Following the events of Katherine Hart issuing an open challenge, the luchadora found herself in the ring with her bold, beautiful, aspiring challenger. Her challenge answered by the up and coming Ducky Williams! The middleweight submission expert didn't need time to earn favor with the LAW crowd, or even some of the women in the back! In just a few matches, Ducky had amassed a following and respect from her peers. As Katherine stood there in the ring with Ducky, she began to wonder how Ducky hadn't crossed her mind when giving the challenge. Both women had the makings of a star, their reputations as submission experts on the line! But there could only be one best at LAW, and the world!
The Super Kitty gave Miss Williams one last look up and down before answering her earlier comment!
"Haha, you talk a big game, Ducky! And I know you can back it up; you've got the makings. But you'd better be prepared to make good on those words and on your declaration of walking out of here victorious! 'Cause there can only be one Supreme Submission-ista! And you're looking at her!"
Hart resisted the urge laugh out loud at her own made-up word. She'd chuckle slightly while assuming a grappler's stance with her arms out forwards. The announcement of the match was being made! In just a moment, the bell would ring. And when it did, chants for both the Super Kitty and Ducky would run rampant, and Katherine would lunge at Ducky in an attempt to start things by going for a Side Headlock Takedown!