Nyarlathotep, Mistress of Evil

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Nyarlathotep, Mistress of Evil

Unread post by MR. Q »

Ring Name: Nyarlathotep
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight: 145 lbs (66 kg)
Age: 30
Alignment: Heel

Nyarlathotep or Nyarl for short, is a sadistic woman who relishes in pain of others, finding it amusing. She is malicious to those she sees as beneath her i.e weak people and cute things. A deplorable woman at heart.

Nyarlathotep is a striking albino beauty with long, flowing white hair that accentuates her captivating, sensual appearance. Her buxom frame and seductive figure add to her allure.

Wrestling Style and Skills:
If you think this woman's a weak heal who's just all talk, you are dead wrong. Nyarl is a master of her craft which is bringing pain and pleasure to her opponents in the ring. She would break them in one way or another, maybe even in both ways if her opponent is weak willed. Despite her stature, she's a strong balanced competitor in the ring.

Preferred matches: Anything she will find fun.

Nyarlathotep's history is unknown as the woman herself erased them herself before, having a different alias before. She made a living as a pornstar but not any regular pornstar.

A high-end pornstar that caters in BDSM.

She was a hit to fans and fellow pornstars as she is a master of her craft. Any man or woman that she is with are left a crying and sex addicted mess, becoming her slave after a complete session with their new mistress.

Pain and Pleasure are her tools, the same tools that she is now bringing in LAW.
Teasing a victim
Showing a victim who's boss
Letting her servant have a taste
Last edited by MR. Q on Sun Feb 23, 2025 12:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.

The Q
And his piggyban- I mean his Boyz Thread Request/Roster


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