Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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The uncomfortable position she was in, was nothing compared to what Charlotte was being forced to deal with, that was what kept Gabriella going. What made her refuse to give up the hold, if she could just break Charlotte here and now in this submission then all would be perfect. She grit her teeth, putting as much power as she could through her own body, her muscles tensed as she put them through quite a work out. A workout she could only describe as doing her utmost to make the Boston Crab as painful as possible for the Sand Lizard!

Charlotte's cries of pain served as sweet music to Gabriella's ears, as if she was serenading the imminent victory of the Hispanic beauty! Though as she continued to torment Charlotte, Gabriella would feel those leg muscles of the pink-haired fighter flex, a surge of power was brought into those legs and before Gabriella could figure out what the pink-haired fighter had planned she was flung off!

That sudden burst of leg power from a woman Gabriella had almost convinced herself was on the ropes, literally and figuratively caught her off guard. Gabriella was flung forward! Thrown onto her front, she landed with a pained grunt. Scrambled up to her knees, shaking her head in disbelief.

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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It really felt like torture. Yes, the legs were the best and strongest part of Charlotte's body. But even though the plentiful amount of muscle helped her resist Gabriella's hold, it still hurt like hell. Even despite all the attempts, the Frenchwoman could not restrain her groans when the Mexican woman literally tried to tear off her legs.

Charlotte, of course, did not see her rival's face. But something told her that Gabriella was sure that victory was almost in her pocket. Wanting to prove the opposite, the Sand Lizard strained arms and legs. Putting in pure strength and willpower, she abruptly pulled herself forward, while trying to pull her legs in the opposite direction.

Under the surprised cheers of the audience, Gabrella was literally thrown into the center of the ring. The grip disappeared from the pink-haired woman's legs and a moan of relief escaped from her mouth. Quite involuntarily, she put her right hand on her lower back in an attempt to ease the pain. Yes, she was no longer in the hold, but if someone thought that she no longer felt pain, then it was completely wrong. The Sand Lizard continued to groan faintly.

"Shut up... shut up and take the pain... take the pain!" She told herself, taking ragged breaths.

Charlotte forced herself to turn her head. Her opponent fell to the mat, but already began to rise to her knees. The Sand Lizard's abrupt move may have confused Gabriella, but it wouldn't have lasted long. Charlotte knew that. And in the same second, three thoughts formed at once. She must get on her feet faster than Gabriella. She must attack. Her legs were in too bad condition and she would not have time to get close to her opponent.

"TAKE THE PAIN!!!" Charlotte mentally shouted at herself.

Throwing her left arm up, the Sand Lizard used the metal mesh as support to force herself to her feet. Yes, her legs were shaking. And if she had slipped between the ropes, she would never have had time to get to Gabriella before the Mexican woman took a fighting stance. Therefore...

Charlotte turned around and grabbed the top rope. There were tears in her eyes due to the fact that every movement was accompanied by real agony. However, the path of a fighter is never easy. And sometimes the only way to win is to overcome the pain. That's exactly what Charlotte was going to do.

She intended to pull the rope down and then push off from the mat. Jumping up, she wanted to put her feet on the top rope, and then use it as a springboard in order to make another jump, this time straight to Gabriella. Throwing both legs forward, she intended to wrap her arms around the Mexican woman's head. Gravity would do the rest. Charlotte intended to fall on her back and at the same time smash the purple-haired woman's face into the mat with the help of springboard diving bulldog!

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Gabriella was sure that she had Charlotte right where she wanted her, that she could keep torturing the pinkette for a while longer in the Boston Crab hold. She wanted to keep torturing the tough as nails fighter for the sole reason that if she could keep wearing her down in this hold then she would have that much easier of a time when it came to putting her down for a three count.

The Sand Lizard was proving to be a lot more formidable than Gabriella had anticipated though, as she used her surprising core strength and leg power in combination to fling Gabriella off her! The Latina crashed front first into the canvas with a heavy thud and grunt, she grumbled loudly as she pushed up to her hands and knees, shaking her head in disbelief. She looked out at the crowd to see if what had happened had shocked them as much as her, and it seemed it had. Gabriella clicked her tongue as she pushed up to her knees and then began to rise up to her feet.

The Latina was about to turn around, still a bit flabbergasted at how her hold had been reversed. She would certainly have to wear down Charlotte for quite a bit more if she wanted her to be docile it seemed. As she was about to turn around though, she was met with the arms of Charlotte wrapping around her head and the purple haired babe was literally pulled down by the weight of her foe! Her face and chest crashed right into the canvas with a loud thud as Charlotte drove her down with that sprinboard diving bulldog! "WH-Grwuh!" Gabriella cried out a loud grunt as her body impacted onto the canvas with enough force her body to bounce and then flop over onto her back.

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Was it risky? Definitely. However, this was definitely not a moment where Charlotte could afford to be indecisive. After the submission hold her body was in real agony, but at the cost of incredible efforts she got a chance that she could not miss. A chance to regain the lead in the match. Being in the ring, Charlotte always tried to remain open-minded, striving to win no matter who her opponent was. But today she allowed herself to make an exception. She just couldn't afford to lose today. Therefore, she intended to do everything in her power to leave with a victory.

Both women got to their feet almost simultaneously. But by the time Gabriella started to turn to Charlotte, the Sand Lizard was already in the air. With lightning in her eyes, she grabbed the purple-haired woman's head. She could have sworn that she saw in her rival's eyes the realization of what would happen next. Cutting through the air, their bodies rushed to the mat. But while Charlotte landed on her back, Gabriella landed on her face and ample breasts.

Lying on her back, Charlotte allowed herself a few seconds of rest. Breathing heavily, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and only after that first she rolled over on her stomach and then got up on all fours. She found that the result of her attack was even more impressive than she had originally imagined. The impact was so great that her opponent's body involuntarily turned over, as a result of which Gabriella found herself on her back face up.

The audience, who did not even think to stop increasing the noise, made it clear to Charlotte that perhaps it was time to demonstrate one of her new movements. Besides, even though it was not in the style of the Sand Lizard, there was a great desire in her soul to take revenge on the Mexican woman for the tortures she had to go through.

Charlotte intended to grab the purple-haired woman's left hand while getting to her feet at the same time. Trying to breathe as evenly as possible in order to regain her strength, she was going to step over Gabriella, thereby forcing her to turn over on her stomach, and then immediately lower her left knee to the mat, thereby fixing Gabriella's arm at a very unnatural angle.

Got you...” Charlotte said.

Grabbing the Mexican woman's right foot, she was going to place it on the back of the kneecap of Gabriella's other leg. It was at this moment that the audience realized what it was, and so they let out an enthusiastic shout. Because of this, a slight smile appeared on the lips of the martial arts master. With that smile, she intended to wrap both hands around her opponent's left thigh, and then spare no effort to pull her legs back. It took her a long time to master this hold, but she was pleased with the result because in fact it was a real torture for the whole body of her opponent. Someone called it an armlock cloverleaf, but Charlotte gave it a much more sonorous name. The tail shedding!

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Gabriella was not in the best of spots right now, she had just received a painful move from Charlotte. Dazed from the springboard bulldog, as she had practically landed square on her face on the canvas. The Hispanic beauty let out a low moan of pain as she rolled over onto her back, her generous rack heaved as she breathed out heavily.

The crowd was starting to get louder and louder, but it wasn't because of anything Gabriella was doing. It was because Charlotte seemed to be up to something, which Gabriella got to feel as the pinkette took a hold of her arm and rolled Gabriella over, the Mexican beauty groaned out as she felt her arm being trapped by Charlotte's leg and then felt how her foe started to gather up her legs...before Gabriella could come too enough to do anything about it, Charlotte had locked up with into that painful cloverleaf style submission hold.

The pain set in immediately and was enough to force a cry of pain out from Gabriella, " A-aaahhgh!" She would shift and struggle, her free arm flailed as she struggled wildly in Charlotte's clutches!

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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There was no silence at all in the arena today. But at the moment when Charlotte closed her rival in the submission hold, the excited screams of the audience mixed with Gabriella's painful screams, creating an amazing symphony that tickled even the most delicate ears.

The new submission hold of the Sand Lizard was a real torture, which was easy to guess due to the fact that the purple-haired woman began to squirm is if in the frying pan. Due to the fact that three of her four limbs were at the mercy of Charlotte, Gabriella tried to twitch her whole body. But the more she resisted, the more determined the Sand Lizard became.

"GRAAA!!!" Overwhelmed with emotion, the Frenchwoman growled.

Her position was quite stable, but she was not going to waste time, she wanted to suppress the resistance from the Mexican woman. Therefore, Charlotte leaned back, arching her back and thereby increasing the pressure on both Gabriella's back and legs.

As if to emphasize the drama of this moment, the hair tie slid down the pink curls and fell onto the mat, as a result of which Charlotte's hair was loose. Gritting her teeth, she strained almost her entire body in order to strengthen her hold in an attempt to either force Gabriella to give up or just break her.

"Gabriella, you give up?" The referee asked, doing her duty.

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Gabriella was trapped, she was stuck as the Sand Lizard had locked her up firmly in the submission hold of hers. The Arm-trap cloverleaf hold had three of her four limbs completely locked off and her face was contorting with how much pressure was building up in her hips and her back! She shook her head, squirming and struggling, twitching and writhing in Charlotte's painful submission hold!

Her screams of pain did nothing to slow Charlotte down, instead her struggles were met with increased pressure from Charlotte as she continued to crank up the pain in the hold! "Gaahh!" Gabriella cried out, she reached out with her free arm as if she was trying to desperately reach the ropes....but they were far too far away!

The referee came in and asked Gabriella if she wished to surrender...but the Latina had no desire to do so! She would shake her head Despite her cries of pain! Gabriella had one thing she could try, it was underhanded...that was for sure, but she didn't mind! Seeing the hair tie of Charlotte drop down to the floor, Gabriella would try and shoot her free arm up into the air and try to grab onto a handful of that pink hair! The Latina would try and yank and jerk harshly on that hair as she tried to jerk Charlotte off her, or at least make her less stable in her position!

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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When the referee asked if Gabriella wanted to give up, Charlotte didn't have high hopes that the match would end right now. On the other hand, she was confident in her submission hold. The agony her opponent was experiencing was expressed in her screams. So the probability that the purple-haired woman would give up, although was quite small, was still there.

However, Gabriella was not ready to lose. In response to the referee's question, she shook her head. The Sand Lizard pursed her lips, but she was fine with her opponent's choice. With a deep breath, she leaned back as much as possible, trying to cause as much damage to the muscles and joints of the Mexican woman as possible. Since Gabriella decided to continue the match, Charlotte could only take as much strength from her as possible. But then suddenly...

"KIIIAA!!!!" The pink-haired woman screamed.

As a fighter, she was used to pain. But when Gabriella pulled her hair, it was unbearable, as if someone was trying to peel the skin off her head. Hair pulling was a common practice even in standard matches, not to mention no-rules matches. And Charlotte genuinely hated it.

"Tu es une sale garce!" She said through her teeth, feeling tears forming in her eyes.

Despite the loud disapproval from the audience and the objections of the referee, nothing could stop Gabriella from using this dirty tactic today. It was clear to the Sand Lizard that she could no longer continue with the submission hold. However, she was not going to just let her rival go after such a low act.

Abruptly releasing Gabriella's thigh and thereby freeing her from the hold, the Frenchwoman intended to turn to the opponent lying on her stomach. Charlotte intended to grab the purple-haired woman's head hard and lift it up. But only to immediately push it back into the mat. And then again. And again. And so on until Gabriella regrets all her dastardly actions in this match.

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Gabriella was in a lot of pain, and she also had no intention of staying in this position! While her back was hurting, throbbing, stinging with pain which rang through her whole spine. The Mexican beauty decided that she would do whatever it took to get out of this hold, no matter how underhanded or cruel it might be. Though it wasn't like that was ever a real problem for her, to stoop to some lows if it meant she could seize victory. After all, she never minded it in fact...and here in this very match she didn't even have to hide it. Though that took some of the fun out of it for her, she decided to go for it!

Lashing out with her hand as she grabbed onto that pink mane of Charlotte's, Gabriella began to pull with all her might as if she was actually trying to rip the hair out from their roots! It was a move of desperation, but what she could tell from the first harsh tug of that hair was that it was working! The loud boos and jeers from the crowd did nothing to stop Gabriella's hairpulling, nor did the shouts from the referee.

It was only when Charlotte finally relented and released her painful submission hold, freeing the limbs of the Hispanic beauty who slumped down against the canvas on her front, releasing a pained groan as she did. It was only then that she herself released Charlotte's hair, though it seemed as if Charlotte was by no means done with her. Clearly not a fan of Gabriella's hairpulling tactics, she felt how Charlotte grabbed onto her head and started to lift and bash that face of her's against the canvas. " Nugh..Ngh!....Grh!" Gabriella grunted out with each time her forehead made impact with the mat.

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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It hurt like hell. Charlotte was an ardent opponent of such dirty methods because it had nothing to do with the spirit of real competition. Due to Gabriella's actions, her elastic band slipped down, as a result of which the pink hair of the Frenchwoman turned out to be loose. However, this did not stop the Sand Lizard from repaying Gabriella for her meanness. Yes, she was in pain, but she had enough willpower to grab the purple-haired woman's head.

With painful tears in her eyes, Charlotte slammed Gabriella's face into the mat three times. The groans made by the Mexican woman did not give her pleasure, but she believed that Gabriella deserved it. After the third smash, Charlotte let go of her opponent's head and ran her forearm over her eyes, wiping away tears. Well, if her opponent wants to continue the match, then so be it.

Grabbing Gabriella's wrist and elbow, Charlotte intended to get to her feet and pull the purple-haired woman up. And as soon as Gabriella was in an upright position, the Sand Lizard would take a quick step to the side, after which it would pull her opponent's arm once more, while pushing her in the back to send her to the far corner with the help of an Irish whip.

If successful, the martial arts master would not have stood still, instead immediately starting to pursue the Mexican woman. Charlotte intended to get to the far corner just a second after Gabriella was there, so that she could throw her right leg up and hit her opponent in the face with a hard big boot kick!

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