Name: Nathalie Novokov
Height:6'0 Feet / 182,88 cm
Weight:159,83 Lbs / 72,5 Kg
Nationality:German/Russian (Her father is Russian and her mother German)
Wrestling Informations
Entrance Music:
Nathalie is trained in Judo and MMA. The bluenette shows it pretty well in her fighting style and also her strategy. Nathalie normally tries to throw her opponent down on the ground or just get opponents down in general with her judo skills. Most of the time she waits for an opening to strike. Sometimes Nathalie just waits for an attack which she tries to counter. Once her opponent is down Nathalie tries to get on top and either beat the shit out of her opponent's first before doing a hold or she is going for a hold right away. That depends very heavily on the situation and her opponent.
When her matches start to get more sexually the bluenette tries to not use punches or kicks that often. The half-Russian tries to attack her opponent's sensitive spots right away to weaken them a bit. Most of the time she tries to battle them on the ground were she attempts to trap them in a solid hold to make them come.
Finishing moves:
Banana Split
When both women are on the ground Nathalie tries to wrap her legs around one leg of her opponent and grab the other one with her hands. Then she attempts to pull them apart from each other for a devastating feeling of pain. When her opponent doesn't give up soon after the bluenette has done the hold Nathalie will pull them apart more until her foe finally gives up the match.
Forced Love (Mostly used in hentai matches)

Other Moves
- German Suplex
- Bear Hug
- Belly to Belly Suplex
- Shoulder Throw
- Single Leg Boston Crab
- Piledriver
Fighting Style
Favourite matches:
Normally Nathalie accepts every kind of match when asked. She does even hardcore fights. There, however, her opponent's has to be careful because Nathalie will break them at least a finger when she is pushed to this point by someone.
Attitude towards hentai:"I can't even think a reason to say no to this."
Physical Stats
Endurance: 4/5 - Nathalie doesn't go down fast and if she is going down it might not be because of her endurance.
Strength: 3,5/5 - She is strong but most of her skills rely on other attributes.
Defense: 3/5 - Nathalie is able to take a few punches but tries to avoid to get hit by her opponents.
Speed: 4/5 - Nathalie trained her speed pretty well to get her victims down on the ground fast so that she can have her way with them equally fast.
Technique: 5/5 - Having a lot of experience in judo and MMA Nathalie got versed in some good techniques.
Combat Stats
Strikes: 3/5 - Nathalie is strong but she prefers to make her fights really close to her opponents.
Submissions: 5/5 - Uses Submissions really often and knows how to make someone tap while in a hold of her.
Powerhouse: 3,5/5 - Strength isn't her best attribute so Nathalie focuses more on other things during a match.
Aerial Moves: 2/5 - Nathalie is more down to earth than other fighters so she prefers to keep her fights on the ground.
Counters: 4,5/5 - Nathalie knows how to escape from situations and how to use the strength of an opponent against them.
Other appearences
Normal attire

Alternate Outfit

A few of her bikini pics

She also enjoys cooking

In her dress

In her pyjama

Her summer dress

Wearing a bunny outfit

Naughty Santa

Police Outfit


Having fun with another girl

Her bed attire

Nathalie wasn't alway's the person she is now. To explain this we go a few steps back to the time were it all began. At the start, Nathalie was a shy and unimpressive person with nearly no friends. Because she was a typical outsider the bluenette got often bullied by others. On some days it got really bad because her bullies got violent against the bluenette. One day as she got home and her parents saw what happened to their daughter they talked with the principal. The principal however just said that they have a zero tolerance against bullying and so on. He was no help at all. Nathalie's parents thought that since they couldn't achieve anything Nathalie should take self-defense classes to get more self-confidence and to be able standing up against her bullies.
The bluenette wasn't sure about that at first but she didn't have another idea and so she agreed. After a few lessons, her self-confidence grew and she was able to ignore mean comments pretty well. Then as her bullies wanted to get violent again against Nathalie she simply beat them up. After that day they left her alone and the bullying stopped. Nathalie was happy that she made it and stood up for her self. She also discovered a liking for martial arts. She also competed in tournaments and often got in the top five. Sometimes she even made first place.
Several months later Nathalie got thanks to her self-confidence new friends and also some who got very close to her. Her martial arts got also pretty well and Nathalie even switched to MMA because it made her more fun. She also stood up for her friends and other people who got bullied.
Since Nathalie started to help the people around her she couldn't resist as her best friend got in trouble. She sends Nathalie a text message with that a group of four people trapped her in the toilet and that they wanted to do get revenge on Nathalie through her because they didn't like it how the bluenette changed. As she got to the toilet Nathalie got surprised by a sudden attack from a few people. They threw garbage and water bombs at her. Nathalie didn't know what was going on until one of the people said that they couldn't have done it with the help of her best friend.
Nathalie didn't know what to say. Betrayed by her best friend the bluenette was shocked and just stood there. The people took pictures of her and left laughing at her. The bluenette then asked her best friend why she did that. She just answered that because her boyfriend broke up with her because of Nathalie. The bluenette couldn't answer. She didn't even know why it was her fault. As she stood there alone in the toilet after her ex-best friend left Nathalie didn't know what to do. She was disappointed. Disappointed at her best friend for letting something like that end her friendship and disappointed at herself for not doing something right now. Then as she thought about what happened Nathalie left the. She got home and cried.
The event on that day left a scar on Nathalie. She made nearly a 180-degree turn again. Never trusted anyone again and got completely focused on her self. She continued with her sport because it still was a good way to deal with her feelings. In fights, she could let out her anger, sadness etc. out. Then one day a person from an organization noticed Nathalie's talents and invited her to join his league. The bluenette thought about this for a bit until someone told her that she would be able to get far away from this place. Far away from every person who hurt her over the years and the person who betrayed her.
When Nathalie is just for herself she is a rather shy and quiet person. In fights however and when around people the bluenette gets different. She talks a lot and from her shy persona is nothing to see. When she, however, should get dominated really bad it could happen that her other side appears and she turns into a shy person again.
Because of her past, Nathalie's motto is hurt others before they hurt you. So she tries not to get to close to people and keep them emotionally on distance.
Nathalie is also very proud of her own skills. Some people might even call it arrogance but for the bluenette, people who think this, are just people who never thought against her and experienced it first hand what she could do to them.
- Dominating and humiliating her opponents
- Sexy woman and man
- Showing off her superiority
- Dogs (not just the animal)
- Being betrayed by so-called friends
- Her former self
- To Lose
- Getting dominated and humiliated herself
- bullies
She likes rain and to go swimming. Or other said she likes water in general.
Nathalie also likes winter. Maybe it is because of her Russian side or that she just enjoys building snowmen.
Because dogs are really loyal pets Nathalie likes dogs but she isn't allowed to get one.
The bluenette is also quite active and trains a lot. Despite this, she also lays back sometimes, orders a pizza and watches TV.
She can speak four different languages: Russian, German, English, and Japanese.
Nathalie is also pan-sexual. That means she doesn't have a preferred gender she likes. According to her own statement: ""Why should I prefer a gender? It makes much more fun when you are not just into one thing."