Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

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I Quit Match
Winning Condition: Force your opponent to say the words: "I Quit"
This is an Apex Qualifying match

"I will..."

"End her! I know! Now hold still..."

Alice was backstage, and her sister did what a good older sibling always did - helped dress up the wounds before another fight:

"I am worried about this though...the two of you already beat each other up pretty roughly in your first match...and she seemed...literal in wanting to kill you last week", Clara would say as she finally finished putting the bandage at the cut Yuzuha gave her the previous week:

"So even though you are scared to get in the ring with some people, you still do, but I can't? And I am not even afraid of this biker chick...if she wants to kill me that's her problem."

Alice, with a single trackmind, would get up from the chair and head towards the gorilla position for her match, her older sibling looking on, worried...
Alice entered in her new attire, for the first time for a match. This time, however, she didn't have her trusty Kendo Stick with her. She wanted to start it by beating Yuzuha up with her bare hands. Angrily, she quickly got to the ring, getting into refs face. Not even asking for a microphone, she shouted across the arena:


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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

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"Yuzuha. I know you're following after me but---"

"Let me guess... That I took it too far Kanata-sensei?" Yuzuha rebutted, warming up in the locker room with her idol and wrestling teacher. Who was growing concerned about the hardcore biker's rivalry against this certain opponent.

"Well, that and it's not only the two of you that are going to get hurt in this fight you know! You need to keep your rage and violence in check before you hurt more than what you can handle." Kanata said in her concerns as she glances over to her own scars. "You already seen what's going to happen if you keep on this path!"

"Sensei... I respect you but... My path is going to be different than yours." Yuzuha walks away from her teacher and left the locker room. Leaving the veteran looking at her pupil concerned about Yuzuha's future...
Yuzuha's music played out immediately after Alice called her out. This time, her jacket were absent as she stood there in her iconic camo tanktop and and leather pants completed with black boots and red gloves. A long iron chain draped around her neck was there instead of the jacket. She spread her arms as she stood at the center of the entrance stage. Grinning widely as she stared to her hated rival who's standing in the ring.

"End me...? END ME!? That's rich coming from the bitch that I knocked out not once... But twice!" Yuzuha shouted back as she rushed through the entrance ramp, gripping the chains as she removed it from her neck and tosses it away when she reaches the ringside apron. Quickly sliding herself under the ropes to enter the ring and stood up at the center of the ring.

Yuzuha then pressed her forehead against Alice as she initiated an intense face to face close staredown. "Signed your death will already? Cause this will be your fucking funeral!" She mocked as she stared down to Alice and immediately swings her fist up and attempt to knock Alice out with a sucker punch to the head! Wanting to immediately start the beatdown on the Pale Rider.
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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

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Alice didn't have to wait long...but it was too long for her anyway. She needed to hurt Yuzuha. Badly.

The two immediately collided in the middle of the ring, forehead to forehead, with referee not even bothering to separate the two...

And after one final word from Yuzuha, both women launched their fists for the other's face. And the moment they connected, the ref called for the bell:


The shot reached Alice on the cheek, snapping her head away, even though the Brit managed to keep on her feet, immediately turning back to face her hated rival...

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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

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Both women had the same thing in mind after the short intense staredown. That is to immediately beat the shit out of each other. Both women's fist impacted to their face.

The bell immediately rings as both women reeled back after getting a fist straight to their cheeks. Yuzuha continued to walk back as she hissed in the pain. "Man I missed that..." She muttered as her back hits the ropes.

She rebounded to Alice and let out a loud roar as she charges forward onto Alice and leapt forward! Attempting to pounce her hated rival and bring her down to the canvas and starts it off with a Lou Thezs Press!
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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

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Alice would've lied if she didn't say that, at least small part of her, didn't enjoy fighting her hated rival, as both women quickly snapped back their heads to one another after the initial punch. Yuzuha would manage to recover first however, as she jumped forward and taking Alice down with a Lou Thesz Press!

Alice wouldn't take this lying down, and instead would try to launch her arm upwards to uppercut the biker!

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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

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Yuzuha gripped onto Alice's shoulder as she drove her rival down onto the canvas. Their eyes met once again as the two glared at each other with murderous intent. She raised her right arm up, intending to hammer her fist down onto the Pale Rider's face. "You're dead!!!" Yuzuha let out loudly as her fist drove down onto Alice's face. She was sure that she'd hit Alice with it, not minding any fights that Alice could dish back. Until suddenly...

"Gwah!!!" Yuzuha let out as her head rocked back and her fist stopped mid way when Alice countered with the uppercut to her jaw. Rolling herself away to the side as she dismounted from Alice. Resting on one knee as she held her chin and hissing out in pain. She glared onto her opponent. Letting out a wide smile and laughing out as she slowly recover.

"Not bad... Heh." She said with a mocking praise. She won't lie, she longed to fight Alice since last time. She wanted to beat the shit out of her opponent and that the feeling was mutual. "Bring it all on!!!" She shouted out, goading Alice to go all out at her.
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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

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Alice smiled a toothy, evil grin towards Yuzuha after she rolled to her knees, managing to knock the biker off her. She hated to admit it...but she did indeed miss fighting her quite a bit since their last match from a few years ago.

As Yuzuha goaded her on, Alice quickly rose back to her feet, dashing from a crouch as she outstretched her arm at Yuzuha, aiming to take her down with a Lariat!

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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

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Yuzuha braced her shoulders as she watches Alice rose up quickly and dashed onto her! Taking those stiff arm right on her chest and immediately blown back to the canvas back first!

"Gwah!" Yuzuha let out, but she immediately slams her fist onto the canvas and quickly stands up as she pivoted to face her hated rival. Beating her own chest two times before gesturing for Alice to come at her again.

"That it!? Sensei hit me harder than that!" Yuzuha yelled out, taunting her opponent to go even harder than earlier.
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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

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Alice would take Yuzuha down with a hard Lariat, to which Yuzuha would quickly get back up, and goad Alice for another Lariat:

"You fucking..."

Alice went for the ropes:

"Going to make you cough up...", Alice would say as she rebounded:

"...your fucking lungs!", she finished, as she jumped at Yuzuha with an outstretched arm for a Jumping Lariat!

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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

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Yuzuha readied herself when Alice charged at her and braced as she leapt towards her with an outstretched arm. No intention on escaping at all and just going to take it!

Yuzuha gritted her teeth as that arm smashed onto her chest! Immediately falling down onto her back with a loud thud! This time, she didn't get up immediately, though she did raise her upper body and clutches her chest tightly as the sting from receiving two lariats in a row hurts so bad.

Coughing up repeatedly, Yuzuha glances aside to look over to Alice. Glaring at her as she tries to regain her breathing. She won't lie, having a real fight like this excites her. And as she couldn't speak out as she regained her breathing. She raises a hand and flipped a middle finger towards Alice.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

Open for match ideas and stuffs, hit me up in Discord (cause that's mainly where I am when I'm not posting) LowDefinition#5144

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