I Am The LAW - Special Promo Collection

Title Defenses/Feud-ending Matches
The Ominous Future
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Ayane Akan - The Wolf

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Ayane Akan - The Wolf
Runs through opposition like a freight train
Carries the will of her family in her wolf crest

"When people think of the Akans, the first words out of their mouth usually involve Kyoko or Belly Queen. Unfortunately until about 6 years ago almost a decade had passed before an Akan was out and about in wrestling. But this isn't 6 years ago, the time for everyone to think of one name is gone." Ayame stands up. The wolf had opted for her moment to be recorded in an ominously darkened room, with nothing on view except for the younger Akan herself.

"Now don't get me wrong, my sister isn't a slouch and she's more than earned the reputation as a badass...among other things she has a reputation for. But as long as there's been wrestling there's been Akan's looking to win it. especially in Japan and its time we all claimed that name and widened the narrow spotlight wrestling has put on us and that starts with me, and it starts with that Openweight belt. I'm not some imitation, nor will I be in anyone's shadow. I haven't been here for a long time but I'm undefeated, and not just in the ring anyone who tries to fight me finds it comes at a cost, the ring, the beach, the gym. You step up to me, you meet the Wolf. As for if you dont think I'm champ material, good luck telling me no if I have to fight the entire roster to prove my point so be it, because I'm big and bad and I don't care if your house is made of bricks I'll blow it down all the same. So little piggies, sleep well and dream happy, because if your dreams involve going through me your head is the only place it's going to happen."" Ayame takes a second to blow a kiss to the camera and wave. "Wishing you luck."

With the camera cutting to black, on came highlights of Ayame's encounter with one Audrey Hunter. An encounter that ended in no doubt one of many of the wolf's victories, upcoming or otherwise.

The Ominous Future
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Cecilia Lombard - the Cold-Hearted Sadist

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Cecilia Lombard - the Cold-Hearted Sadist with an Eye on the Prize
Finalist in the 2019 Last Woman Standing Tournament
Cost Tara Jaeger her debut against Maria Castello at We Are LAW 2020
Won all her victories in LAW by submission or knockout

"I want you to think about that for a minute. World Openweight Champion, Cecilia Lombard. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Well, if you ask me, it does. I know what you're all thinking. How can I expect to be World Championship material, when time after time, no matter how hard I tried, I kept reaching for the top - and lost? How can I expect to be World Championship material, when, after coming so close to truly being on top of the world, to really winning something, I still lost - to the same bitch I lost my first match in LAW to, so long ago?" Cecilia grit her teeth as she said that, shuddering and hissing. It seemed that the very memory of the event made her cringe. "Well, I'll tell you what happened. After I gave Ducky that win in the tournament - that was when I realized that I had been going into all these matches, all these events, thinking it was inevitable that I'd win. That I was already good, and that I didn't need to try. That victory was just going to fall into my lap. But if I faced off against the same opponent I faced the first time I stepped into a LAW ring, and the results were the same after all this time...that says something, doesn't it? Look, I want to say she just got lucky. That she stole the win I rightfully deserved, that was meant for me all along...but maybe that's not the case. Maybe I needed to grow, and improve. I should have learned from that first loss - and I didn't. And it happened again."

Cecilia looked up then, jabbing a finger out into the stands. "Well, this time, it's different! This time, I'm not playing around. I'm not going to sit back idly and expect the world to hand me victory. These bitches who don't give a damn about winning, who let themselves get bogged down with what some asshole in a striped shirt tells them they can and can't do, who don't know how important this is to me...they're still better than me. And you know what? That fucking sucks. That isn't fair. But it's not surprising. Because I haven't put in the work to make sure that victory goes to the one who deserves it more than anyone else. If things aren't going to go my way...then fuck it. I'll make them go my way. I'll get what I deserve by force if I have to."

"And to all of you who think that I'm a joke? That I have my head stuck too far up my own ass to see what I need to do? Those days are over. You'll see. You'll all see what I'm capable of doing when I put in the effort to do it. You'll know when that day has come - the day that belt ends up around my waist. That's all I need to prove my point. The moment I prove that I'm worthy of being called the best in LAW? That moment will be the culmination of everything my life has led me to, since the day I was born. And I assure you, here and now, that none of you will doubt me again."

"Go big or go home, they say. And I'm not someone who's going to go home. This isn't passing me by...so watch out."

With a final glare given by Cecelia, the camera cut yet again. This time to fill the viewers screen with highlights of Cecelia's encounter with Soledad Vega - a match that took place in the 2019 LWS tournament, no less.
Last edited by Devilish53 on Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

The Ominous Future
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Alizeh Midori - The Emerald Storm

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Alizeh Midori - The Emerald Storm
Made her professional debut at age 16
Is a second generation wrestler
Trained in Pureso, Lucha Libre and classic American style pro wrestling

As the fans murmured and talked in their seats, waiting eagerly for the next match or segment to begin they quickly shushed as the titantron flickered to life. Knowing that this meant a promo was about to begin, the LAW universe looked up in anticipation of who it was that had something to say.

As the picture came into focus it revealed one Alizeh Midori with a very rare serious expression on her face, something that instantly got fans murmuring softly at what she was gonna say. ”Hey there everyone, Alizeh here. You all know me, after all, between social media and fan events I’m not exactly bard to reach.” she said with a chuckle, allowing a small smile to grace her lips as her fans gave a quick cheer and whoop in response to the accessible star before she spoke again.

“So because you all know me, you should know that I’m not just here to make friends.” She said the serious expression returning as the fans murmured again. “I’m here to prove hard work and fair play pay off. That if you put your mind to something it can be done. I’m here to prove that I’m the best in the world.”[/color] She said with a confident tone, that her last choice of words immediately sparked a swell of excited talking among the fans considering what they knew was coming.

As if she could see them from where she was Alizeh chuckled. "I’m sure all you theorists out there already have thoughts on this so let me just say it loud and clear.” She said while cracking her knuckles “I’m here to officially announce to you and to the world that a storm is coming. An emerald storm that's gonna sweep up anyone in her way to capturing the world title.” She said; her announcement caused an immediate cheer to rise from her fans as they reacted to the bold statement from Alizeh.

“To all my fans I hope you’re ready to see me as the new champion, I’m smart, skilled, and I’ve got the will to never say die.” She declared proudly while flexing her arm for the crowd before her expression got serious once more. “Also to everyone else I know is vying for the World Title as well, consider this a declaration of war.”

She said as the screen cut off and was soon replaced by a highlight reel of Alizeh's epic and hard fought duel with Marzia Servelli.

The Ominous Future
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Erin Quinn - The Irish Brawler

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Erin Quinn - The Irish Brawler
Can scarf down a pizza in no time flat
Takes pride in her long red locks and will pummel you if you pull her hair
Was just one win away from becoming the first middleweight champion

The sound of fists smacking repeatedly against a punching bag filled the room as Erin got in a quick workout. “Why am I gonna be the world champ? Pfff ya really gotta ask yourself that? Just fucking look at me!” The redhead said, now turning to face the camera with a wide grin. “One hundred…and-some-change…pounds of pure muscle that’s gonna kick any and all butt I come across.” The redhead quickly stepped back to a duffle bag she had set to the side, pulling out a few posters with tape already on them. She’d slam them against the punching bag, leaving a few wrestler’s faces now as targets.

“Here, a quick demo!” Erin threw a hard punch at the bag, aimed at a poster of Karen Starring’s face. The impact caused the bag to swing back and on the return the redhead threw a swift kick at a poster of Alaina Sanders to stop the punching bag in its tracks. “Eat shit Karen! Take that Alaina!” She cried out on each impact. The redhead soon set her sights on a picture of Kat Hart and paused for a second. “Alright…Kat gets a pass. She’s actually pretty nice. So instead of a punch to the face I’ll let her off with ummm…Maybe I’ll just actually kick her ass. I’m sure it can take a few hits.” Erin trailed off with a mumble. “But yeah! Look the fuck out. Cause I’m about to show these amateurs how it’s done.”

Erin's energetic pounding off those punching bags continued on, as the screen transitioned. To highlights of her outstanding encounter with one Mina Takemi...

The Ominous Future
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Alaina Sanders-Haines - The Amazon

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Alaina Sanders-Haines - The Amazon
Wrestled from 1997-2012, and 2017-present.
Wrestled in the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Europe, India, and Mexico.
Currently has LAW record of 38-12-3

"Why should I be in the running for Openweight Champion? Why shouldn't I? I am 45 and proven to still be among the best in the world between these ropes. I have taken on women of all sizes and stood tall in victory over them. I have power, technique and more speed than people ever want to give a big woman credit for. My resume is second to none and I would represent LAW as Openweight Champion by defending that title as often as possible against all comers!"

Alaina's words had been handed down with the prominent beauty stood square in a packed LAW gym. With a confident grin her cue for the cameras to cut, focus would then on be brought to highlights of her recent cage match. With Ms. Karen Starring, of all people.

The Ominous Future
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Angela Gil - The Golden Queen

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Angela Gil - The Golden Queen
Tag Partners with Enki Gale
Believes Her Record Is Just A Taster Of Things To Come
Enki Is The Shy One Of The Duo

Angela was sitting on her chair, inside her mansion, wearing her wrestling attire, with Enki her partner seen around the background. On her bed and playing with his phone, of course. Angela would have her signature, confident smile as she look at her webcam, her arm folded as she smirked.
She would look at the camera before declaring, “Angela Gil, Your Golden Queen here, Of course, people would ask me, why do I want the World Champion Belt, well, I am here to answer that! And the Answer is...Why the hell not!” She said with a smug smirk on her face as she looked at the camera in confident before continuing. “Since I am a queen, I figure It will only fit if the queen has something back her up, and the World Championship belt would be just the thing!” She would said as she spread her arms.

“But of course, for those who will become my opponent, don’t think I’ll go easy on any one of you; it doesn’t matter who you are, prepare to be crushed, and become a stepping stone for me!” She said with confidence as she folded her arms. “But of course, I am no fool, There will be someone who would defeat me, and for that, I give them my respect, but this is no place to back down!” She said as she smiled. “So let’s save the rest to the ring! And let the game begin!”

Angela would decide to finish with a few facts of course as she points at the green hair boy behind her “That’s Enki Gale, he’s my tag team partner, that’s right, that’s a he - moving on!” She would with a smile “Of course, Enki is a shy one, we’re friends since young. Lastly, if people look at my match record, at my beginning, my match record aren’t that great, but of course, recently, I start getting more wins, so don’t you dare look down at me!”

And with that, the camera turns off before turning on once again with the highlight of Rosie McCann vs. Angela Gil before turn off once again almost as quickly.
Last edited by Devilish53 on Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

The Ominous Future
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Karin Shin - The Young Sex Bomb

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Karin Shin - The Young Sex Bomb
First ever LAW title holder
Was trained By Ducky Williams, Tina Armstrong and many others
Never gives up

Karin would look into the camera for a moment feeling a little bit shy. She could not keep eye contact with the lenses for too long before she had to look down and scratch the back of her head. This was her first time that she would do such a promotional video close up. Or at least the first time she had to talk. Over the last few days people have followed her around and filmed her during training, now she had to give a few words.

"So who do you think is going to be the first world champion of law?" The reporter asked.

Karin would need to breathe in deeply before she could even bring out a single word.

"This is impossible to say right now... we got a lot of S-rank material in law... Alaina Sanders, Tina Armstrong, Karen Starring, Linda, Astrid, the list is very long. There are so many great wrestlers who all could pick up the title. I think it will be a very close race towards the finish line. One thing is going to be sure, there will be a hell of a lot of great matches!"

Karin would say with a smile on her lips, smiling into the camera. She would suddenly find more confidence when she started to talk about wrestling.

"We will have powerhouses clashing with each other, as well as high technical masterminds. Highflyers wild jump from the ropes, everyone will give their very best, 110% of what they have to go home with the title."

The reporter would look at Karin. "And what about yourself. Since you dropped the loser belt title you started to improve quite a bit... will you try to go for the title?"

Karin would feel a bit under pressure all the sudden again. "Yes I will throw myself into the tournament. As everyone else I will fight with all I got trying to win... but I don't think I will take the belt home with me. I joined the tournament to get stronger and better in the ring. I think I will have one or two good matches in the ring, and it would be a dream come true for me to win the title. I will work hard to reach that goal! I just have to try to work harder than anyone else!"

The iconic triple threat encounter at We Are LAW 2019 once more filled the screens of the viewers, as highlights took precedence when Karin was finished. A match perhaps most noted for the fact that it was for the LAW Loser's championship, of all things.

The Ominous Future
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Momo Kazan - The Acrobatic Prankster

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Momo Kazan - The Acrobatic Prankster
Daughter of Phoenix Kazan
Won a Steel Cage Match in under 10 seconds
Got called out in a promo by legendary wrestler Cyber Widow

Momo Kazan stood in front of a camera, dressed in a yellow top with a cartoon gorilla on it and some boxer shorts, quite a casual look for a promo like this. Though Momo felt it was appropriate, given the message she wanted to convey "Hi everyone! It's me, Momo!" she would exclaim, as energetic as always "You've probably heard by now that pretty soon the LAW Openweight belt is coming! And you can bet there's gonna be a LOT of competition for it, it's gonna be so exciting!" The girl would empathise her point by bunching her hands into fists and shaking them energetically, she seemed just as excited for this as if she was a fan.

Momo cleared her throat for a moment before speaking again "So I bet I know what you're all wondering, you wanna know who it's going to be! I bet when you picture the Openweight champion you think of some brooding Amazon or some dominating alpha bitch. But you wanna know who I think should be the Openweight champion? I think it should be someone who goes with the flow and doesn't act all uptight all the time, someone who cares more about making sure everyone watching is having a good time than just whether or not they're winning or losing! It definitely should be someone who doesn't take themselves so seriously that they'll get mad over some twitter comments!" she would add with a giggle "I think you get what I'm saying by now!"

Momo would then boldly raise her thumb and point it at herself "I think it should be me! Shishishi!"

Suddenly there would be a voice behind the camera, likely coming from whoever was holding the camera "Uh kiddo, I just remembered something. You're not actually eligible for the title; you don't have enough matches yet. Should have told you before we started recording, sorry about that."

"...wait what?"

As Momo's confused questioning went on, the screen slowly cut to highlights of her debut match. One against esteemed LAW Journeywoman, Hua Shin...!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

The Ominous Future
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Yuzuha Takamiya - The Ghetto Hooligan

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Yuzuha Takamiya - The Ghetto Hooligan
Hardcore Fighter
Gets Bloody in Almost Every Fight
Hates Everyone

A seemingly empty bar, dim lights shone in the building. And there was Yuzuha, sitting alone. Wearing a complete leather jacket with studs along with black leather pants. Accompanied with a shot glass and a bottle of liquor. She lit her cigarette and took a lengthy drag before huffing out smoke.

"What do you want?" Yuzuha said with a hateful snarl, not turning her head to the camera just yet, only glancing with her eyes.

"LAW's gonna get the very first world champ? Hah, you know you're asking the wrong person about it right?" She turned to the camera, tilting her head and raising her eyebrows as she felt the question is stupid. "Thinking a lightweight could make a differ--" She stopped herself from finishing that sentence. "No... Actually, you might be talking to her now, the future inaugural world champ." She said with a confident smirk. "See, I have nothing to lose here... I've grown with nothing, I lived with nothing... And if there's anything everyone should be afraid of."

She picked up the bottle of liquor and threw it hard to the wall. Shattering it to pieces as the liquor splashes on the wall... Transitioning to highlights of her Bloodsport match against Alice Gaster. Emphasizing on her refusing to stay down part. And also the scene where she just casually smoked outside the ring with a bloodied face as she waited for her opponent to get up.

The scene transitions back to Yuzuha gazing straight at the camera. Holding the camera with both of her hands in full force. "It's the girls with fucking nothing to lose that are the most dangerous." She said in a threatening manner before she tosses the camera away to the floor. The screen buzzed as the sound of the camera hitting the floor in a rough manner could be heard. It flickered as it captured Yuzuha walking away from the bar. She opened the door to leave the building...

And as she finally left and slammed the door, the screen suddenly went full black, once more cutting into her brutal encounter with one Alice Gaster...

The Ominous Future
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Kat Hart - The Super Kitty

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Kat Hart - The Super Kitty
Finalist in LWS Tournament 2017
Winner of the inaugural Mask Vs Mask match
One third of the SWAT Cats

The screen fades on Katherine, sitting in one of the nosebleed seats at the LAW arena. She's clad in jeans, sneakers, and a leather coat. The Super Kitty; mask over her face. From over her shoulder, we can see the seats encompassing the stadium from all around. Kat focuses her attention on the ring and the ramp below. All of it empty. Not a single soul in sight besides her. As the camera pans slowly, we shift our vantage point to the ring, looking at Hart, who's still high up in the stands, smiling as she looks down at the ring. The colour fades from vibrant seats, aisles, and ring ropes to black and white.

"It's easy to forget.....heroes, legends, legacies in professional wrestling are not born. They're made down there in that very ring. Made with years and years and years of blood, sweat, and tears. Everyone's considering who's made the best case for inaugural world champ....and my name keeps popping up." She says as she points solemnly down at the squared circle from the stands. She rises from her seat. We follow her as she begins her descent down the stairs on the aisle, down towards the ring.

The screen flashes as she steps down. Still in black and white, short clips of her showdowns with some of LAW's best play on screen. The clips grew progressively faster. Katherine versus Alaina, versus The Thundergirls, versus Karen Starring, versus The Imperial Russian Empire, Natasha Rostovik, Ducky Williams, LEA. All the while, The Super Kitty herself voiced over it.

"The L.A.W. World Openweight Championship.....the right to call yourself the best at this company and the best in the world...."

"I've been fighting for that right for my entire career, even before LAW. You look up the best LAW matches, I'm in em. You list the top stars at this company, my name's on it. Fans, management, interviewers, every other LAW wrestler on the roster has referred to The Super Kitty as a future LAW champion."

Standing in front of the barricade, color returns as the camera pans up. From behind Kat we start as her boots, coming up to her waist as we see she's now donned her wrestling gear. We observe as she clutches her mask in her right hand and puts it on just before we can see her face. She completes her trek from the stands, hopping over the barricade and then diving through the ropes and into the ring, completing her metaphorical journey from fan to legend in the ring!

"And in a few short months, I amend that claim, that conception, that notion. Future World Champion? No. Inaugural. World. Champion "Super Kitty" Katherine Hart. I'm gonna make that a fact. I'm gonna make it real. And you best believe that." Hart's voice echoes as she faces the ramp, ready to take on anyone for the right at the LAW World Openweight Championship. With the camera soon rolling up past her shoulders, to a screen showcasing her submission match with Ducky Williams.
Last edited by winner3 on Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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