Aileen Robertson
Info:Nationality: Scottish
Hometown: Inverness, Scotland
Age: 18
Height: 5'2
Weight: 109 lbs.
Alignment: Face
Orientation: Bisexual
Personality: Highly energetic and friendly. Aileen is a people person and a people pleaser. Loyal almost to a fault.
Favorite Matches: Standard, Falls Count Anywhere
Attitude Towards Hentai: "Hey I'm all up for new things just not that...."
Entrance Theme:
Backstory WIP:
Aileen was always a little ball of energy, constantly exploring and trying to find new things to do and thankfully her good nature always kept her out of trouble. She was always the youngest in the crowd, normally hanging out with her older cousins. As they got older and her cousins began training to become wrestlers her mother was a bit scared for her safety and disallowed her from learning it herself until she was sixteen and eventually with enough bagging she let Aileen learn wrestling from her Uncle in law.
Aileen spent her time training for a year while her cousins made waves on UK indies, eager to step in the ring herself. Aileen did have to figure out a different style from the rest of her family though as she was the smallest of the bunch, eventually figuring out how to work with highflying and quick moves thanks to the help of another local wrestler. When she was seventeen she stepped in her first indie ring, wrestling a fellow young rookie. Sure it wasn't the greatest match ever, but it was enough to get Aileen's foot in the door.
Continuing to wrestle on and off for another year Aileen managed to get a decent amount of experience, but not nearly as much as her cousins. But hearing that Hazel managed to get signed to LAW Aileen was desperate to get signed herself, spamming emails, trying to call, anything she could. Thankfully her family name managed to get her in, a bit nepotistic, but Aileen didn't mean anything terrible by it she just wanted to wrestle in the same premotion as her family.
Aileen spent her time training for a year while her cousins made waves on UK indies, eager to step in the ring herself. Aileen did have to figure out a different style from the rest of her family though as she was the smallest of the bunch, eventually figuring out how to work with highflying and quick moves thanks to the help of another local wrestler. When she was seventeen she stepped in her first indie ring, wrestling a fellow young rookie. Sure it wasn't the greatest match ever, but it was enough to get Aileen's foot in the door.
Continuing to wrestle on and off for another year Aileen managed to get a decent amount of experience, but not nearly as much as her cousins. But hearing that Hazel managed to get signed to LAW Aileen was desperate to get signed herself, spamming emails, trying to call, anything she could. Thankfully her family name managed to get her in, a bit nepotistic, but Aileen didn't mean anything terrible by it she just wanted to wrestle in the same premotion as her family.
Aileen did gymnastics growing up
Is highly flexible
Corner Drop Kick!
Springboard Enzugiri
Scottish Tornado!
Aileen Cutter!
General Statistics
Endurance: 9/10
Strength: 5/10
Speed: 8/10
Defense: 7/10
Technique: 6/10
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes: 7/10
Submissions: 6/10
Powerhouse: 3/10
Aerials: 8/10
Counters: 6/10
Friends and Foes:
Family: Hazel Nielson
Allies: Hazel Nielson
LAW Record: 0-0