Age: 23
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Purple
Height: 5’10
Weight: 145 lbs.
Alignment: Heel
Nationality: Egyptian
Ring Attire
Cornered body presses, head sissors, kicks, arm drags, low blows, eye rakes, diving moves, knee strikes, stretches, roll ups
Finishing move/s:
Spear of the Gods (Spear)
Baset’s Kiss (Double Arm DDT)
Personality: Catlike, whimsical, and sometimes a bit rude, Nitocris is the proud “Messenger of Anubis”. She is fanatical in the worship and service of her master, viewing her almost as the mother figure she never had due to her rough upbringing. She’s a big talker and sometimes ends up in trouble because of her words, but can back them up with her aggressive style and aggressive body to body rubbing in the ring. Loves to show off her body. Is Scherezade’s best friend and lowers her boisterous guard around her, often placating her friend when she feels bad about Anubis. She wears cat ears due to her gimmick.
History: Hasn’t won a title, but has been loyally following Anubis since her debut in GOW