Mui Xiang: The Killer Canon!

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Mui Xiang: The Killer Canon!

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Name: Mui Xiang
Nickname: Killer Canon
Age: 22
Hair colour: Purple
Eye colour: Blue
Height 5,4
Weight: 133lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: 7th of March

Boob size: A cups

Qutoes: "Let us have an honourable fight."
Voice reference
Appearance: Mui is a petite but muscular girl. She wears her hair in two slightly different ways, both ways featuring two hair buns

Primary look
Alt look

Nationality: Chinese

Alignment: babyface

Fighting style: Mui studies the martial arts form invented by her father, Shin Hakkyoku and is training in her own form of it, Killer Cannon style. Mui's Killer Cannon revolves around a lot of flips and kicks, though she still can punch and grapple. Mui has yet to master it and fully master her own form of it.
Finishers and Signatures
Signature: Flowing Mountain Strike - Mui creates distance between herself and her opponent before leaping into the air and snapping out her leg for a straight kick to her opponent's face as soon as she is within range. Combines devastating power, speed and agility.
Preferred matches: Standard, KO, MMA, kick-boxing, apartment matches.

Likes: Baking, training, Street Fighter, Kung-Fu Panda

Dislikes: Disney, bringing shame to her family name, JRPGs

Personality: Mui is very friendly and respectful. She always does her best to help out however she can. Mui likes meeting friendly rivals, liking the idea that she could motivate someone to get stronger.

History: Mui was born the youngest of 4 siblings, in a once great martial artist family. Her father Feng was once revered for his extreme and swift mastery of her great grandfather's fighting style, but now he was passed his prime. Unfortunately, none of Mui's elder siblings wished to carry on the family tradition of being professional martial artists. Whilst they learned the basics, none of them wished to spread Shin Hakkyoku. Except for Mui. Diligently, Mui trained with her father, aiming to master Shin Hakkyoku and create her own variation suited to her body type. Mui came along quite well, she faced a problem, though. The types of martial arts competitions that generations of her family had once competed in were simply no longer as prominent. So instead, Mui travelled to Japan, seeking out a more modern stage to spread the word of her family's martial art. Mui decided she would become a pro-wrestler! The Killer Canon ran into a problem, though. No wrestling company seemed to want her, despite her skill in combat. So Mui turned to a rather dishonourable form of wrestling in order to honour her family. Mui became an apartment wrestler for sometime. While it wasn't what she wanted to do, Mui couldn't deny that she had some interesting experiences, mainly with the kind of people she met. Particularly, Mui recalled meeting a kind girl with white hair, hoping they would meet again one day, as well as a very aggressive and blunt girl known as Ayaka. While Ayaka was rough, she helped Mui get even stronger. With enough hard work and wins under her belt, Mui eventually got an offer from LAW! Finally, her dreams were coming true! Now, Mui would continue to work her butt off to one day become a champion!

Endurance: 4/5. Through arduous training, Mui has become very resilient.
Speed: 5/5. The cornerstone of the Killer Cannon style.
Strength: 3/5. Mui's strength alone isn't great, it's her speed and agility that makes up for it.
Strikes: 4/5. Every strike Mui makes is aimed to KO.
Defence: 1/5. Shin Hakkyoku's aggressive style doesn't leave room for defence.
Technique: 3.5/5. Mui has yet to master her style.
Aerials: 4/5. Myi mostly attacks from the air.
Counters: 3/5. Average.
Grappling: 1/5. Mui never really learned skill in grappling.
Submissions: 2/5. Still studying up on them.
Thoughts on others
Ayaka Watanabe (friend): "Ms Ayaka is very rough. However, I believe she was a kind girl at heart."
Fun facts: Gives people a kiss on the cheek as a greeting and farewell.
if you don't like smother fights you won't like this roster

Thread request!

I only do hentai at my own discretion. Don't ask me for matches expecting one. I only do them for storylines or rivalries when I feel up to it.

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