Age: 25
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: black (may be purple in some images)
Height: 5.7ft
Weight: 145lb
Entrance music:
Alignment: tweener (heel lean)
Nationality: American italian
Fighting Style: striker, technician, submissionist.
personality: while performing, she can be mean and cruel. she will fight dirty if she wants to and sees a chance to. while she not performing, she is nicer and more approachable. She is leveled headed and in person, she seems caring and not a mean bad person while she performing. If you are too aggressive with her outside the ring well... if she can get away with it she will attack you.
if she having a really hard time she will start to be more aggressive. Even if her opponents cheat she probably will not hold a grudge. She learned to let things go so it very hard for her to hold a grudge. that doesn't mean that she can't have enemies. If she sees that she is winning she may be more aggressive to help keep up the pressure.
she will probably take advantage of her opponent if she wants payback or wants to have them weakened for a match that she wants them to lose.
History: when she was 10 her mother got into an automobile accident and lost her. Her older sister maya took her in and unknwon to her she brought her into the cult that she was in. The cult gained money through
fighting and drugs. She was forced to be apart of the fighting. At the age of 18 when she shut them down for good. Over the years sperzana gathered evidence to give law enforcement which then shut them down. Sperzana made sure her sister was not arrested.
Maya is doing her own thing and escape. Sperzana then spent her time there while she was forced to be in the cult boxing and wrestling as stated before. nowadays she goes around looking for places to fight and opponents. does not matter to her what the size or appearance of her opponent is since stuff like that to her only gets in her way. She has done naughty naught matches but most of her matches have been pro wrestling matches.
She end up seeing some wreslters that she grown to like from television but she didn't know where they came until she remembered that they are from LAW! With that she seeks to make a legacy for herself in LAW. She hopes she can leave a good mark and have one heck of a time!
However sperzana will always be warry of wrestling federations. She doesn't know if they are dark and corrupt like the cult "ring of death league" was. A 4eason why she likes facing goths and such. It like facing her inner demons.
Body stats
Endurance: 4/5
Strength: 3.5/5
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 4/5
Technique: 4/5
fighting stats
Strikes: 5/5
Submissions: 4/5
Powerhouse: 3/5
Aerial: 2/5
Counters: 3.5/5
speranza's kick (School girl super kick)

Speranza's show case (Muclse buster)

Speranza's show case (Muclse buster)

Speranza's grasp (STO camel clutch)

Sperzana's driver butterfly piledriver

Sperzana's driver butterfly piledriver

hentai specail moves
Head and breast

Rope bouncer

With the straps
Nelson scraper

Piledriver planer

Rope bouncer

With the straps
Nelson scraper

Piledriver planer

Wreslting gear

Wreslting gear 2




throne of br

Speranza in other verses
Sperzana in other universes(5 pic)

WIN - 4
Ongoing- 1