Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Smother match
Winning Condition: KO your opponent via a smother
This is an Apex Qualifying match

Chika was fairly surprised. She was patiently awaiting for her Apex qualifier to be announced...but she was fairly surprised at the fact that her first qualifier was a smother match! She didn't mind it, she enjoyed smotherfests...but part of her wanted to showcase her skills in a more standard contest.
She entered in her new outfit, without her manager (the brawl with Himeko proving to be a breaking point for both), and for now, without her entrance gear. She wore a serious expression on her face, at odds with the softcore battle that was about to commense.

She rolled into the ring, raising her fist into the air before she settled in a corner, waiting for her foe to enter...

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Re: Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Unread post by Kreydos »

Yoro awaited her turn to make her entrance within the gorilla area. She jogged on the spot to pass the time, sporadically stopping to throw a warm-up kick or few. As per usual, she dressed herself in an American flag themed bikini. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait around for long; she heard the arena's speakers playing her theme, prompting her lips to curl upwards.
Appearance Reference
Entrance Theme
She bounced out onto the scene and struck her signature double peace sign pose. Flashing her teeth through a bright smile, she then jogged around the stage while high-fiving the audience as she ran. After she completed a couple laps, she positioned herself at the centre of the ramp. From there, she bounced on the soles of her feet and pumped her fists, hyping the crowds up in the process.

Suddenly, she took off at top speed and barrelled down towards the ring. She dove under the ropes and slid across the canvas when she landed, arriving at the opposite set of ropes. Then she sprung onto her feet and shot her fists skywards. "Oh yeah!" As always, her high octane stunt received a nice pop which she responded to with thanks and thumbs up. "Heyo! I'm Yoro Yobi!" She waved at Chika and skipped closer. "My friends call me 'Yoyo' though so call me 'Yoyo'! Or don't, I don't mind."
Last edited by Kreydos on Mon May 23, 2022 9:41 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Yoro was a very excited, positive lady, from what Chika could see. Loved by the crowd as she loved them. Tonight was definitely a match focusing on two sexy women trying to smother each other with their assets. Part of Chika felt underestimated as a legitimate competitor, especially in an important match such as this...but another part of her found this side of LAW very fun, so she simply giggled as she saw the American bikini wearing middleweight enter the ring.

"Noted, Ms. Yoyo...", Chika nodded with a smile: "Now then...it's time for our match, so please do your best against me. I fully intend to win tonight", Chika would explain as she nodded to the referee to show that she was ready for the match...

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Re: Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Unread post by Kreydos »

"I'll give you my best and more!" Yoro excitedly bobbed her head while she replied. At the same time, she started jogging on the spot, ostensibly to hype herself up. "I'mma pound you real hard tonight!" She also shouted an innuendo aloud though she appeared to be oblivious to that fact. The moment she heard the bell ring, she burst forth into a sprint.

Bounding across the ring, she closed the distance between herself and Chika as much as possible before Yoyo leapt and threw her body chest-first at her opponent for a running vertical splash. And even if she missed, she would swiftly roll onto her feet after she landed as if nothing happened. Then she again ran at full speed at Chika and attempted the exact same splash.

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Re: Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Chika nodded positively to Yoyo's words...though the last part, especially the audiences giggles, made her pause. She wasn't as aware of secondary connotations of words in English so why did she feel like her foe said something either mean or lewd towards her?

As the bell rung, Yoyo wouldn't give a damn about slowness, rushing straight at Chika as she jumped at her! Chika would roll out of the way, but as both women found their way back to their feet a second later, Yoro went for the exact same manuever!

This time, Chika jumped to the side, trying to roundhouse kick Yoyo in her chest to punish her for trying the same trick twice!
Last edited by Vc0m on Wed Mar 16, 2022 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Unread post by Kreydos »

"Hahaha!" Yoro's cheerful laughter echoed throughout the arena while she quite literally hurled herself around the ring. On the second splash attempt however,- "Oof!" She got kicked out of the air by Chika. A blunt thud reverberated across the mat as Yoyo landed flat on her back. Yet it did not take long for her to recover; she swiftly rolled onto all fours before she sprung onto her feet.

"Wow, that was cool!" She enthusiastically chirped compliments. "This is gonna be fun!" Then she suddenly charged her opponent yet again, apparently uncaring of the effects the roundhouse kick had on her. She swung her arm with all of her might as she ran, attempting a basic but hard-hitting lariat.
Last edited by Kreydos on Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:41 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Unread post by Vc0m »

The two women smiled at each other after the exchange, before continuing the fast paced encounter, Yoyo continuing to rush at Chika...

...who, while expecting another body splash would prepare to counter it in a similar fashion, only to realize her mistake too late as Yoro rammed her forearm into Chika's head, flooring the Raven Knight onto the floor!


Chika was laid out, and while dazed, tried to find her way to her feet!

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Re: Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Unread post by Kreydos »

The lariat connected, bashing into Chika and knocking her down. Of course, Yoro didn't stop there. She kept on running until she rebounded off the ropes, setting her trajectory back towards her opponent. Once more, she threw herself like a projectile weapon as her method of attack. This time, she shifted her body weight to be parallel to the ground for a crossbody that would crash onto Chika's midsection and flatten her down to the canvas should she fail to dodge Yoyo.

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Re: Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Unread post by Vc0m »

With Chika floored and dazed by her foe, it wouldn’t take long for Yoro to go for her next attack, as she jumped and squashed the lightweight with her heavier frame!


Being dazed, floored, and gasping for air, she was now easy pickings for Yoyo!

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Re: Yoro "Yoyo" Yobi vs Chika Igarashi - Apex of Smothers!

Unread post by Kreydos »

"Hahaha!" More laughter erupted from Yoro as she landed harshly onto Chika, leaving her a crumpled mess on the mat. "I topped you this time!" Yoyo announced excitedly, still unaware of the innuendo she just said aloud. Without giving her opponent a chance to respond, she repositioned her body to shove her chest right into Chika's face for a simple but breathtaking breast smother. Moreover, Yoro tried to grab the other woman's arms by the wrists and pin them down in an attempt to curtail resistance.
Last edited by Kreydos on Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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