own household with time, as well as their fired, disgruntled servants providing evidence into their mistreatments of not just Chika, but other children, the courts saw they were not fit to continue their duties as legal guardians, making the adoption process for Eiichiro much smoother than usual, officially becoming her guardian in just a few months after welcoming her to his household.

LAW Information

Record: 0-0-0



Debut Match

Last edited by Vc0m on Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:21 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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