"Oh, jib it wit’dat, ya proper quilt, like!"
Name: Chelsea ForsterAge: 24
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'6 / 168 cm
Weight: 116 lbs. / 53 kg
Hometown: Liverpool, England
Alignment: Face
Ring Gear (March Hare)

Ring Gear (British Bunnies)




Avril Lavigne - Alice
History: Chelsea lived in Liverpool all her life, with her parents and her sister Molly. Though her family was more well to do, she always found the English upper class to be stuffy, chafing, and altogether boring. She, on the other hand, was more into things that excited her - music, sports, movies, anything fast-paced, where things felt like they were actually happening. Wanting a life like that for herself, she thought that she would break into her hometown’s famous music industry, trying her hand at achieving success as a rock star. Though she had a guitar, and wrote a few of her songs, she was still young, and her hopes of being seen as a music prodigy didn’t really work out, especially when there were plenty of other acts in town that stood out more. She had potential, but she wasn’t going to go much farther than maybe playing in a bar once or twice - and she wasn’t content with that. What made matters worse was her abrasive attitude, which often got in the way of relating to people and cost her contacts that might have helped her go further in life. It looked like her aspirations weren’t going to get her anywhere.
However, Chelsea did have something to fall back on. In one particularly heated argument with a would-be band manager, Chelsea was told that her unwillingness to work with others would never get her ahead in life, and that she “wasn’t a wrestler, you know.” At that point, though, something clicked in her head. She would prove the man wrong, and actually become a pro wrestler. After all, she had been a fan of wrestling growing up, and it would provide her with the perfect outlet to yell at people and beat them up, all without repercussions; getting paid for it, even. Not to mention, it would offer her a shot at fame just as much as being a musician would; if she got a chance at winning a championship, or even just having enough eyes on her, then she would still make it. She began training at a local gym, and soon applied to an independent promotion in the Merseyside area. There she would quickly ascend the ranks, her sharp tongue and intense high-flying style catching the eye of the fans and propelling her to the stardom she dreamed of as she was picked up by other leagues and began touring more of the country.
With such rising popularity, it wouldn’t be long until Chelsea had attracted enough attention to go mainstream, getting offered a position in LAW. At first, she turned it down; she couldn’t imagine herself working anywhere but England. However, with her sister, and by then tag team partner, transferring to study in Japan as an exchange student, Chelsea elected to bite the bullet, which was helped by Molly offering to work as her manager so she wouldn’t have to learn Japanese. While she isn’t crazy about it still, she took to the change of scenery if it meant that she got to take her performance to an even bigger stage and stay in touch with the other half of the British Bunnies.
For the most part, however, Chelsea would find that the Bunnies struggled to break out of the midcard, facing a less than stellar record; even when they made it onto We Are LAW 3 for the blowoff of a long-standing feud with the Carnival Girls, it was still a match that they lost. All of this would change by a stroke of fate, when the Bunnies were thrown into a Capture the Flag match against the Austrian team of Harmonia and Finella Edelstein (also, coincidentally, a team of two sisters). It was supposed to be little more than a sideshow to capitalize on their respective countries' recent football feud, but Chelsea found something in Finella that ran far more personally, and it was soon evident that things wouldn't be settled after just one match. Finella continued to antagonize the Englishwoman outside the ring in countless intrusions and post-match run-ins, all of which finally culminated at We Are LAW 5, when they faced off in a brutal street fight that pushed both to their limits and landed both of them in the hospital - but also saw Chelsea, at long last, overcoming her hated foe.
Chelsea has seen quite a few changes in her life since her recovery. She decided to finally go public about her relationship with George Fortunato, the owner of her much-frequented English pub The Wolf and the Bunny, and she even made up with Finella over the course of their hospital stay. Though her return to the ring is still a matter for the future, she's laid extensive plans for it, with a new persona under the identity of the March Hare, part of the Mad Tea Party, a stable consisting of her, George, and veteran wrestler Karl Schneider. Now that she's put her past struggles behind her, when the time comes, Chelsea will be turning the page to a new chapter in her life.
Personality: The best way to describe Chelsea is that she’s aggressively Northern, playing common stereotypes of people from her region of England to a T. She’s hot-tempered, quick to violence, and curses with enough gusto to offend a sailor, even to people she likes. As such, she doesn’t tend to form many lasting connections, besides that with her sister; she keeps a fiercely independent streak and prefers to handle things herself. This many call into question why she needs a manager. And that is because, ever since moving to Japan, she has utterly refused to learn, speak, read, or understand any Japanese. She considers it to be a waste of her time, and too reflective of her sister’s nonsense, as well as because she prides herself too much on her British heritage to present herself any other way. Thus, she tends to not make any sense to anybody, and needs her sister to translate for her. In fact, she can be less than coherent even to native English speakers, due to how she speaks with a heavy Scouse accent and dialect, using local slang in most of her speeches. She doesn’t concern herself with trying to be comprehensible by anyone around her, and it’s one of the several reasons Molly has to keep up with her.
That being said, she does have a softer side to her, even if she doesn’t show it often. She’s genuinely passionate about wrestling, and despite her irascibility, she’s doing what she loves and she couldn’t think of being anywhere else in the world. She’s also very protective of her sister, and won’t stand up to anyone bullying her, in or out of the ring. Deep down, Chelsea struggles with self-acceptance, fearing that her brash attitude pushes others away and prevents her from being able to form any bonds with others, and questioning how well she can measure up to her rivals. Her aggression grew out of a defense mechanism she developed out of fear of being viewed as weak or soft, and she used to play it up in the hopes that it would get people off her back. Since joining the Mad Tea Party, she's been willing to open up more, but she still has a fiercely proud streak and isn't afraid to stand up for herself or those close to her - and she's still reluctant to show any sign of weakness to anyone she doesn't trust.
- Due to her accent and mannerisms, she’s often mistaken for being Scottish by outsiders. This annoys her to no end, and she sees it as an insult to her English heritage. ”Scotland in’t even a country, ya tosser!”
- She’s especially irritated by people who compare her to a certain Scottish TV chef. However, she has called someone a donkey on occasion, because she finds it amusing.
- Besides wrestling, Chelsea also plays pool and snooker as a hobby, and is quite good at it.
- She was considerably proud to have a fellow Scouser holding the LAW Middleweight Championship, and it was one of the factors that made her more accepting of coming to LAW. Needless to say, she wasn't very happy when Tina lost it.
- Despite teasing her sister over watching anime, she's secretly a big fan of old British cartoons, particularly Count Duckula.
- When she has the opportunity to be, Chelsea is incredibly lazy, and spends the majority of her free time watching daytime TV in her underwear.
Fighting Style: A classic high-flyer, Chelsea’s arsenal is energetic, flashy, and uses her agility to her advantage in a match, both to build up momentum for her attacks and to wow the crowd; after all, she seeks attention and fame just as much as she fights to do her best and succeed. This high-speed, aerial style, combined with her trademark hair ribbon, is what caused fans to compare her to a rabbit, something she quickly adopted into her public persona. It also led to her working more strikes, particularly kicks, into her moveset to better play to the theme. Being as irritable and pugnacious as she is, she can also be a brawler when the opportunity presents itself, and she’s perfectly willing to get her hands dirty, using low blows, eye rakes, and the like if she has to.
Favored Match Types: Chelsea doesn’t really have much of a preference in what she does in the ring; she’s pretty open to most matches. She’s perfectly capable of competing both in tag bouts or alone. And she isn’t afraid to take things hardcore, either; if anything, it just lets her tap into the collective consciousness of what her people are good at: drunken brawling, of course.
Finishing Moves:
Slingshot Meteora
Jackrabbit Jackhammer
A combination maneuver, Chelsea whips her opponent across the ring into the other corner, running across at the same time so that she hits a dropkick onto them at the same time they hit the turnbuckle. She then performs a flying mare, grabbing them by the hair to hurl them over her shoulder.
Relationships with Other Characters:
- Molly Forster is Chelsea’s younger sister, tag team partner, and manager. Despite her fiery temper and their differences in opinion, Molly is one of the few things in life Chelsea doesn’t hate, and she’s both highly supportive and highly defensive of her; the fact that she’s the only way most of the audience even knows what she’s saying helps. That being said, she does wish she wouldn’t ”go ‘bout kitted up like a right gobshite, like.”
- Jonathan Steele is a long-time friend of Chelsea's, and one of her trainers from before she came to LAW. As her career in Japan got underway, the two hadn't seen each other in some time, but they soon caught up with one another during Chelsea's hospital stay. He's still involved in her training and willing to team up with her for the odd match, though they've had their own bumps along the way.
- George Fortunato entered Chelsea's life as the manager of the Wolf and the Bunny, an English pub in Tokyo she frequented because it was one of the few places she could feel at home. While she initially thought he was a prissy, lovesick idiot (and she still thinks that sometimes), he quickly became someone she felt safe approaching and opening up to about her struggles and doubts, and they soon began dating. Chelsea has since become a co-owner of the pub, and George has come to manage her in the ring.
- Karl Schneider proved himself to be someone else Chelsea could trust and feel safe around, meeting him through his association with the Austrian Eagles (and by extension with Molly). She found that he believed in her and saw her potential, and she soon grew to see him as something of a surrogate father figure while she was away from home. He helped her prepare for her feud-ending blowoff with Finella, and along with herself and George, he forms one-third of Mad Tea Party.
- Finella Edelstein had always been a fierce rival of Chelsea's. Since the Hellraiser was able to overcome her in a Capture the Flag match, Chelsea felt personally scorned by the defeat - not helped by the fact that Finella set out to threaten, belittle, and humiliate her at every turn, something that the proud and headstrong Chelsea was not amused by in the least. Since their feud culminated, Chelsea has come to see Finella as more of a friendly rival, understanding that the two of them aren't as different as she'd thought, and has even been willing to work with her. But they still compete with one another, and Chelsea isn't one to give Finella anything she can feel superior about.
- Sarabeth Chummers has become a friend to Chelsea ever since they met at the Wolf and the Bunny and quickly established a bond over their rebellious attitudes and their struggles with feelings of isolation. The two of them occasionally team up as a tag team of their own, Clockwork by a Hare.