Kaguya Busujima
Name: Kaguya Busujima
夢喰い (Yumekui) Doku-hime
24, April 21st, 1999
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
5’6”/ 168cm
120lbs/ 54kgs.
Entrance Theme:
Year One
Kaguya is proficient with acrobatic’s and high flying techniques. Her focus begins with chipping away her opponent bit by bit with jabs transitioning into more slams and throws. In any match she participates in, she will use one or all of her “poisons” to achiever victory before swooping in with the final blow.
Anything and everything can be a tool or serve a purpose. Kaguya tends to be playful with targets but stern. She makes it known what she’s there for and makes certain the job is done. She bounces from bubbly to menacing when her “mission” starts. Kaguya will also play on her appearance as well, she’s quite proud of her physique and uses it quite effectively. Using her body or her emotions to create an opening is fair game to this kunoichi.
Ninjutsu, High-flyer, Powerhouse tendencies
Favorite Match Type:
NA (as of now)
Strength:★★ ★
Speed:★★★★ ★
Favored Moves:
-Kaguya doesn’t believe in favored moves. She uses what she thinks will help, they’re only movements she considers tools.
Signature Move(s):
Ninpō: Twisted Sakura

Ninpō: Koi Pond Splash

Ninpō: Running Cloud Kick

Finishing Move(s):
Ninpō: Raikiri

Ninpō: Dragon’s Course

Ninpō: Helm Splitter

Ninpō: Poison Dive

Born into the Busujima clan, known for their proficiency in poison’s and sake, Kaguya was the daughter of the head family branch. At birth, she adopted the title: Doku-hime marking her as status as the child of the newest head of the family. The Busujima clan hand their hands deep in modern day society. With their concoctions, they made strides in cosmetics and pain relievers making them heavily sought after. Demand brought the family revenue, increasing their wealth and slowly, their influence. Her fathers plans brought the clan much needed support, after dwindling funds and the needs for assassins were nonexistent in this modern era. Her grandfather still complains about the present day, ranting about the old days when blood was always on the mind.
Her upbringing wasn’t easy by any means. Surrounded by a home of experts and deadly hands made growing up a dream. Day in, day out, she was expected to train, to study, to accomplish. Dusk til dawn, she worked hard, worked for the Clan where love was scarce but she found it in her mother. They would always offer her warmth when she needed it most. Like the time she came back battered after a harsh sparring session and they cleaned her wounds, gave her their lap to sleep on while she recovered. Her opponent wasn’t far away, limping towards a resting area in their garden while she relaxed. Kaguya learned about the outside world as well from her father. While he was out making profits and running the family, he left training and basic study to the clan. When it came to modern civics and economics, he took over the role and was as stern as he would with any peon.
For most of her life, Kaguya learned and studied in the mountainous compound her family dwelled in since they’re beginnings. It wouldn’t be until her early teen years that her father would usher her out to the world. Despite being trained to be deadly as any shinobu ought to be, he used these outings to give her outside experience. He would always say to her that an ignorant mind would nothing for the Clan.
Finishing highschool with the added trips seemed to be nothing for the head family’s daughter. A kunoichi trained in their arts and intelligent to boot, Kaguya has blossomed into a fine Busujima Shinobi. Her father in the meantime had set his sights on another possible avenue for power. Entertainment was the way to go nowadays and the oppurtunity in him could only see the one thing almost every Japanese Native watched: wrestling. In the last couple decades, it had taken over by storm, the potential to earn some notoriety was there and he had the perfect piece to put on the board.
Her father was a patient man, he waited until his daughter was at her peak, her abilities far surpassed his imagination and she was becoming the very thing he needed. On the day of her twenty-fourth birthday, Kaguya received two scrolls from her father; receiving one could only mean one thing: a mission. What puzzled her were there were two scrolls for her? Her father explains that he wants her to infiltrate not only LAW but it’s neighboring competitor AFW. He adds that her gaining fame in these arenas would bring glory to the clan like nothing before it. She felt a sense of pride wash over her as she clutched her mission tightly, a smile of pure bliss on her face. Finally a chance to live the old way and to prove her usefulness to the clan was here.
Main Attire/Wrestling Attire

Main Attire (Alt)


Casual Attire (rare)

Dressed in Poison

Sleepy Hime

-All her “poisons” are made by her and her family alone. Outsiders are forbidden from learning their secrets.
-Kaguya will carry three bamboo shoots of homemade poison for matches. This includes: a blinding agent, a sleeping agent, an aphrodisiac, a numbing agent, a high grade sake her family makes, or homemade oil.
-She keeps a cat named: Ryūnosuke who’s knack for sabotage is on par with shinobi.
-Kaguya doesn’t have a permanent residency within the city, instead her main home is located in the mountains outside Kyoto. Her family owns a hot spring there as cover while the estate is deeper in. Although she does have a “family” home located somewhere in the overcrowded city to stay for the night.
LAW Information
Rivals: None
Enemies: None