Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

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Re: Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

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This match had been pretty grueling, both on the masochistic debuter and the Hellraiser. Especially on the latter, given the bruise on her gut. And it really seemed to piss her off, given her enraged screech after Mikoto's brain buster. Too bad Clair's boredom was so apparent, she was certain some good pain would have been coming her way after.

So she lifted Finella back up, to the mixed cheers of the crowd, and got her on her shoulders. But that was just the front, as her grip was loosened for her opponent to escape. And she would do so after an eye rake. The Japanese girl let go and the mutt landed with ease, and went for her finisher. One knee to her side. "Gn~" A second to her other side. "Ffnn." And finally she was lifted and quickly dropped with a powerbomb, completing the Overkill. After a little yelling at the Canadian, the ref slid down as the pin was secured.




At the sound of the bell Clair turned her attention back finally. Mikoto had lost the match, but at least the poor excuse for a wrestling match was over now. It just got so lame so fast, how could anyone in the crowd find any entertainment in it? Well, it was whatever. She'd wait a little as Finella celebrated her 'victory,' probably barking more Clair's way but she'd just ignore it.

"OK, let's go Mikoto. I'd say it's been fun, but it hasn't," Clair said exasperated. And on command, Mikoto would get back up with relative ease. The crowd gasped in surprise. Finella may have won the match, yeah, but it seemed Mikoto could have gone on longer. It seemed that the mutt's win had been handed to her as, for the sake of not letting the blond remain bored, threw the match so it would be over.

Mikoto would go to leave the ring, planning to leave the bitch she just fought in the ring stunned and probably pissed at how the match went. Maybe they'd have an actual fight where they could fight all out in the future. But for now, it seemed like things were over.
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Re: Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

Unread post by RedShinigami »

The Hellraiser groaned and rolled herself off of Mikoto. This battle had been grueling...Finella did it.
She lay there, panting hard and put her right forearm over her eyes.
She had beaten them, both of them.
The Hellraiser rolled on her back as her theme started to play and the crowd errupted into cheers and booing alike.

The Hellraiser whos eyes could'nt be seen, grinned. She loved it. Every time she beat someone and "Hellraiser" started to play, shivers went down her spine.
It was her triumph, even if the crowd booed, that was just part of the show and made her big victory all the sweeter.
Fin grinned wide and suddenly she thought about Clair again. Ignoring her or not, this was something that she could'nt shrugg off that easily.
Finella took her arm of her eyes and looked sideways, where Clair was supposed to be...only that she was'nt.

But that was'nt what incinuated the fires of hell burning in Finella, oh no, it was the fact that Mikoto stood there, trying to get out of the ring as nothing had phased her. As if she could have go one while the Hellraiser was beaten up pretty badly, evident by the big darkblue spot on her stomach and several bruises.
But that bitch stood up and walked away...
as if nothing happened...

as if Fin had'nt beaten her up enough...
She just had...screwed her! And not just she, both! This damned blonde canadian slut and her japanese lapdog had screwed the Austrian, had decided to end it here, presenting the victory to Fin as if she was'nt worth the try..
Suddenly the body of Finella started to get tense, her expression changed from a big satisfied grin to one of pure and utter hate. Her teeth clenched, her pupils went small and her fists clenched at her side.
Her laboured breathing became fast snarls, her pupils became small as she her wide open eyes looked at Mikotos body that hopped away on light feet, trying to get away with her girlfriend.

Her theme was still playing and she wanted it to end...no, no this was no triumph! She got fucking betrayed! Screwed! Humiliated! She had performed her finisher on her and that bitch just stood up...
The booing rose as Team Edgeworks tried to walk away...out of sheer boredom...
At first it was only in her head, loud, drilling into her skull.

"NEIN!", the Hellraiser screamed and clawed into the canvas as all the frustration broke out of her.
Finella jumped to her feet, turned and the stomp of her boots were heard through the arena as she managed to grab one of Mikotos pigtails, wrap her hand around it and pulled her back.
And in said motion Mikoto met with a fist, harder and more devastating then the Hellraiser had punched the japanese girl in their match...it could even be that this was the hardest punch the Hellraiser had ever dished out.

A resounding CRACK could be heard as Mikotos nose broke and a small fountain of blood shot up, turning the face and fist of Finella red.
"Why go already?", she growled with a raspy voice and pulled Mikoto back up.

"Is it painful enough? Huh?!", she screamed and in the same motion she hit Mikotos face again.
Another sickening sound appeared as the crowd started to whince. Boos were heard and the bell rang. It was over and now Fin worked against the rules by beating her opponent after the match but as long as no one pryed her off of the japanese masochist, Finella would punish her for this ultimahe Insult against her pride and strength.

"If you wanted to get killed so badly why did'nt you said so?!", she screamed in the bloody mass that was Mikotos face.
"I gladly...have the honor!", Finella said and inbetween the sentence she sent her knee up for a haymaker, hitting Mikotos chin and sending her back onto the canvas that good bloodier by the minute.
"Whats wrong? Whats wrong? Don't hurt enough? How's this?!", she screamed and sent her leatherboots down into Mikotos midsection, again, again and again until the japanese heel could only wheeze.
All the while she looked at Clair with a deadpan stare, tilting her head.

"Time to get a new pet Blondie...", she said and threw her facefirst into the corner. The ring was a bloody mess as was Mikotos face and Finellas body.
The Hellraiser lived up to her name as her bloodied body stood before Mikotos limp form, looking down at her, all fires of hell burning in her eyes.
"Look at me...fucking look at me!", she screamed and tried to make her opponent look up before sending a hard headbutt into the forehead of Mikoto, sending her down into corner, only her arms held her upright right now and Finella grabbed the ropes, raised her leg and started to stomp into the firm belly of Mikoto,brutal kick after brutal kick.

The crowd booed now against the unnessecary and illegal brutalizing of the japanese girl.
After stomping her for like twenty times, Finella looked down at the slumped down, bloodied mess before putting her boot onto her neck, grabbing the ropes and then got to stand onto it with her full bodyweight, crushing windipe in the process.
"You thought you could fuck with me, huh? Could screw me?!", she screamed and looked down at Clair, grabbing the top rope tight.

"You and me...now..accept or I snap your fucking toy in half!", she growled and jumped up and down to add more agonizing pain on her downed opponent.
The hellraiser was bathed in blood that was not hers as she looked down at the canadian.
Now Finella looked her gimmick, a grimm, black demon out of hell covered in blood.
The Hellraiser had truly awakened...
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Re: Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

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The match was over, the mutt won. Clair was disappointed, yeah, but Mikoto throwing was still preferable to seeing Finella desperately swimming up for air over and over again. It was a pathetic sight, really. Heck, maybe she'd get some ice cream after this? In honor of the girl they just handed a win to.

But no, the mutt just couldn't be content with the victory. As Mikoto tried to exit the ring, the Hellraiser began living up to her name, beating the ever living shit out of the Japanese woman. A hail of fists and knees continuously battered, flattened, and broke her. Blood flew threw the air and stained the ring from her broken nose, from her mouth as her belly was viciously stomped in. A mirror to the bruise Finella received soon formed after it all. And all the masochist could do was grunt, wheeze, and accept it all.

By the end of it, when the Hellraiser's bloodied fists finally stopped, her red stained boot pressing on Mikoto's neck and choking the life out of her, Clair entered the ring. The ref had been to terrified to step in, as the ferocious Hellraiser made a scene and would surely have ground her into a pulp as well if she tried. So, unfortunately, the Canadian was left to clean up this mess. 'What a pain.' She couldn't help but think.

She'd walk up to Finella, her bored expression still prominent. Mikoto was in the corner still, coughing terribly. Without skipping a beat, and probably interrupting the bitch mid taunt or asking the ref to ring the bell or whatever, Clair leaned back and thrust her foot up, shooting a superkick square into the Hellraiser's face. She had no intention of letting a match start here, after all.

If it hit and flattened her out, the Canadian would walk over to her beaten and bloodied girlfriend, blood streaming down from her nose and mouth. "You did the best you could, I guess." With a sigh, she kissed Mikoto on the forehead, showing an odd tenderness, before she just lifted Mikoto up and over the the ropes, crashing down to the mats below. "Just lay there for a bit. I have a mutt to put down." She snarled, walking back over to Finella with a few devious ideas in mind. The bitch just needed to know her place and stay down for them.
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Re: Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

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The Hellraiser was stained with blood, her bicoloured eyes a mask of fury, her whole body trembling.
Finella lived up to her name in this right ring as her scarred but neitherless beautiful body was covered in red, blood from the woman she just had beaten.
Why did she force her to do this, Finella thought and and looked down at Mikoto.

"Why...why did you make me do this, HUH?!", she screamed.
"You just had to lay there until I was gone...but what did you do?!", the Hellraiser shouted and pressed her boot harder onto Mikotos neck.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?! Fucking embarressed me!", she screamed and let go of Mikoto.

She had suffered enough. Now it was time to mix her blood with that of her girlfriend as Finella turned around only to meet with the sole of Clairs shoes.

The superkick, an attack Harmonia had thrown into her set too with massive success. A devastating attack when nailed correctly and it seemed that Clair had'nt developed that attack yesterday as Finellas already sore head met her foot with brutal force, sending the Hellraiser tumbling back to the ropes with such a energy that her already sore body tumbled through the ropes and landed on the floor of the outside.
The bloodied mess of a wrestler opened her eyes and saw...boots...

But not Mikotos or Clairs...was security here?
Then suddenly she recognized the colourpattern and her stomach turned into ice.
She could'nt...she would'nt...SHE WOULD'NT DARE!

But the big pop of the crowd was enough for her to know that something was'nt right...
And there she was, looking down on her with a smug smile...

The mortal enemy of the Hellraiser, her Rival...Chelsea Forster...
Finella grunted and shook her head.
"Not...this evening Chels...I got no time to beat your sorry ass...I have to fuck up another blonde first...", she said weakly and tried to get up in the naive assumption that Chelsea would let her go through with it...
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Re: Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

Unread post by CaptainL »

It was true. Finella wasn't alone - standing right there beside her was a woman she would find very, very familiar. And not in a good way.
As she turned her head up, she would see Chelsea Forster, her most hated rival, standing right over her, her hands on her hips and her brows narrowed in a hateful glower. Her shadow fell over Finella as she leaned overhead, reveling in the opportunity to be the one standing above a beaten and battered Hellraiser for once. Even if it unfortunately wasn't by her hands, it was still a long time coming.

But Chelsea wasn't about to gloat about it. No, she wouldn't have simply shown up just to not do anything with her time. She had perfectly good reasons to be here - and Finella was going to feel them.

"Oh, nay, I dun think so!" Chelsea barked. As Finella began to rise, Chelsea raised her foot, stomping her boot down hard onto the Wolf's stomach as her teeth grit in fury. ""Not go'n ter be a blonde gettin' 'er arse kicked this time, if ye kep me drift, like!" She ground her ankle back and forth, digging the point of her heel into Finella's gut for good measure. "If ye think ye can drag me into yer silly business, dun I'm invitin' myself into yos!" Long had Chelsea wanted to see Finella crushed at her feet. And when the opportunity presented itself, she couldn't resist!
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Re: Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

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She was here...goddammit she was here.
After both nearly killed each other a few weeks ago, the British Bunny had decided that it still was'nt enough.
She still had open business with Finella it seemed, before the PPV in two weeks.
Finella almost throw up as Chelsea stomped right into the darkblue bruise that had formed on the abs of the Hellraiser and Finella coughed up Saliva, almost choking on it.

"No...", she whimpered and looked up into the hateful glare of her nemesis.
"You...pay for that Chels...better...put your fucking scut between your legs and hide somewhere until PPV...cause I will find you...GAAAAAAUUUGH!", the Hellraiser screamed in sheer agony as Chelsea stomped her stomach another time, but this time her heal grinded on the bruise that Mikoto had placed there after working Finellas belly good.
Finella grabbed her mouth. She was about to throw up, out of pain and because her insides could'nt take no onslaught anymore...
It was a horrifying picture.

The Hellraiser drenched in blood, being mounted by her biggest enemy who crushed her under her heel...finally Chelsea had what she wanted...and the press took photos and videos of it...flashes of cameras and cellphones snaped like rapid machine gun fire, recording and register it for the future...
Finella was broken,there was nothing she could do...
She grabbed for Chelseas ankle but could'nt muster more then a few short tugs while trying not to throw up here and now, whimpering in the endless torture...

Then she saw another shadow, feet jumping on the mat next to her...
//Oh god please no...no..no...//
And indeed it was Clairs bored face looming over and Finella swallowed whatever wanted to come up.
"I kill you..bo...both...both of you...", she grunted, in no position for such a threat, but still, Finella was'nt called Hellraiser for nothing...but it seemed that today the only hell raised...would be on her...
She panicked but would'nt show it those stupid blonde bitches, she would'nt give them the gratitude of begging or tapping and she was unsure if those two sadists would grant her that wish...Finella was drenched in blood that she had spilt, how in the world could someone like her expect mercy, especially by Chelsea Forster...
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Re: Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

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Clair had every intention on following after the stumbling mutt once she took a tumble out of the ring, but before she could Chelsea Forester had appeared in front of her prey. The Canadian wasn't happy that someone had come to steal her kill, but at the same time seeing the so called Hellraiser try to keep acting tough as her guts were ground in was somewhat entertaining. She could barely understand a word the Brit said, but whatever. The gist was the two had beef, Chelsea was enjoying the feeling of being on top, no blonds were gonna get beat up today, etc. Actually, that opened a rather entertaining opportunity for the three of them.

Leaping over the ropes, the blond landed right before the crumpled mutt with her same bored look. She even didn't acknowledge the weak ass threat Finella tried to make from her position under Chelsea's boot. As well as Clair's own boot, as she stomped it down onto her pretty and bloodied face and ground it under her heel."So, Chelsea right? I hope you won't be expecting a thank you for the help," she said with a small smile. Crushing a stubborn, valiant spirit always brought a smile to her face. "However, I think there's something we can do to help each other~." Bringing up her foot she brought it down harshly right onto the bitch's chest before literally walking over to lean into Chelsea's ear. She whispered something for the British Bunny, something that she would likely love to see as well as give her some ammunition for their big PPV match.

After hopefully a nod or some form of acceptance of her approval, Clair brought her foot back and went for a big ol' penalty kick to the side of the mutt's head to leave her in a nice little daze. "There. Feel free to do whatever you want for a bit. I recommend getting her against the barricade. Give the fans a nice close up of the whimpering mutt." With a sadistic smile and a little wave to the bitch beneath them, the sadist left the two rivals to themselves while she got a nice little surprise ready for the upstart.
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Re: Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

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Finella wanted to scream, she wanted to scream, get up and bust the heads of these bitches together so hard they would pop!
She was'nt in any mood to go easy on someone...not in the slightest.
Her third match and the victory was "handed" to her by a crazy bitch that loved getting the shit kicked out of her and her, admittedly, dangerous girlfriend.
These two were a force to be reckoned with...and they were strong.
Something Finella had experienced as Mikoto slammed and tossed her around the ring.

Finella could smell Mikotos blood on her face, it was disgusting and she never would get used to it, but at least it was'nt her blood...yet.
Chelsea had appeared.
The great war the two waged against each other saw a new battle and now her enemy had gotten an unlikely ally ala "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
Of course, those two could'nt care less about each other...but they cared about Finella who was on the floor, trying to stay concious, trying to not throw up as her insides burned like fire and trying her darndest to get away...

But Clair and of course Chelsea would'nt allow it.
Too much had happened...and now Finella was in the defensive...something she was'nt accustomed too...and slowly another feeling rose that she was'nt accustomed to either...pure and naked fear.
"Stooop...", she managed to get out.
She would'nt beg, no. She would order them to stop!
The Hellraiser did'nt ask, the Hellraiser did'nt beg...the Hellraiser demanded, the Hellraiser conquered!
Suddenly all her lights went out in a blow to her head.
Finellas head cracked to the side, the crowd now in an outrage.
The eyes of the wolf rolled back into her skull and saliva started to drip out of her mouth as her limp head fell to the side...

The brutality happening in this ring today, by Mikoto, by Finella, by Clair and surely from Chelsea Forster too, was something LAW had'nt seen in a long time...

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Re: Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

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Chelsea could hardly have asked for anything better than this. Finella was laid out on a silver platter, primed for her to bludgeon, stomp, and exert her dominence over the way she'd always wanted to. Clair had done all the hard work for her, and now Chelsea could kick back and enjoy the spoils of it all. She'd even been kind enough to leave a big purple target on Finella's stomach - something that Chelsea could only grin a little wider at the thought of as she brought her foot down hard against it, knowing how much more it would hurt for Finella. It must have felt like a dagger being driven straight into the Hellraiser's core - and Chelsea, as she flashed a grin, savored the sounds of her screams.

No matter how much Finella tried to force Chelsea's foot off of her stomach, it did little to stop the Englishwoman from grinding her heel down harder against her gut, driving all her weight down into the still-sore spot. Finella's threats only caused Chelsea to chuckle at her misfortune. "Pfft...come 'ead, why dun ye? I'd be juss made up ter see ye try!" She knew her threats were empty. The helpless, pleading look of terror in Finella's wide eyes was a sight Chelsea had never seen before, but a sight she would never forget.

Now, as Clair took her side, Chelsea elbowed her in the shoulder. "Oh, norra problem. Norra problem at all. You've done a sound bit o' weerk out 'ere, and I might as well show me appreciation, like." As far as she was concerned, any enemy of Finella was a friend of hers; the fact that she left the Wolf bruised and bloodied at her feet already told Chelsea she was a woman out for her heart. And in fact, they had much bigger plans in store. As Clair stomped on Finella's chest, Chelsea leaned in closer to listen to her whispered advice - and she grinned even wider, nodding her head in agreement. It was too bad that she couldn't speak up about this; it seemed just too good to keep to herself.

When Clair nailed Finella in the side of the head with a well-placed kick, Chelsea stepped aside, applauding the Canadian for her efforts. "Nice shot! Maybe all yous gravy-eatin' mapple-guzzlin' mewse-botherers out west aren't so bad afti all." But now, she realized, she had Finella laid out and vulnerable, free to do whatever she wanted to. And she was even more excited to see to such an opportunity.

Per Clair's suggestion, Chelsea grabbed onto Finella's hair, using it to drag her over to the barricade and slam her back up against the cold steel. Then, she yanked back on her tresses to tilt her head up just enough to look the blonde in the eye, where a smug and sinister grin flashed across her face. The sounds Finella had made hadn't been lost on Chelsea - and the fact that she was getting her to beg for mercy only made the moment that much more sweeter. Chelsea shook Finella to bring her back to her senses, just enough so that she'd get to see the look on her conqueror's face. She wanted Finella to know this moment.

"Wha's dat I 'ear? 'as someone 'ad enuff?" Chelsea repeated it again, louder this time, so that Finella's humiliation wouldn't go unknown to anyone in the crowd. "'as us poor little puppee-dog 'ad enuff? Well...I 'aven't!"

Throwing her head back with a cackle at Finella's expense, Chelsea slammed her rival into the barricade once again. This time, she turned around - and shoved her behind right up against the Wolf's face, rubbing it back and forth to perform a stinkface up against the bars!
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Re: Razing the Ring: Finella Edelstein v Mikoto Usagaki [D]

Unread post by RedShinigami »

This was it...the moment Chelsea had been waiting for.
The moment were she could pay the Hellraiser back everything she did to her...
And the list of things Finella had wronged the Brit with was a long one, starting with their first encounter in a Tag Team Match where Finella belittled her from the first second, slamming her pussy into a steelrailing and making selfies with Chelseas hurting body, ultimately winning the match because Molly started to have feelings for Harmonia, her sister.

Then they both met in a bar, set up by the Hellraiser who had known that Chelsea spent the night there, followed by a now famous duel of billiard and arm wrestling, but even then when Chelsea beat her fair and square, the Wolf could let her have this, instead she attacked Chelsea, ready to choke her out with a billiardqueu if it was'nt for their friend Karl Schneider to part them.

Then there was the match against Lorelei were Finella raised the english flag she won at the end, dirty and nasty, the abused flag waved in the wind as Finella called her rival out to a mocking version of "God save the Queen", smothering the english woman and steal her top, showing her breasts to the world and finally there was a fight in FInellas own home, an invasion by Chelsea, were Finella managed to shame her like never before by cumming all over her body, the only reason both were'nt in the hospital, again, was Karl Schneider who parted the rivals.

And now Chelseas hate and fury exploded, fueled by the shame she felt when thinking about those events.
She wanted Finella to suffer and suffer the wolf did as the Brit pressed her whole bodyweight on her sore belly, the spot on her abs now almost black.

The kick from the Canadian, a new enemy Finella had made, almost knocked her lights out and sent her abused body in a state of lockup.
She could'nt move anymore, every limb of hers felt like iron, she could'nt even raise her head...she just could lay there and take it, while trying to stay awake, her mind dancing between here and unconciousnes.

Her protests were minimal and good for nothing as the Brit grabbed her hair and slammed her against the steel barricade, parting fans an the ring.
Finellas bruised, abused and bloddied body crumpled against the railing, she was there for Chelsea to take, like a broken doll a kid slammed so long against the floor until it was broken.
That was how Finella felt...
She could only imagine what was in store for her as the english punk shook her back to life, the bicoloured eyes of the wolf looking directly into Chelseas.

"I warn you Chelsea...", she slowly whispered.
"Let it be...or you will wish...you were never born...",she whispered slowly but determined, her eyes showing the rage of the Hellraiser, but her body was in no form to make up for the threat.

But Finella did'nt mean now, she knew she had to take whatever both blondes bitches dished out...
No, she meant the big PPV fight they would have.
Finella was sure it would'nt be short of an all out war...like their encounter in the Eagles Nest.

Chelsea mocked her again and again and finally, her true intentions shine through as the Brit turned around and shoved her behind into the messed up face of the Hellraiser, stinkfacing her to a popping crowd, who patted Chelseas back, laughed and one guy even gave Chelsea his cellphone.
He spoke japanese but the intentions were clear.

Chelsea should take revenge for the first match and make a selfie of her, having Finella between her buttcheeks, like Finella took pictures of the Bunny , laying unconcious and halfnaked in the Wolfs arms.
Finella grunted, her airways were blocked and the only form of defiane she could muster were some slight slaps against the side of the brit.
Chelsea could feel the shaking of Finellas body before the Hellraiser went limp, getting her face rocked from side to side by her rival.

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