leah "snow" becker - Snow White

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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the funny girl
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leah "snow" becker - Snow White

Unread post by the funny girl »

Name: leah "snow" becker
nickname: snow white, the strategist, snowflake, snow girl
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Eyes: golden
Hair: white
Height: 107 ibs
Weight: 5'3
Nationality: german
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Alignment: face
Fighting Style: Leah is a rookie who tries to learn everything she can about wrestling but she has a greater advantage when it comes to planning her attacks before going out to fight although when her plan doesn't go the way she wants, she has to improvise to be able keeping a fair fight

Entrance Music:

Wearing Her fighting Clothes (without the rabbit ears)

Wearing Her fighting Clothes (alter)

I give up!...


smelling a flower

let me go once and for all... red hood






liliweiss let me go...also why do I have to wear this suit?

kyaaa help me!

in a swimsuit

Personality: Leah, also known as Snow White, is a person with a lot of potential when it comes to making plans and creating strategies, although that is more because she is always cautious when it comes to fighting, although she is not physically as strong as her others friends, but Leah makes up for that with her great ingenuity and intelligence when it comes to attacking, since she wants to show that she is not so useless in her group and with each day, Snow White learns several interesting things but there are some things that certainly... They make her uncomfortable because both Rapunzel and Red Hood are certainly quite...unusual people and many times she has to avoid being groped and doing something perverted to her and that makes her quite nervous so she usually uses Liliweiss as a shield to prevent both girls from doing something somewhat perverted to her or simply choose to escape to avoid being touched

but on the other hand, leah is personally in charge of separating dorothy and escarlet because those two do not get along so well, because one wants to keep her elegance and her clothes intact for the fights while the other trains and is not for nothing elegant and because of those differences, they feel mutual displeasure, they are basically like oil and water, every time scarlet and dorothy meet, they immediately attack each other like two wild dogs and therefore snow white or liliweiss have She has to intervene so that neither of them ends up with serious injuries, She cares a lot about her friends but she has a limit of patience every time that happens and so she gets angry and unintentionally gets into the fight but at least with the only person who can be said to not have a strange relationship would be liliweiss, when she doesn't have matches to play, most of her time is spent creating robots such as robot dogs so as not to feeling alone at home

history: Since she was a child, Leah was a prodigy in terms of study, since for her she was someone with an amazingly fast ability to understand, which is why she earned the praise of her teachers and that certainly made her happy, even her parents felt proud to having a prodigy daughter like Leah, she had lived most of her time in Berlin (she lived there for almost 15 years), so she never expected her parents to make the decision for them to move country and more specifically the United States, that took Leah by surprise and she asked them why, the answer was what made her angry and enraged "future so that you have a better future in a job as a lawyer" and with that response, that made Leah completely upset with her parents decision but she couldn't do much due to the fact that at that time she was only fifteen years old and therefore Leah had moved to the United States, the trip lasted nine hours but at the same time Less had already arrived but Leah was precisely not very happy, due to the fact that she had to abandon all her friends that she once had in Berlin.

So for three years the relationship between Leah and her parents was quite tense and while those years passed, Leah studied something that had interested her since she was a child and that was robotics, since the girl from Berlin had seen several movies with robot theme, so she thought that a career that involved robotics would be a great idea and would be a way to get revenge on her parents for trying to control what she secretly began to study robotics and when she finally had it, she chose a well-known university and when she said goodbye to her parents, she felt free to do what she liked most but when she set foot inside the university, she was almost run over by a girl with red hair who was driving a motorcycle but even though she went to complain to that girl, Leah looked at that girl's outfit, she couldn't help but think that she looked like a stripper, the girl apologized and introduced herself as Irene but Leah could call her "red hood" and the girl with red hair realized that Leah was a new girl and therefore decided to guide Leah, which coincidentally was the same room as Red Hood's, so Leah knew that from that moment her life was going to take a 180° turn.

During the time at the white-haired girl's university, she made a group of friends in which were Rapunzel, Dorothy, Red Hood, Liliweiss and Scarlett, there were certainly quite happy, strange and perverted moments, certainly everything was going quite well until that red hood decided to invite them to LAW, that filled her with curiosity and she decided to enter LAW as snow white

Signature Move
Cradle DDT
Super kick
Spinning backfist
Overhead kick
Rolling wheel kick
Backflip kick
Jumping high kick

snow storm

double attack

chilling punishment

snowy impact

snow cloak

Finishing Moves

frozen death

icy avalanche

icy dream

ice hammer

ice fist

snow tornado

icy meteor

LAW Information

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=18568 In her first match, Leah faces a completely ruthless enemy that makes her think that this will not end well.

Record: 0-0-0



-Not yet


Last edited by the funny girl on Wed Feb 26, 2025 5:24 am, edited 4 times in total.
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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