Lily «Black Crow» Menage

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Lily «Black Crow» Menage

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Lily Menage
Personal information
    Name: Lily Menage

    Alias: Black Crow

    Sex: Female

    Sexual orientation: Homosexual

    Age: 23

    Birthday: 16 July

    Eye color: Yellow with amber hint

    Hair color: Black

    Height: 175 cm // 5’9’’

    Weight: 68 kg // 150 pounds

    Nationality: English

    Alignment: True Neutral

    Entrance Music: Heavy Young Heathens - Being Evil Has A Price

    Thanks to the pedigree, whose roots go back to the Victorian era, Lily's appearance has aristocratic features, which she expressed even more, maintaining her athletic form.
    She is tall enough, one hundred and seventy-five centimeters or five feet and nine inches. Due to genetic features, Lily has very pale skin, even a tanning bed cannot help her with this. Lily has a large rounded chest, fourth size or D.
    Paying special attention to her physical training, Lily has a slim figure, and her weight is sixty-eight kilograms or one hundred and fifty pounds.
    Lily maintains balance in her muscles. Her muscles in her arms and legs stand out clearly, and she also has powerful abs muscles. However, Lily does not look like a bodybuilder, and this is true, since the woman relies more on the speed of her movements, and not on brute force.
    The Englishwoman has very subtle and beautiful face features. She has a small nose, thick and long eyelashes, as well as thin but thick eyebrows. However, her eyes always attract the most attention. An unusual yellow color with a hint of amber... and with all the beauty of these eyes, you can always see an infinite emptiness in them.
    Lily's hair color is black. And the length of the hair almost reaches the middle of woman’s hip. In most cases, she leaves her hair loose, however, sometimes she collects it in a ponytail. One of the most important features of her appearance is the smooth transition of black to white on her bangs, as well as two long white strands on the sides of the bangs.
    Lily has almost no facial expressions. Only occasionally can one see an expression of misunderstanding. In other cases, she is more like a stone statue, which unable to smile or be surprised. Her temperament will tell in more detail about this. Lily also has a very beautiful and smooth voice (like Susan Egan), contrary to her temperament.
    Lily prefers neat clothes that emphasize her neutral character. Skirts, blouses, dresses. However, depending on the situation, she has nothing against other clothes.

Standard wrestling attire
    Lily is a very complex and even strange person.
    The root cause of her lifestyle and behavior is a rare psychic form of alexithymia. Lily practically does not feel any emotions. Usually this disease does not allow you to feel anything at all, however, Lily has a slightly different state of things.
    In everyday life, Lily is like a lifeless doll. She does not feel joy or sorrow. She does not feel pleasure or disgust. Almost all known emotions are unfamiliar things to her. On her face you can almost always see complete indifference to everything. Only occasionally her face is able to express such a banal sensation as a misunderstanding in the form of raised eyebrows.
    Lily is an extremely silent person. She does not like to talk, and therefore, if she still has to talk with someone, she tries to be as brief as possible.
    However, there are some paradoxical exceptions. Some random things can arouse emotions in her. Although in fact this cannot be called something good because when this happens, Lily does not always know what she needs to do in a given situation.
    One of these exceptions is new people in her life. Lily prefers everything in her life to take its course. Therefore, when she suddenly meets an unusual person in her path, her emotions may wake up.
    The peculiarity of the Englishwoman is that she is sufficiently aware of the essence of emotions, so she is quite capable of understanding when the other person is happy or when he is sad. However, this is only a theory because she is not capable of real empathy. Her illness can be cured with the help of long-term psychotherapy, so Lily constantly visits a psychologist. However, even following all the recommendations, her progress is quite insignificant.
    Due to the lack of prejudice, which is primarily caused by emotions, Lily is able to impartially analyze any person, determining their motives and further possible options for their actions.
    It may seem surprising, but Lily is even capable of some semblance of love. This happened only twice. With people who accepted her for who she is. Therefore, next to them, the woman was able to feel the fullness of emotions and allow herself to surrender to the hands of feelings. However, this relationship did not end well, so now Lily is not ready to open to anyone else.
    One way, which helps her overcome her problems is through music. In music, Lily tries to find herself, and this partially works out for her. Therefore, from time to time, an Englishwoman spends a lot of time alone with herself, listening to music or even using her incredible voice, performing songs in karaoke.
    Another thing that life has led her to is fights. During the fight, Lily, although she keeps her cool, but on a subconscious level, this helps her to develop emotionally.
    With outstanding intelligence, she spends a lot of time reading and researching. In addition, she has the habit of constantly walking on the street, immersed in her own thoughts.

    Stage personality:
    Lily actively uses the atmosphere of mystery in her stage image.  
    During her entrance, a mysterious atmosphere always reigns in the hall, and the Englishwoman herself enters the ring in a long cloak with a hood, which is made using black crow feathers.
    During the fight, Lily never utters a word. More than once, her rivals had the impression that she simply did not know how to talk. This is certainly not the case. In moments of particularly severe pain, Lily may make a painful moan or hiss, but this does not change the essence. The Black Crow is always silent.
    In addition, she always remains calm due to the lack of emotions. She never panics and never loses control, remaining absolutely calm. Her gaze is always empty, as if she has no soul. But at the same time, everyone can see something else in this look... and over time, everyone can understand that Lily sees right through you.
    Only a few truly rare moments can make her break the silence or make her feel something. It is for this that she enters the ring because she knows that she can find emotions there. Unfortunately, this does not happen very often.

            Karen Aoki-Justice – despite the fact that their close relationship ended, they remained good friends, for Lily this is very important.
        Ex-Friends: nope
        Allies: nope
        Rivals: nope
        Ex-Rivals: nope
        Enemies: nope
        Lovers: nope
            Karen Aoki-Justice – it was a short, but very warm romance, unfortunately, they realized that they have no joint future.

    Lily Menage was born in England, the city of Cambridge. Her father, Jonathan Menage, is a famous physicist. And her mother, Elsa Menage, is a neuroscientist. The roots of the Menage family tree go deep into history, they managed to trace the family tree until the Victorian era. Thus, in Lily there is a part of aristocratic blood.
    Her childhood was not like that of most children for several reasons. Lily very early began to show signs of intelligence, and when she went to school, it became clear that she was superior to all her classmates many times over. The girl became a kind of outcast among other childen because they believed that Lily was just an upstart and nothing more.
    Detachment from her peers led Lily to loneliness and over time, her emotional state became worse and worse. At first, teachers and parents were sure that this was only a result of intelligence. However, then Lily herself realized that she was not experiencing what other people call emotions. When she passed all the psychological tests, she received the diagnosis, which remains with her until now. The girl is sick with a rare form of alexithymia.
    Already from school age, she began to visit a psychologist, however, the result was always insignificant. The biggest progress in her treatment was the fact that they found out that some things can still cause emotions in Lily. These things were music and random people or events that in psychology are called random triggers.
    Trying to cope with her illness, the girl was increasingly immersed in science. She began to study several sciences at once, including psychology, physics, mathematics and probability theory. The girl passed the IQ test, receiving maximum points. By the time she graduated from school, she was already an adult, but in her heart she was only a doll that can understand any person, but is not able to understand herself.
    Her brilliant intellect opened her way to Cambridge University. Lily decided to choose the direction of “mathematics”, because there she could apply her skills to the maximum. And she did well in this. However, she was still alone. The treatment had no effect on her, and she still could not find a common language with anyone. Even the teachers found it difficult to talk with a girl who possessed great talent, but at the same time expressed complete indifference to absolutely everything.
    It was then that the psychologist advised the girl to take advantage of her adult life at the university. The psychologist advised Lily to visit the clubs and at the moment when the Englishwoman feels at least something, take a step forward and join this club. And Lily followed that advice. She visited a literary club. Nothing. She visited a cooking club. Nothing. She visited a theater club. Nothing. She visited a music club. But nothing. And finally, the girl came to a sports club, which recently opened a MMA unit. Watching the girls and guys hit each other, Lily felt something. She did not know what it was, but she realized that she was feeling something.
    She always was good at sports, so it was not difficult for her to join a sports club. Thus, Lily began to train, studying martial arts. Thanks to her outstanding memory, she absorbed information like a sponge. She studied every new movement and always performed it perfectly as if holding a textbook in her hand. Over time, she began to participate in sparring and then her true talent revealed. Thanks to her composure, her excellent skills in analyzing the situation and her impartial assessment of her opponent’s capabilities, Lily began to win and gain a reputation.
    She even managed to win a tournament held by universities. This caused particular excitement since the first time a beginner won the tournament. Unfortunately, even a new hobby did not help the girl cope with her problems. She found her training and fighting as something new, but even that was not enough to feel truly alive.
    Once, when Lily was training, a girl who she had never seen before entered the gym. She had a Japanese appearance, which was quite unusual for this university. And, no matter how strange it was, this girl, whose name was Yu Takeda, called Lily to the fight. The heart of the Englishwoman at that moment was beating a little faster, since no one had so arrogantly challenged her so far. During the fight, Yu used very unusual movements and her tactics were unfamiliar to Lily. However, as a result, she was still able to defeat this Japanese girl.
    Later, as if it were a fantasy novel, the girls became close. Yu saw in Lily not a soulless doll, but a very interesting person. Lily’s life turned upside down, she began to feel emotions that had not been in her life before. It was very difficult for her to cope with it, but Yu supported her. As it turned out, the movements she used were movements from pro-wrestling. Lily became interested in this, and she and Yu began to train together.
    However, time passed and it turned out that each of them sees their future life differently. Lily wanted to find herself and understand who she was. But Yu could not help her with this, because after graduating from the university she needed to return to her family in America. And Lily wanted to leave for Japan, considering this country the place where she could find herself.
    They parted on a very sad note, but such is life. Lily graduated from the university with the highest possible scores and moved to Japan. Here she acquired a penthouse in the city center, while creating a huge debt to her parents. And along with this, she began working on research projects, spending a lot of time locked up.
    Visits to the new psychotherapist almost did not bring results until Lily received advice to continue playing sports. Thinking about it, Lily agreed that this idea suits her. However, recalling her relationship with Yu, she did not want to return to MMA. Then she saw an announcement that LAW was always happy to see new fighters. From her ex-girlfriend, Lily heard about this organization, so she made a decision. They personally contacted a manager named Victoria, who accepted her into the team.
    Even before the first official match, Lily met Karen. Feelings flared up between them, which, unfortunately, soon cooled down. They ended the relationship, but promised that they would remain friends.
    Lily also met Sintharia. This American woman was a psychotherapist. And despite her mask, Lily saw right through her. A bond was formed between them and now they often see each other during sessions.
    And now a real emotionless doll is ready to enter the ring in the hope that this will help her to become alive.

    Interesting facts:
    1) Lily is fluent in Japanese, Danish and French. At a basic conversational level, she speaks Russian and Italian
    2) She is a master of water bottle challenge
    3) Her favorite music band is Imagine Dragons
    4) Sometimes she uses her math talent in poker and blackjack
    5) Lily can play on ukulele, electric guitar and drums
    6) She always had two telescopic batons
    7) She cooks well, but she loves fast food
    8) She is owner of Lexus IS 300 F Sport Executive
    9) She loves hot cocktails

    Lily lives in a penthouse in a residential area of Tokyo. Her parents paid for this property and now she owes them a huge amount of money. However, there is a huge space that the Englishwoman loves so much. The apartment is equipped with the latest experimental smart home system, where the role of a butler is played by artificial intelligence named Oscar. A detailed layout of the house can be seen below.
Wrestling information
    During the fight, Lily relies on her composure and her incredible speed.
    She uses boxing as her primary weapon, as she is very good at it. Thanks to the efforts she devoted to training, Lily was able to master Mike Tyson's strike technique, so now she is confident in her defense and attack.
    In addition, Lily has a very impressive skill in variable acceleration. Due to this, she can slow down and accelerate at different times with different intensities in order to confuse her opponent and bypass their defense.
    And when she sees that her blows weakened her opponent, the Englishwoman uses powerful throws and submission holds in order to win.

    MMA: boxing, taekwondo, muay thai, judo, brazilian jiu-jitsu. Pro-wrestling

    Preferred Matches:
        Standard - full ahead
        Hardcore - full ahead
        Hentai - no
        Special conditions - full ahead

    Physical characteristics:
        Endurance: 7/10 – Lily can stay in good shape for a long time due to the refined breathing technique
        Stamina: 7/10 – due to the predominance of reason over matter, she can withstand a large amount of pain
        Strength: 8/10 – spending a lot of time in the gym, Lily reached a very significant level of strength, she is able to lift weight, significantly exceeding her own
        Speed: 10/10 – the best quality of the Black Crow, her speed is honed to the limit of possibilities and she uses it
        Defense: 8/10 – four years of training at MMA, Lily is beautiful in defense and counterattacks
        Technique: 8/10 – thanks to lengthy training, she has a very impressive arsenal of movements, and she knows how to use it

    Favorite attacks:
    1) Almost all sorts of punches
    2) Almost all sorts of kicks
    3) Running Bulldog
    4) DDT
    5) Tornado DDT
    6) Arm Bar
    7) Sleeper Hold
    8) Dragon Sleeper
    9) Triangle Choke
    10) German Suplex
    11) Camel Clutch
    12) Spinebuster
    13) Sidewalk slam

    Signature attacks:
    1) Crow’s Peck (Wide Uppercut): when the necessary moment comes, Lily makes the super-fast uppercut with a wide angle to the opponent’s jaw.
Crow’s Peck
    2) Crow's Feather (Diving Elbow Drop): when the necessary moment comes, Lily climbs to the turnbuckle, and then jumps forward, moving her elbow to the side in the direction of her opponent.
Crow's Feather
    3) Crow’s Eye (Samoan Drop): when the necessary moment comes, Lily takes the opponent by their elbow and knee, lifting them on her shoulders in a fireman's carry position, after which she falls on her back, throwing the opponent back and crushing them with her weight.
Crow’s Eye
    4) Crow’s Rustle (Multiple German Suplexes): when the necessary moment comes, Lily performs a classic german suplex, turns over on her stomach, not letting go of her opponent, and then performs the same move two more times. If necessary, Lily can repeat this more than three times in a row.
Crow’s Rustle
    1) Crow’s Fall (Stunner):  when the necessary moment comes, Lily she grabs the opponent's head with two hands, turning her back to them. After that she lands in a sitting position, driving her opponent's neck and jaw into her shoulder.
Crow’s Fall
    2) Crow’s Abyss (Front Facelock Cutter): when the necessary moment comes, Lily fixes a front facelock hold at the opponent, then she pivots at 180 degrees and grabs their head with two hands, turning her back to them. After that she throws her legs forward and falls on her back, driving her opponent's head into the mat.
Crow’s Abyss
    3) Crow’s Wing (Guillotine Drop): when the necessary moment comes, Lily fixes a front facelock hold at the opponent, then she grabs their leg with her second hand and lifts them up, throwing their legs on her waist. After that, Lily falls on her ass in a sitting position, destroying the opponent’s spine and neck.
Crow’s Wing
    Submissions finishers:
    1) Crow’s Paws (Scissored Armbar Crossface): when the necessary moment comes, Lily wraps her legs around the far arm of her opponent, who's lying on their stomach, then she wraps her arms around the opponent’s second arm, and after that she joins her palms on their face, pulling their head back.
Crow’s Paws
    Critical finishers:
    1) Crow’s Reborn (Brainbuster + Guillotine Choke): when the necessary moment comes, Lily fixes a front facelock hold at the opponent, then she grabs their leg with her second hand and lifts them upside down, after which she falls on her back, driving their head into the mat. After that she makes a roll back, still holding their neck, then she makes a side roll, wrapping her legs around the opponent’s waist, after which she leans back, blocking the opponent’s hand and fixing the guillotine choke.
Crow’s Reborn
Last edited by skip-stop on Mon Aug 15, 2022 2:21 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Lily «Black Crow» Menage

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Matches information
    Score of matches:
    Wins: 4 / Losses: 0 / Draws: 0

    1) vs Catalina Huesos by pinfall
    4) vs Cassandra Johnsom by pinfall
    6) vs Phoebe Justice by pinfall
    7) vs Teuila Masina by pinfall



    Championship belts and achievements:

    1) Lily Menage vs Catalina Huesos. Debut Match. The first match. Who knows, maybe this is the first step on the way to what Lily has always wanted so much. Finished.
    2) Lily Menage and Keiko Kiryu. Backstage. This day did not portend anything unusual, just a workout in the park. However, sometimes life can give you some surprises, today is just such a day. Ongoing.
    3) Lily Menage and Cassandra Johnsom. Backstage. Lily arrived at the main LAW building a little earlier than she should, so, waiting for her match, she decided to read a book at the backstage. but suddenly someone decided to disturb her peace. Finished.
    4) Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom. Match. The meeting with Cassie led to an unusual coincidence, as a result of which Lily's match was canceled, however, the blonde offered her candidacy to replace the opponent with whom Lily was supposed to fight, so the match will still take place. Finished.
    5) Lily Menage and Alizeh Midori. Backstage. Lily agreed to sign a contract with Victoria because the manager promised her a lot of matches, but an incredible amount of time has passed since her last match. So Lily decided to visit her manager, really... who is this green-haired woman near Victoria's office? Finished.
    6) Lily Menage vs Phoebe Justice. Match. The first of two high-speed matches, Lily intends to warm up well after a long break today. Finished.
    7) Lily Menage vs Teuila Masina. Match. The second high-speed match, which should be a good workout before her first PPV match. Finished.
    8) Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori. We Are LAW 7 Match. By allowing Lily to take part in the PPV match against such a skilled opponent, Victoria had high hopes for the brunette and now she must justify the trust placed in her, besides, this victory will give her the opportunity to make a significant step in her career. Ongoing.
    9) Lily Menage vs Chloe Braden. Match. Thanks to her previous match, Lily experienced emotions, but these emotions brought her nothing but pain because she had to learn what the bitterness of defeat is, this time she intends to feel the joy of victory. Ongoing.
Last edited by skip-stop on Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:04 am, edited 14 times in total.

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Re: Lily «Black Crow» Menage

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Updated on 01/31/2025
    Timeline section has been updated
Last edited by skip-stop on Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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