LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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The Ominous Future
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LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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It was only a matter of time, in a company with somewhat loosely enforced weight restrictions outside title availability, that the size difference between two competitors would be outright ignored, and a match be made without consideration. Honoka Kobayashi didn't ever consider she'd be one of the first, let alone the very first.

It was her debut after all. A fact that only dawned on her after quickly throwing upon her attire. Once she took the moment to gaze at herself in the mirror, everything hit the beauty. Not that she at all minded after the initial flutter of nerves had passed; she fully expected to have her fill of fun tonight.

Even if her opponent looked to be twice the size of her when put next to her.
Appearing before a bay of roaring, eager fans that both seemed keen to see Honoka herself perform, and the spectacle before them unravel, Honoka descended as ever with a spring to her step. Small yet ridiculously stacked frame bouncing with each skipped step, Honoka found herself in the ring in no-time at all, before weirdly, calling for a microphone. From there, she would take herself to the nearest turnbuckle, climbing atop the first step in a vain effort to give herself some height. Eyes now to the crowd, the busty lightweight would wave with her free arm, whilst speaking words of utter, outright confidence!

"Thank you all so much for comin'! I hope you all enjoy the special show, and I assure you! It's not gonna go the way you expect!"

Words much easier said than done, when Honoka was soon about to come face to face with an opponent she could neither likely lift, nor fully wrap around!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Tue May 30, 2017 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Elisa typically won most her matches in the indies and other promotions due to her sheer overwhelming height, however with the inclusion of weight specific divisions being in LAW it was made clear to the gentle giant from day one that she wasn't the only big fish around anymore. That thought frightened Elisa a little bit, she wasn't particularly strong or the best wrestler in her mind, what if she faced another large woman who was more experienced and less gentle than herself? That was a possible scenario and one which only added to the Scottish giantess' increasingly nervous state.

However, Elisa knew she couldn't waste any time on such thoughts as soon the match would be upon it, wither it be the excepted reality or a completely different one. The gentle giant had long since went through the effort to don her swimsuit and black brand less trainers, as well as wearing her straw hat upon her head. Since the gentle giant knew she would just get more nervous if she had left everything to the last moment, and she certainly didn't even glance up at the TV to see her opponent, afterall regardless of the situation she was in it wouldn't change if she knew about it beforehand. Sure it could possibly calm her nerves, but it could make them even worse on the build up to her first match in the LAW ring. After Honoka's enterence had been completed Elisa would be signalled by backstage officials that it was her turn to make the trek to the ring in front of the enormous crowd.
Elisa's attire
Elisa would get ready to make her first appearance, and her nerves would ease a tiny bit as she heard her theme " blowing in the wind " by Bob Dylan breeze through-out the arena. This would be the easing of nerves needed for the giant to take her first steps on the ramp, revealing her large frame to the crowd and earning quite a few awe struck, jealous or admiring glares, it felt like the whole crowd's eyes were looming over the giant as she walked down the ramp.

Soon enough Elisa would reach the ring, pulling herself up onto the apron and entering by stepping over the top rope, and then looking directly at her small opponent and feeling a sense of guilt overcome her as she approached the smaller frame with a friendly smile. " Hello! My name is Elisa Hamilton, it's a pleasure to meet you...uhmm I'm sorry that your first match being against me. But lets try to have fun anyway! " The gentle giant would chime, feeling bad for her opponent for just how unlucky she must have been. The kindhearted Scot would do her best to comfort and inspire her opponent, afterall just because she was almost twice the height of her opponent, didn't mean things were going to be difficult for her opponent...well maybe it did, but Elisa didn't want to acknowledge such a cruelly unfair fact, since there was no way to change it now and she was the one favoured by the disparity in the match making.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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The instant the LAW speakers began to sing a tune that did not belong to Honoka, the busty pinkette's nerves began to rise again. Was she prepared enough? Was this just a fools errand in general? And why the hell did she opt to have her debut with a giant?

Shaking off her hands, she would pace back and forth along the farthest ropes to the entrance ramp, nerves visible to Elisa if she laid eyes upon Honoka, with the lightweight been somewhat rude in her lack of reception. Not that it was her intention, obviously, but well, she certainly couldn't muster the courage to lay eyes upon a foe she hadn't even seen yet was already regretting. Hands to the corner, latching to the top ropes, Honoka would bend her head forward, praying that the entrance of her bigger foe would distract the majority of the audience so that they would not see her freak-out in motion. Such would of been even more concerning, given how boisterous Honoka seemed on the microphone a moment ago.

Turning just in time as she felt the ropes themselves shake as Elisa gripped onto them, Honoka would force herself to latch eyes on her soon-to-be foe for the first time. And immediately, the nerves went. Not because of the size or stature of her foe; Elisa was still massive, to the point where if she was to lay fully on Honoka you could likely not see the lightweight. But more because of that gentle as could be smile!

"Ohh..Hi!" Extending a hand that became less and less shaky as it came out, Honoka would close the distance with her heavyweight foe, eyes wide now with eagerness! "Don't wo-orry about it," stuttering a moment as the nerves fully faded, Honoka's smile turned full. "I bet we'll have lotsa fun!"

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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As Elisa walked towards the ring she wouldn't notice her opponent's freak out, she was far too busy not looking at anything other than the next step she was about to take, as she knew looking up at the looming eyes in the crowd could be just enough to frighten her out of her first LAW match. The gentle giant would switch her priorities as she reached the ring though, noticing Honoka who herself seemed pretty nervous. As Elisa entered the ring and realised just how disadvantaged her opponent was, she felt the need to try and ease her opponent's nerves, in the process ironically easing hers now that she had something more important to deal with.

" You've got a pretty smile, as long as that remains on your face I'm sure we can both be satisfied with this match. " The gentle giant would respond, shaking hands with her opponent as the heavyweight and lightweight looked at each other with equally heavy hearty smiles. With that it would seem like the pre-match pleasantries were over, Elisa's opponent seemed to have calmed down, which was comforting for the heavyweight, since she didn't want to give her division or family a bad name by frightening or bullying other wrestlers. The gentle giant would slowly make her way back to her corner, picking at the back of her swimsuit as it seemed she had just now realised how astronomically far between her buttocks her attire had ended up. Then Elisa would put her straw hat upon the top rope, before turning around in her corner to face Honoka and waiting for the bell to ring.

Once it did Elisa would leave her corner, the gentle giant leisurely approaching the middle of the ring and putting her arms out for a test of strength, the gentle giant not quite realising the major flaw with expecting her opponent who she towered over to accepting such a thing. Regardless the purple haired wrestler with smile in the direction of Honoka, truthfully the giantess wouldn't be able to start the match successfully any other way, being too slow to catch the lightweight most likely, and having low enough stamina that chasing the smaller wrestler would be guaranteed to burn her out.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Honoka was strong, and somewhat happy go lucky, but by no means an idiot. Even been the strongest in her own weight division was a huge stretch, let alone actually even competing with a heavyweight. Face turning a shade serious as she gazed at those extending hands, Honoka would oddly enough despite her thoughts, approach with hands extended. Apparently, she was actually considering tying up with the big beauty!

"Oh..I think we'll both be very satisfied!" Honoka gleamed, determined to make her debut a win, despite the odds being completely against her. Spreading her feet wide, it appeared the tiny Japanese beauty actually seemed intent on holding the girl evenly in the contest. Those fingers coming closer to Elisa's own, the crowd themselves seemed to teeter on the edge of their seat, wondering what the hell this debuting star was actually thinking.

"By the way...sorry in advance!" She'd roar, twisting her hips as she turned, slamming her curvy rear into Elisa's own thighs. She knew after all that there was next to no chance she could pull the giant against her. And against her was where she needed her, as she attempted to use the big beauties size completely against her, as she spun Elisa up and straight down in a perfect judo throw attempt!

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Elisa was somewhat surprised that Honoka would agree to a test of strength, sure the gentle giant wasn't strong, but her gusty opponent had no way of knowing that, and even taking into consideration the Scot's lack of power she still vastly outweighed Honoka. The gentle giant was heavily resisting the urge to praise her opponent's bravery, her lips preparing to part as she tried to decide if she should do so or not, while she would try to move in to lock hands with Honoka, keeping her eyes on the wrestler's smaller form.

However luckily Honoka would act before Elisa could speak, not embarrassing herself by stating something that would have soon proven to not be true. Unluckily Honoka would move too quickly for the gentle giant to respond properly, trying to forcibly pull her arm back, but forgetting all about that mission when she felt her opponent's small but heavy hips drive into the Scottish giantess' thighs. " uah!" Elisa would cry out, making no attempts to cover her feminine voice like some other amazon sized women would. Next the gutsy lightweight would quickly turn pull Elisa's arm over her shoulder, the gentle giant's body slowly following as she felt herself lose her footing and before long was scrambling over her opponent's body before being slammed hard on her back.

Elisa would then let out a loud grunt as she hit the mat, before then letting out an extended whine as she twisted her back against the mat, the gentle giant being surprised by her opponent and finding herself in a tough spot so early in the match. The Scottish giantess was pretty good at dealing with opponents though her planning, but even as her mind and eyes raced after her speedy opponent her body couldn't follow, the giant ironically being toppled over so easily due to her gargantuan size slowing her down, when everyone in the arena had probably assumed her towering height and overwhelming weight would be a major asset in her dominating the match.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Honoka couldn't believe it. Her first attempt at judo in LAW, on a giant foe nonetheless, and she'd done so flawlessly. She'd almost watch in slow motion as the heavy beauty flew over the top of her, with the pink-ette being so careful as to twist her hips with her, to ensure Elisa went over her rather than atop her. Ideally, she didn't want to deal with Elisa's greater weight just yet after all.

Now that Elisa was down though, there was the issue of keeping her down. The quote 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall' played truth here, but nothing in such a saying said to what would happen if said bigger was allowed to rise and claim revenge. Landing atop of Elisa with her thin hip again smashing into the Scottish giant, this time landing on her curvy tummy, Honoka opted to use her judo grip to seamlessly try and transition into a grounded headlock. Her legs would stretch out at first, before bending. Essentially, if her bigger foe wanted to get up without first removing Honoka, she'd only be able to sit-up. That, with even the weakest of figures jarring their legs in a counter position, would prove difficult.

"I can't believe...I got ya!" She'd giggle, the base of her cheek nuzzling against the top of Elisa's head, as her own great bosom was given a rest atop her giant foes set.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Elisa was the kind of person who usually loved the underdog story, in both real life and media she tended to appreciate the efforts of those who were disadvantaged and admired those who managed to fulfil their long term goals or even reach short term success. However when the gentle giant who usually abused her own natural advantage to a ridiculous degree had the tables turned on her she would feel no such appreciation, instead her mind would be occupied with shock and the giantess would fumble against the mat and let out a surprisingly soft cry of pain when her opponent's hip slammed into her own. Elisa would hardly be able to move an inch before her lighter foe wrapped her arms around the Scot's head, squishing Elisa's cheek into one of her opponent's breasts.

After a slight moment of adapting to the pain and calming down from the sudden toss Elisa would start taking steps to try and turn things around, the gentle giant wrapping her arms around Honoka's sides and trying to somewhat lift her opponent upwards into a crouching position while Elisa herself would attempt to sit up, struggling to do so due to her lack of strength. Luckily Elisa made up for her lack in strength with impressive technique usually not attributed towards larger wrestler's like the gentle giant. Elisa couldn't help but let out a few groans and the slightest cry as she tried to fight against her opponent's weight, her task getting more difficult as Honoka bent her knees and stretched her legs to make things more difficult for the giant.

" got me good "
The giantess would respond as soon as her nerves calmed, struggling in her opponent's headlock for another few moments before her soft voice would break the silence between the wrestler's yet again. " It might be more beneficial for both of us if you don't try something so dangerous again though " Elisa would continue on, running through a scenario in which Honoka had positioned herself slightly wrong before the throw and accidentally squished herself under Elisa's weight.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Honoka knew that even with her legs positioned in such a way that her foe could gain no leverage, the sheer size and strength of Elisa meant escape was a matter of when, not if. Torquing down on the cute giants head all the way though, Honoka would herself let loose a few cute yelps and moans, as she felt the giant rise with her in tow.

" I just have to!" Giggling as Honoka's mind too ran through imaginary images of her pulling off more and more extreme moves on a figure so large even heavyweights wouldn't dare, the lightweight found her feet coming into a kneeling posture to prevent Elisa gaining control of her for the moment as she rose, but with little prevention towards the giant simply trying a little firmer.

Opting to slip fully behind Elisa as the giant gained her kneeling posture, Honoka pushed her chest to the shoulder blades of her foe, as her arms looked for a reasonably well applied sleeper hold.

"But first...gotta make ya...whoozy!"

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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As Elisa tried to fight onto her feet Honoka would show impressing persistence, perhaps in any other match up putting so much effort into maintaining one starting hold may seem foolish, but consider Elisa's height and weight advantage it was certainly a worthwhile venture for her foe to keep the giant as close to the mat as possible. Honoka's torquing was more troublesome than many on the outside of the ring would assume, since the gentle giant was no where near as tough as her fellow big women, luckily she was smarter too though, being able to focus her attention on turning the tables even as her face winced with pain, and Elisa would be lying if she was to even let on for a comment that Honoka's body pressing so close into hers wasn't a comforting sensation to go along with the pain.

Before long the Scot would manage to get into a kneeling position, which she wouldn't have time to find solace in as the quicker wrestler smoothly transitioned into a position behind Elisa, before then wrapping her arms around the giant's head in a painful hold, which certainly wasn't as cute as it appeared to the crowd. Elisa would let out a long cry almost as soon as the hold was locked in, which would only die down when the giantess felt her opponent's desirable bust pressing into her shoulder blades, which both seemed to fuel Elisa's body into acting and made her realise something.

Honoka's breasts against Elisa created a comforting warm sensation, but it gave the Scot an idea for escape, as her foe who was almost hunching over her back at this point was doing so due to the height advantage Elisa had, which meant it would be near impossible to maintain if Elisa managed to get onto her feet, which was certainly a less troubling alternative to trying to pry the persistent wrestler's arms from her head.

"Sorry...but I'd prefer to remember our time together clearly" Elisa would manage to squeeze out even as her opponent kept the sleeper maintained, the sensual giant clearly having at least enough oxygen making it's way to her lungs for some minor flirting. Elisa would then proceed to lean forward somewhat, trying to make her opponent hunch over her back more and getting almost onto all fours as one of her hands reached the mat while her other tugged at Honoka's arm, trying to at least alleviate the pressure somewhat. Elisa would then push against the mat and try to work her way up into a crouching position, which would hopefully be easier now that Honoka's weight would be somewhat securely balanced on her back rather than trying to forcibly pull Elisa backwards and downwards.

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