House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire (Completed)

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House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire (Completed)

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Ever since Mary Bloom had first arrived on the LAW scene, the LAW complex had become quite a dangerous place to tread. Wrestlers had to walk the grounds with the knowledge that at any second the impossibly strong blonde could leap out of the shadows, snatch them up, and subject them to hours of humiliating wrestling holds and suffocating smothers. It could happen anywhere, at any time. In the gym, the backstage, the locker rooms, the dressing rooms; nowhere in LAW was safe from the giant blonde! It was only after they left the LAW complex that those wrestlers could breath a sigh of relief, convinced that they were safe from Mary once they left the main building. After all, there was no way the blonde giant would try to attack anyone outside league grounds.

Those people would be dead wrong.

Humming to herself as she walked down the halls of the apartment building she found herself in, Mary Bloom looked at the doors she passed one by one. She was trying to find the one with the correct number on it but so far was having no such luck. She wouldn't give up though, for behind that door was the woman Mary had chosen to be her playmate for the evening! Her name was Vera Sapphire and Mary simply couldn't wait to meet her! The blonde had seen her in numerous televised matches and it wasn't much of an exaggeration to say it was love at first site! Vera looked so strong and stylish in her matches; a real dynamo that looked like she could take on any competition! Of course, it made Mary's heart aflutter when she imagined herself subjecting such a woman to every cuddling and smothering hold she knew until the proud wrestler was a drained pile of flesh underneath her!

Unfortunately, before Mary could give her a proper greeting at LAW, Vera had already gone home for the day! At least according to the production assistant she had interrogated; an act that had also gained her Vera's home address. Unable to wait until tomorrow to get her hands on her fellow heavyweight, Mary headed over to Vera's apartment right away, but not before she had changed into something more appropriate for the evening she had planned. Something that drew her quite a few stares as she made her way over here. A very daring, very sexy blue bunny outfit! Complete with adorable bunny ears, thigh hugging fishnets and high heels that made Marry look even taller than she already did, the blonde amazon truly looked and felt ready for battle!
"Ah, here we go!" Mary chirped. She had found the door to Vera's apartment! Quickly she ran up until she stood before it, practically bouncing in place from excitement! Quickly she rapped her knuckles on the door, knocking on it lightly. Beaming from ear to ear, she would wait patiently for Vera to open the door.
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Re: House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire

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Vera was relaxing after a busy day around Tokyo and LAW. She mostly posed today for a LAW Website photoshoot, signed a few contracts for upcoming matches, and now, as the evening closed on the city, was content to simply laze around her appartment, not doing much...

...until she recieved a ring on her door.

Vera, not expecting anyone, would march towards it, while dressed in a simple combo of blue bra and yoga pants, taking care to look through the glass on her door... see an incredibly sexy, big blonde dressed in a blue bunny suit, eliciting a whistle from the blunette.

A second later, right before she was about to unlock the door, she remembered where she had seen the blonde before. Mary Bloom was notorious for tracking down women of interest, and subjecting them to variety of cuddly and smothery holds...

From the one hand, Vera was immensely fatigued from the busy day she's had...

...on the other, a beautiful woman was on her doorstep, wanting to have some fun with her that she wasn't opposed to.

The choice was fairly easy.

Vera unlocked the door, feeling winter breeze on her half-naked torso (come to think of it, Mary must've been incredibly cold in the bunny outfit and fishnets herself!)

"May I help you Ms. Bloom?"

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Re: House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire

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If the chill wind bothered Mary the blonde certainly wasn't showing it. Nor did she show it when she wore said outfit the entire way over here! Mary had made her way through the city, onto the train, and into the apartment complex wearing just what she was wearing now, all despite the ogling of strangers directed at her bouncy bunny boobs that were barely tucked into her blue outfit! One thing could be said about Mary Bloom; when she went for something she went for it one hundred percent!

Mary's heart beat upon her chest as she waited for someone to answer her knock on the door, hoping that someone would be Vera Sapphire. Smiling in excitement, her prayers would soon be answered when the door swung open and there she was! Her fellow heavyweight was just as beautiful in person as she was on TV, causing Mary's heart to skip a beat when she first laid eyes on the blunette. Even absent of her flashy looking wrestling attire and instead wearing her comfy looking home attire, Mary couldn't help but think Vera looked adorable! Though even more amazing was the fact that Vera greeted her by name upon opening the door!

"Oh, hello Ms. Sapphire," Mary greeted politely upon being addressed. Though the two tall women were roughly the same height, Mary's high heels made her a bit taller than Vera at the moment, mean she had to smile down at the blunette. "It's a pleasure to meet you! I've been a fan of you for quite some time now."

Without another word, Mary would simply walk into Vera's apartment like she owned the place, heading straight for the woman so she could abruptly sweep her up into her arms! Mary would attempt to wrap her arms around Vera's waist hopefully before she had time to react, trapping the blunette's arms at her sides in the process. If she managed that, the blonde would then pluck the heavyweight off the ground as if she were a lightweight, dangling Vera off the ground to give her a giant hug as a way of greeting!
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Re: House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire

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Vera smiled warmly at Mary's comments: "Oh, really? I am so happy to-OH!"

Mary would suddenly walk in proudly, like she owned her flat, and scooped Vera up in her arms, and very, very tightly hugging her!

" are a mighty woman...indeed...uuugh...", Vera grunted as her arms and spine were squeezed by the blonde, wriggling as she tried to escape!

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Re: House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire

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Not waiting for an invitation, the Bunny Bloom waltzed into Vera's apartment with a great big smile before literally sweeping the woman off her feet in a great big hug! Though Vera's arms would be trapped at her sides, Mary would do enough hugging for the both of them, squeezing the blunette tightly with power that might even give someone as strong as Vera pause!

"Oh, so nice of you to say!" Mary would giggle upon hearing Vera's compliment. "I think you're plenty mighty yourself. So much so that I just couldn't wait to meet you!"

Though the appropriate amount of time had passed for Mary to release her hug on Vera, the blonde did not let the woman go. In fact, her grip was becoming tighter and tighter by the second! Her powerful arms, easily keeping Vera suspended in the air, continued to compress the woman more and more! Her massive chest, barely contained in her blue bunny outfit, mashed against Vera's own pair in the embrace! No doubt the heavyweight would find breathing to be quite difficult soon as Mary revealed her friendly hug to be a rather powerful bearhug!

Smiling happily while squeezing the life of her victim, Mary would kick the front door to Vera's apartment closed behind her, sealing the two women in together. "Oh, you have a lovely apartment!" Mary observed. "Mind giving me the tour?" Speaking pleasantly like they were having a normal conversation, Mary would carry Vera back into her apartment while maintaining the ever tightening bearhug. Her high heels clicking along the floor the whole way, Mary would look for the common area of the apartment to begin her night with her target!

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Re: House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire

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Mary continued to squeeze Vera, turning a friendly embrace into a painful Bearhug! The two women's chest meshed together, while Mary kept the Russian blunette off the ground, Vera's only response being to push against the loving woman's mighty arms, and to let out pained groans and moans.

Mary was courteous enough to close the door behind them, while carrying off Vera into the appartment, like a predator making away with the prey to their lair...except of course, the lair in question belonged to the prey!

Mary requested a tour around the appartment, but Vera's response was a continued struggle and more groans. The challenge in front of her, namely, to try and tussle with the beautiful blonde bunny, was seeming more impossible by the second!

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Re: House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire

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If Mary was struggling carrying a woman as big as Vera around in a bearhug (in high heels no less) she certainly wasn't showing it! On the contrary, the blonde barely looked like she was extending any effort at all! It was as if Vera weighed no more than a child to Mary judging by the ease from which she carried her through the apartment. All the while, her squeeze on the blunette's midsection never seemed to relent. Even Vera's struggling seemed to be largely ignored by Mary, her grip on the woman not loosening even the slightest bit despite Vera's efforts!

Taking Vera's pained moans as an invitation to explore her apartment, Mary and her captive would soon arrive at what looked like the living room area of Vera's place. Various pieces of furniture were organized about the place in a tasteful manner, including a couch, a television, a few chairs, and a nice open space with a carpet. It was in the open space that Mary would come to a stop with Vera. "Oh, very nice!" Mary said cheerfully as she looked around the room, still not having let Vera go yet. "You have such a lovely sense of style. I'm jealous!"

It was then Mary would attempt to readjust her grip on Vera by bouncing her in her arms, hoping to lift the woman slightly higher up so her eyes would be in line with Vera's impressive chest! This would allow Mary's hug to be more focused on Vera's lower back while still keeping her arms trapped at her sides! "Oh, I just can't believe I get to meet you!" Mary gushed, and would actually start to nuzzle the blunnette's boobs with her cheeks, motorboating Vera's chest, making her bunny ears flop about on top of her head in the process! "I was going to introduce myself to you properly back at LAW but I just couldn't wait any longer!" As Mary gushed over her latest target, her arms seemed to wrap tighter and tighter around the poor woman's waist. Soon the blonde bunny's grip would grow so tight that she would begin compressing Vera's spine and ribs together, making it very difficult for the blunette to breath; if not impossible!

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Re: House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire

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Vera was shocked by Mary's power. She wasn't a light woman, and Mary held her up, in heels, for almost a full 2 minutes as she paraded her around her own flat. Vera's struggles seemed to affect the large blonde very little as she took in the sights for the blunette's house.

Mary would lift Vera slightly higher, in fact, as her head now looked past Mary's, with her chest on the level with the blonde's head. Mary proceded to squeeze at a different part of Vera's body as she nuzzled her face into blunette's face, mixing pain in with a bit of pleasure...while increasing the torture on her poor spine, as well as pressing into her body to the point where she struggled to draw breath!

It was finally time to try and escape.

Mary seemed superhuman, but everyone had their limit. Vera would wrap her legs around Mary's body, trying to press her torso for a bodyscissors, trying to get the bigger woman to let her go!

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Re: House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire

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Mary was over the moon! She had longed wanted to get her hands on Vera Sapphire and now that she had she just didn't want to let her go! Her powerful arms continued to crush Vera tight against her body, compressing her waist more and more with a seemingly endless supply of strength! The blonde was all smiles as she rubbed her face back and forth against Vera's sports bra, nuzzling the woman's chest to her heart's content, her bunny ears atop her head flopped back and forth as she did so! Again, it looked like she was extending very little effort in crushing Vera. But her resolve to conquer her fellow heavyweight would be tested when Vera would manage to slip her powerful legs around Mary's waist before tightening them up in a bodyscissor!

The blonde grunted in surprise once she felt the squeeze be put upon her. She would cease her motorboating of Vera's boobs and look down to see what had happened, finding that the blunette had sneakily wrapped her legs around her midsection and started squeezing! It was a pretty effective squeeze too. Vera clearly had quite a bit of power in those thighs! "Ooh, so you - ugh - want a squeezing contest?" Mary chuckled through her newfound difficulty to breath. "If you insist. But I'm - urgh - pretty good at those!"

To make her point in that regard, Mary would attempt to readjust her grip around Vera's to try and make it even tighter. Then once she had, she would suddenly plunge her face into Vera's rack, making her face disappear between her cleavage! Though Mary might have been enjoying the feeling of Vera's boobs around her head, it was also strategic in nature since this would give her the leverage needed to increase the pressure of the bearhug twofold! With firm determination, Mary would attempt squeeze Vera silly to make her let go of the bodyscissors, trying cuddle her chosen victim into submission before the legs around her body got the better of her, or before she ran out of air in Vera's breasts!

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Re: House Call - Mary Bloom and Vera Sapphire

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Vera desperately tried to press her legs around Mary's midsection, the blonde accepting the challenge, as she pressed her face into Vera's chest once more, the move allowing her to increase the hurt on her bearhug!

"MGH! Auuugh...", Vera cried out and groaned, realiziing that, especially with the disadvantage from being in the bearhug for a good minute earlier, she couldn't squeeze as good as Mary could.

She knew by reputation that tapping out wouldn't make Mary stop, but she relaxed her legs, and tapped, conceding the squeezing contest...all the while enjoying the mix of the agonizing squeezing bearhug, and the blonde's cute face in her rack...

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