Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Despite a few setbacks, Trisha Andrews was doing a great job increasing her prestige here in LAW by winning several matches. She knew that she still had long way to go, but eventually, she would one day reached the level where the management could no longer ignore her achievements. By winning enough matches, she knew that she would get her chance to chase after golds, putting her on the same level as those who had brought themselves greatness here in LAW.

For tonight, she would be facing a veteran, Mina Takemi. She had seen most of her matches before, and she had to admit that this Japanese woman was the mistress of her craft. If she could defeat her in this match, then her prestige would increase, and this was necessary for her to craft her own legend as a wrestler. The African-American woman was ready to make her entrance before her music was played. Striding out confidently, the white-clad wrestler made her way to the ramp as she received a pop.
Trisha Andrews
Upon reaching the ring, Trisha would climb up the apron. Slipping under the ropes, she would stand tall, raising her arms to get the crowd cheering for her. Despite her ethnicity and skin color, the mostly-Japanese audience was captivated by the sheer presence of Trisha, though with her opponent being Mina Takemi, the audience would surely be divided. Not that she minded. As long as she could show it to everyone that she could defeat her adversary, she didn't mind the division between the crowd.

After rousing the crowd for a bit, Trisha made her way towards one corner, draping her arms over the top ropes as she would wait for her opponent to arrive. The way she leaned against the turnbuckle seemed to put quite an emphasis on her well-trained figure, with tight abs, powerful thighs and bountiful breasts. All the while, she had a confident expression on her face, thinking that she had enough strength to defeat her opponent, who had proven herself to be a powerful wrestler in her own right.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

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Amy Winehouse, Teach Me Tonight
Dr. Takemi's entrance hit! The arena was shrouded in green light as she stepped out onto the stage, bathed in the hue of envy. She drew in a breath, looked down, and crossed her arms under her breasts. She hugged herself and drank in the moment. Suddenly both arms exploded out and upwards in triumph as she greeted the LAW audience with the promise of a dynamic show!

The mature woman walked down the ramp all smiles. She sashayed towards the ring in her wrestling attire. A green one piece that highlighted her best assets. The leotard was painted on; it hugged the swell of her breasts and barely covered her thick backside. It was cut in the classic 80's style, an homage to her roots, with some modern embellishment. It pulled everything tight and made The Ring Therapist look every bit as sexy as she was powerful.

Once inside the ring she'd lift her palms to the bottom of her bobbed hair, making sure it was perfectly styled. She then placed one foot on the bottom turnbuckle and bent over. She tossed a coy look over her shoulder at her motherly opponent. The pose offered the crowd a full view of her curvaceous figure. From her heavy lycra veiled breasts; To the fullness of her thick, pale thighs. And most importantly, her round, perky, perfect ass.

"Introducing her opponent! Weighing in at 169 lbs, fighting out of Hokkaido Japan! She is! The Motherweight! Mina! TAKEMI!"
Mina threw her hands in up to bask in her herald! The crowd erupted as the magnificent MILF put herself on display in the corner! She'd hop down allowing her thicc backside to jiggle enticingly!

She'd then move to the center of the ring greet her opponent. To say that Mina had been on a losing streak was a bit of an understatement. The Motherweight had lost the last four matches in a row... Though it was not due to lack of fight in her. The New Generation was creating women who were just as sultry as she, and just as crafty.

Despite her losing streak, Mina was a crowd favorite. A combination of her looks and dramatic style had endeared her to the audience. It was also thanks in no small part that most of her matches resulted in rolled eyes and soaked attire.

But tonight's bout was to be a standard match with an up and comer. A proud athlete who sought to show the somewhat nationalistic LAW audience that a Gaijin could be their queen.

Mina stood across from Trisha Andrews and measured her. She was lean and powerful.

"You must take a lot of pride in that beautiful body of yours." She grinned at the woman as she assessed her. Her deep green eyes sliding up the woman's thighs, her abs, and her barely contained breasts.

"Are you sure you're okay with me breaking it?" She cracked her knuckles. It was a vulgar show of power and intent. Trisha's figure was new world strong. But Mina had yet to face a woman who could match her raw strength. Was Trisha Andrews finally the one who could outmuscle the Motherweight?
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Sat Jan 08, 2022 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

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Trisha kept her eyes on Mina as the mature woman made her entrance. She would be lying if she said she didn't like what she was seeing. Despite her track record, Mina Takemi cut a fine and powerful figure, and Trisha was looking forward to face her in this ring. Soon, the mature woman reached the ring, and Trisha maintained her gaze on Mina as the mature woman assessed her. Hearing Mina's words, Trisha chuckled before she gave the other woman her response.

"If you think it'd be that easy to break me, you've got another thing coming," Trisha responded confidently, folding her arms under her ample assets. She was fired up already, and the match hadn't even started yet. The referee, a young woman clad in cropped stripped uniform and black booty shorts, beckoned both wrestlers to take their places in preparation for the match. Trisha stepped away from her corner, rolling one of her shoulders as she maintained her gaze on Mina.

Once both wrestlers were ready, the referee would then call for the bell, starting the match between Trisha Andrews and Mina Takemi. To start off the match, Trisha would assume a stance, knees bending slightly as she would hold out her arms in preparation for a standard lock up with the mature woman. All the while, her eyes would be assessing her opponent, trying to predict what she would try to do while admiring the perfect figure of hers.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

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"Oh honey, there's nothing easy about me. That body of yours has a rough road ahead of it. I promise." She blew Trisha a sweet kiss in response to the dark skinned girl's banter.

Mina took up her position as was instructed by the referee. She stood across from Trisha and drew in a deep breath. Her presence was electric. She could feel all the hairs on her arm standing on end as goosebumps rippled up her flesh. She was excited! And not in the usual way. Trisha Andrews had a competitive air about her. Mina tended to take a special interest in the more lascivious matches that LAW had to offer. But the woman who stood across the ring from her was a fighter. Another Alpha... And her inner beast yearned to tear at her throat and see who the queen of this roped jungle truly was.

"You better not be weak!" She growled as the bell rang! She lurched across the ring and whipped her arms out to meet Trisha's lock-up. And immediately it was clear that Mina wasn't interested in playing around. She was interested in the fight! Trisha had earned her attention, and whether she liked it or not, she was getting a Mina who was full of fighting spirit!

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

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Trisha knew that the woman before her wasn't someone to be trifled with. She was someone with plenty of experience under her belt, and to underestimate her would be a folly. And now that the match had started, Trisha would get into position, looking at the woman before her as she would get ready to clash with her in the match. Seeing Mina coming towards her for a lock up, Trisha would also surge forth, looking to lock horns with her and engage her in a lock up.


The moment the two of them locked up, Trisha could feel the intense force coming from the mature woman before her, and she had to plant her feet on the mat to stop herself from being pushed back. Gritting her teeth, the African-American wrestler would try to push back, her arms straining under the pressure as she tried to get into a stalemate with Mina. Straining herself under the might of her opponent, Trisha would resist the push, looking to endure the overwhelming power that Mina had displayed.

The audience would be able to see that both wrestlers seemed to be having a stalemate, though it was clear that Trisha was exerting a lot of her strength in order to match Mina's. She was hoping that she could come up with something in order to fight back against Mina's strength and break the stalemate in order to give her advantage over the mature woman.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

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The two women locked horns in the center of the ring! "Sorya!" Mina cried out as she pushed into the lock-up!

Their biceps bulged as they leaned into one another! Trisha slid back but for a moment before planting herself. Beyond that, there was no movement. The two grapplers appeared to have found themselves in something of a stalemate... However, the longer the battle of strength continued, the more apparent it became which of the two was the attacker and defender.

Mina's strength was being matched, however, it was not without a great deal of effort. Trisha was capable of holding her ground, but for how long? The thought painted a grin over Mina's expression of effort. She was meeting her expectations.

"Looks like you aren't the type of woman to roll over and suffocate between my thighs after-all! Good!" The complimentary words were tinted with a growl of exertion.

"But... Mada mada![It's not over yet!]"

Trisha had put her lower body into keeping herself from sliding back. And now Mina's was coming into play! The muscles in her thighs flexed as she began to put her lovely thighs into the test of strength. With a cry of effort she began to pour herself into the battle of raw power!

Trisha had been hoping to come up with something to escape the stalemate. This action would test whether she had developed a plan or not! Did she have an answer for Mina's massive strength? Or would she find herself bullied backwards into the corner, where she would be vulnerable to the Motherweights machinations!?

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

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It was already a struggle for Trisha to maintain the stalemate, but when Mina began to exert more of her strength in the lock up, Trisha found herself being slowly pushed back. She tried to muster more of her strength, but it wasn't enough. Little by little, she was being overpowered by the mature woman before her, and she grinded her teeth in frustration.

"Gghhnnhhh... d-damn it!"

It was clear now that in terms of pure strength, Mina had gotten her totally beaten. Trisha was being pushed towards the corner now, and despite her being clearly overpowered, she still tried to push against her opponent, hoping that she could at least bring their lock up back into a stalemate, but at the moment, she was clearly under the mercy of her opponent.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

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This test of strength was exhilarating. She loved the feel of Trisha's hands in her own! The feel of the woman's fingers digging into her skin as she battled the inevitable. The sexy sounds of effort that forced their way all the way up from the depths of her belly. And most importantly, dominating her!

Trisha's efforts, while not waning, were failing. Every passing second saw the women move ever closer to the corner! The match had only just begun, but Mina was hellbent on ensuring that her lovely opponent knew exactly who the alpha was in this situation!

With only a few steps to go, Mina let out a roar! "SORYA!"

It was accompanied by a final push! A lifting thrust that was meant to pull Trisha off her feet and send her back first into the corner! To end the test of strength definitively and leave poor Trisha trapped in a disadvantageous position!

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

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It was clear now how outmatched Trisha was in terms of physical strength against Mina, and she was pushed closer and closer towards the corner. And then, Mina gave one final push, sending Trisha off her feet and back-first towards the turnbuckle. "UGHNN!!" She winced as her back hit the turnbuckle, and here she was, in a very disadvantageous position, with her opponent having an upper hand over her.

Groaning, Trisha tried to right herself, getting her arms draped over the top ropes, though this would leave her exposed to whatever Mina would do next. All she could do was brace herself against whatever Mina would throw at her way, and hopefully, she would be able to take it without losing her bearing. Mina Takemi was a very dangerous opponent, and she knew that she couldn't afford to lose her focus while facing her.

Still, there had to be something that Trisha could do, though in her current situation, all she could manage was to try pushing Mina away with one of her feet. It might not do much against her opponent, but at the very least, that was an effort to maintain her defiance before such a powerful and alpha woman.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Mina Takemi - Written in the Stars

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Trisha impacted the corner with authority! Mina had made her mark on the match and she was sure it would leave an impression on the lovely African-American wrestler.

The Ring Therapist intended to keep pouring on the pressure! And so she stepped into Trisha, right as she threw a kick. The blow took the mature woman in the belly and pushed her back wards a step. It had been more of a shove than an outright strike, but it would buy Trisha enough time to evade Mina's follow-up, if she had the strength!

Unabated, Mina attacked!

"ORA!" She cried out as her right arm bent inwards before she rotated her hips and threw a slicing chop across Trisha's chest! If it landed, she'd pull back for another! Once against crying out "ORA!" Preemptively as she prepared to throw it again!

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