Miranda Tomi vs GASTER

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs GASTER

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With the violent and foul-mouthed Adriana Scarlett (supposedly) behind her, it was time for Clara to focus on her round 2 opponent in Miranda Tomi. She had heard quite a few things about the girl...including stuff like her mediocre win/loss record prior to the Qualifiers for the Lightweight tourney. Of course, for the Shadow Lord, that said nothing about the girl. She herself still has a fairly bad record, even if she started winning a lot more this year. And, much like her, when put in an important, title related situation such as this, both her and her opponent tonight would pull out everything they have in order to win the match.

With GASTER standing in the Gorilla position, she would let out a long exhale, before telling to herself: "Let's do it..."

Her whimsical and dark tune played on the speakers as the dark fog descended on the arena, and the Shadow Lord GASTER made her entrance through it...but she wouldn't let out her signature laugh. The situation was too important for her to laugh at. Instead, she would eye the people in the audience, holding signs in support of the small Shadow Lord, making Clara feel a lot more calm knowing her fans were behind her.

She would roll in, and walk to the middle of the ring, putting her arm up in mid-air to the cheers from the crowd, before making her way to her corner, awaiting Miranda's arrival...

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs GASTER

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Having let her worst aspects rise up and allow her to put down little Emma, Miranda was more then ready to start it all over again and do some more damage if it meant she advanced further and further in the tourney. She knew this was her big chance to break the mold in LAW and in the wrestling business in general and being a champion was never a bad goal to get your hands on.
Coming out to meet the masked lord she was facing Mira was fully in contrast given her own bright attire and dancing around. The Hawaiian was all smiles and pleasantries coming down to face her third opponent in her quest to the Lightweight title and entered the ring looking her over. The mask made judging any kind of emotion from her impossible but she still felt confident despite this.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs GASTER

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There was no going around it for Clara. Miranda looked incredibly cute in her attire, and her dancing only added to her charm. She could fill her body temperature rising as the girl made her way down before entering the ring.

Once the brunette entered, GASTER couldn't help but comment: "Hmph...you think your cute charm would guide you to victory, and to the title of the greatest? W-w-well...it's not going to work on me!"

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs GASTER

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While her mask conveyed no feelings her voice did that for her. When this GASTER spoke she was clearly appreciating the sight of her, even if she didnt try to say it she still ended up saying it which Miranda felt a bit of pride in. Of course looking good at never been an issue for her through this whole process.

"Oh the charm has nothing to do with my ability to win. Its just the easiest thing I move in. Though seeing peoples reactions is always fun." Mira shook her rear in front of GASTER before she twirled back a little to give her a bit of space between them.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs GASTER

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When a pretty girl ended up shaking her barely covered rear at her, it was hard for Clara to not feel embarassed at her foe. Despite her denying that her cute charm was unaffecting her, in Clara's mind, she couldn't help but think about how cute her rival tonight was.

"...no! Head in the game! I have to win! I have to!", she would think to herself, as the referee asked whether she was ready to begin.

Upon nodding, and getting the same answer from Miranda, the signal for the bell would be sent:


With the bell sounding, Clara would confidentally step towards the middle of the ring, raising her arms wide, as she challenged the cute dancer to a Test of Strength!

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs GASTER

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With the match finally getting under way Miranda was getting into the right mentality for the match. Charm would get her no favors or prove anything her naysayers say about her, it would take her getting serious to really make this match her own. GASTER wanted to lock up and though that wasnt the dancers forte she decided to accept it regardless.

Though she was still smart enough to know that raw power wasnt going to be her friend. Instead se would try and force her arms apart a little and try to bring GASTER down by twisting her hands to take out any power she could muster.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs GASTER

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The test of strength was on, and almost immediately, Miranda was determined to not win it by her strength. Instead, she would try to rely on her skill, trying to twist GASTER and pin the girl down to the mat that way!

"Grrrrrhhh...No chance!"

With a loud denial, the Shadow Lord would follow the dancer's motion, twisting a full rotation to get the two of them back into the original stalemate, albeit this time, away from the center of the ring.

GASTER wouldn't keep it that way for long, as she would kick at her foe's right hand to disconnect them, worried about Miranda doing the same trick again, as she would instead clas both her hands and Miranda's left hand, trying to twist it for a Wristlock, looking to do early damage to her rival's arm!

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs GASTER

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As she looked to twist her arms and get an early lead Mira attempted to pull her arms around when GASTER tried to reverse it as quickly as possible. The two of there hands ended up twisting a little before GASTER tried to kick at it and keep her from going anywhere. Though when she got the chance she tried to kick at her arm and pull twist it into a wristlock.

Mira hissed as her arm was twisted but with them not being at the center of the ring Mira knew that GASTER had to be planning something. Trying to grab at her wrist if she could Mira would turn and seek and to do the same twisting the other way to turn the wristlock around on GASTER.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs GASTER

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With the two lightweights engaging in fast-paced chain wrestling, both were trying to one up one another. With GASTER countering Mira's twisting motion to pin her early, the dancer would respond in kind, by reversing the wristlock with one of her own!

"Ow! Ow!", the Shadow Lord would remark...but she wasn't going to be defeated in a game of technical skill! Attempting to pass under her own trapped arm, the chuuni tried to relieve the pressure off her arm, while simultaniously trying to get one of the redhead's behind her, trying to counter with a painful hammerlock!

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