Brynhildr, Mad Lover

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Brynhildr, Mad Lover

Unread post by MR. Q »

Ring name: Brynhildr
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight: 160 lbs
Age: 30
Alignment: Tweener

Brynhildr is a gentle and caring soul, very friendly and warm to others. A kind and warm soul indeed. But beneath that kind smile of her's is a mad woman in love. The type that would stalk and dedicate themselves to their love. Pray you don't impede her love.

A dark haired beauty with red eyes. A voluptuous figure, wide hips and huge breasts, a figure oozing with sex. She also has long legs for days.

Wrestling style and skills:
Brynhildr is rather new to the wrestling field but the woman herself is a quick learner. She is clinical and brutal which is surprising from someone like her. A balance fighter, using everything she can to secure victory.

Preferred Matches: Anything as long as Ivan is in it.

Mr.Q didn't find this one.

Brynhildr found Mr.Q, arriving in his office and demanding to be part of his roster despite having zero experience. Seeing as she got the looks, Mr.Q decided to test her, see if he can get a jobber.

He had Ivan test her in a Hentai Sparring Match.

That was his mistake.

He had seen the woman's look once Ivan arrived in the ring, he saw her face bright up once Ivan took of his clothes and how she eagerly followed suit.

He watched as the said woman screamed Ivan's name with vigor, fucked and abused by his rough handling. She was enjoying it.

She was loving it.

She wanted it.

Mr.Q ain't touching any of that. That's Ivan's problem now.

- Madly in love with Ivan
- Won't wrestle unless Ivan is involve
- Very very shy when it involves with Ivan
- Certified Yandere
First Hentai Training with Ivan
She got addicted to Hentai
Or was it really Hentai?
Or Ivan
A day in beach
Hentai Practice, she says.
Last edited by MR. Q on Sun Feb 23, 2025 12:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.

The Q
And his piggyban- I mean his Boyz Thread Request/Roster


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