Welcoming the new one!

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Welcoming the new one!

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Adriana would look around and smirk a little bit. She would start walking forwards.

lately she didn´t really had many matches, meaning she got a hell lot of free time to fill. And then she heard about this new girl in town, signed up just now. The small Italian woman had done some research on her and found out that it was kind of a crazy woman. Doing stupidly crazy jumps and stuff like that… normally it was her job to do that!
Adriana also heard that she got her own place where she would train some younger talents. It was worth checking out in her mind. The brunet would walk around, then she would breath in deeply.

“Hey any idiot around hearing this?”
She would look around waiting for a respond.

Would she scream again.

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Re: Welcoming the new one!

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Lola March
On a non-specific Monday morning at the Eon Wrestling School, the only person in the small building was a short, trainee wrestler by the name of Lola March. Even though Mondays were now officially days off of the school (mostly because their teacher's matches in the promotion she signed with - LAW, took place on Live Monday tapings), the main trainer of school Lya Eon allowed her trainees to come in the morning, before she left for the scheduled venue for the day at 2 PM, in case any girls wanted to recieve an extra day of training.

And while Lola was usually completely sore by the time the final school day of the week, Saturday arrived, she had nothing to do on the particular Monday morning, so she decided to head for the school for a work out session. Luckily, she met Lya just as the red-haired trainer was leaving to get some food and beverages for the building, and she happily unlocked the door for one of her trainees for a workout, trusting her to watch over the building and her stuff...

However, just as Lola ran on a treadmill...she heard an unfamiliar voice. It wasn't one of her "classmates", nor Lya herself. Once the woman called out again, in a much louder voice, this prompted the American girl to turn off the treadmill and to run to the exit to see...

A slightly taller, and seemingly older girl walking around the entrance way. Not recognizing her, Lola would ask:

"E-excuse me, miss...who are you?"

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Re: Welcoming the new one!

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Adriana would hear a voice right behind her and she would slowly turn around to see who was calling out for her. Adriana was expectation to see the red fox… or however the new girl was calling herself again. The Italian woman wasn´t really great in memorizing names. But when the lightweight saw from where the voice came she at first lifted her eyebrows in surprise.
Then she would close and reopen then just to get sure that her eyes weren´t playing a trick on her. But it.. whatever it was, was still there. It was a shining yellow.

Adriana would take a moment before she would rise her finger. “Who I am is easily explained! My name is Adriana Scarlet.”
The Italian woman would step closer to the small girl and look at her from head to toe and shake her head. “okay now to the really important questions. What the actual fuck are you?” Adriana would take one more step back to take another ankle again. “You look like a genetic experiment of crossing human DNA with that of a bee! And it looks like it totally got wrong! The researchers tried to cover their work and drove over you two or three times with a truck. You somehow survived and now you’re hiding here.”

“I heard this was supposed to be a shity wrestling school and not a contest for the stupidest outfit ever, hm that could be the reason no one is here. They know they can´t beat you!”

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Re: Welcoming the new one!

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Lola stood, listening to Adriana's explanation...and her subsequent insults towards the yellow-black dressed young girl (wearing bee coloured sports bra and shorts, and intentionally miscoloured black and yellow shoes). Although she felt her anger rising, she stayed her her voice, and gripped her fist tight, to avoid saying anything insulting towards Adriana:

"If you are done insulting my cute bee attire, and if you have nothing else to do, Ms. Scarlett, may I suggest that you leave...right now, if possible...", Lola would answer. Despite trying to stay her hand and her voice, the sharp way she said the word "now" was extremely audible, making it incredibly easy for the mocking woman to get that her words did indeed wound the young, bee dressed gal...

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Re: Welcoming the new one!

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Adriana wouldn´t give too much about the words of that little bee right in front of her. The Italian woman would look around for a moment. Then she would step right next pass that little brat. “Yeah yeah whatever you say about how old this building is… hey by the way… I am looking for your boss… or trainer… or owner… no plan. Can you tell me where she is… “
Adriana would look around. “Is that slut in house or is she gone?” Adriana would keep walking for a bit…
“Hey can you make coffee? 2 pieces sugar and a little bit of milk… and I dear you no honey! If I find any honey in there I will lay you over my knee!” Adriana would look around to watch the training equipment.

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Re: Welcoming the new one!

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"Grrrrr...Ms Eon is not here right now, and I don't know when she will be back. I am certainly not going to bring you tea, Ms. Scarlett. If you don't go away right now, I am afraid I will have to make you go away...", Lola would state, growling and taking offence at the woman here calling her teacher a "slut". Lya didn't tell her anything about anyone visiting her, so there wasn't any reason for this woman to be here. The bee dressed girl was a wrestler. A trainee, granted, but she could still use her skills to deal with any annoying "guests" in the gym...

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Re: Welcoming the new one!

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“yeah you won´t bring me any tea you stupid brat… you got that right… I think that is the only thing you got right in your whole fucked up life… you should bring me a coffee… C-O-F-F-E-E. Do you get that… should I write it down?” Adriana would keep walking around until she found the first best option to sit down. She would smirk a bit... “wait before you bring me my coffee I have a better idea… make me an espresso! You know what this is? Much more important question… you know how to make it… you know the right way to make it? Probably not… “ Adriana would shake her head… “then only a coffee! A simple coffee, even something as you should be able to do that…” Adriana would lean back.
“although… I don´t want to be the one responsible if you burn down this place by your attempt to make coffee… although I bet after a big fire It would look much better in here and defiantly smell much better. I have visited many gyms in my life but no one ever smelled so badly as this… I bet this is the slut stink of your master…”
Adriana would look at the bee girl… “hey what you still standing around here.. go and get me my coffee… you know what forget the coffee! You would be too incompetent to make it anyway. Just bring me some water please! And hurry…!”

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Re: Welcoming the new one!

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"We have no c-o-f-f-e-e...for...reasons", Lola said, accidentally having tea on her mind as she spoke earlier, mishearing Adriana's words...and also remembering what happened the one time she gave her already hyper-active trainer a sip of her own black coffee: "But, even if we had it, I wouldn't have served it to you! Or tea for that matter!"

Lola's patience ran incredibly thin with Adriana. Between orders and insults to her and her trainer, she wished that the taller woman would finally leave the building. She gripped her fists as strongly as possible in her anger, doing all she could to not shout at the woman to get out, or in fact, follow her order and get some water...only for her to empty the cup right at the woman tormenting her...

But, as sweet as that thought sounded, she didn't do that. Taking a few deep breath, she calmed her nerves, and told the woman: "The dispenser is right behind you, Ms. Scarlett. Why are you looking for Ms. Eon?"

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Re: Welcoming the new one!

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Adriana only leaned her head backward a tiny bit to look over her own shoulder and see the dispenser… when she thought about how many bacteria were leaving at these things she suddenly lost all her thirst. She didn´t know how often people were washing their hands around here… or if they were doing that at all… Even if they did, this place didn´t seem pretty clean to her. She would slowly put her head forwards again.

“Yeah… I don´t know what reason I would have to tell a gay bee what I am doing here. But because I have a good day today I will be nice to you! Although you weren´t really nice towards me!” Adriana would look around. “I heard she was new to law and just wanted to meet her for a bit… wanted to make sure that little stupid bitch would play after the right rules… and if she didn´t knew these rules… I would teach them to her!”

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Re: Welcoming the new one!

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As Adriana simply looked at the water dispenser in disgust, Lola listened to her talking about her being a gay bee (which wasn't really an insult when she was concerned), playing by the rules of LAW, the woman happening to be the wrestler for her teacher's new company. The small yellow/black dressed girl puffed her cheeks: "Fairly sure she doesn't need to play by any rules, much less learn them from an asshole like you. She is a former 2 time women's champion. I'm sure she could beat you no questions asked. Hell, I think I can even beat you up with the awesome moves I learned from her", Lola would tell her, sticking her tongue out at the woman.

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