Nicknames: “The Amazonian Savage” “The Destroyer”
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Height: 6’ 3"
Weight: 225 pounds
Nationality: American
Alignment: Tweener (Leans towards face)
Entrance music:
Leona's Theme (Beast-Titan)
Wrestling Information
Strategy: DESTROY!!!!
Style: American Pro Wrestling
Type: Powerhouse
Preferred Attacks: Scoop Slams, big boots, Lariats, Uppercuts, and bearhugs
Preferred Matches: Hardcore and hentai (Maybe even both at the same time)
Endurance: ★★★★ - She can last a while thanks to her year’s of training.
Strength: ★★★★★ - This Amazon is one of the strongest fighters around.
Speed: ★ - Her speed is lacking due to her size.
Defense: ★★★ - Her body is built like a fortress.
Technique: ★★★ - Leona has a lot of experience in the ring.
Strikes: ★★ - Her strikes hurt, but aren’t her specialty.
Submissions: ★★★ - She can break you in half anytime she wants.
Powerhouse: ★★★★★ - Leona is called the destroyer for a reason.
Aerial: ★ - She’s way too big for those
Counters: ★★ - Leona’s size and power means she has little experience with needing to counter.
Cyclone Suplex:
Finishing moves:
Amazonian Crusher (Body Scissor Hold)
Military Press Slam:
Savage Love (Half Crab while fingering her opponent’s sex)
Visual Appearance:
Leona is a huge muscular woman with short blond hair and blue eyes. Usually she wears leopard print attires in and out of the ring. She also wears eye liner during matches to look even more intimidating than usual. Leona is often seen as one of the hottest women in the leagues she has attended. This is understandable considering her enormous breasts and
Physical Appearance:
Leona is a female goliath who’s muscles can break a man in half. She is also tall and looks very intimidating. Her most notable features are her amazingly toned abs, and the huge rack that attracts fans from all over.
Leona is a powerful women who is famous for her temper in the ring, but outside of it she is surprisingly friendly. She still tends to get into fights wherever she goes, but the amazon is also good at forgetting her issues with others a whim. Now while Leona is not the nicest woman in the ring, she does enjoy to put on a show…even if opponent’s pay the price. Leona is very sexual as well, and because of this, she joined the league to fulfill her desires.
Leona was born in California and was raised by her wrestler parents. The two weren’t the best match for each other though, and after a while they split up. Leona was only 15 at the time, and she decided to stay with her mother because her father was already meeting other women. Over the years she would learn about wrestling from her mother, and by the age of 18 she was eager to step into the ring. She decided to wear a variation of her mother’s leopard print leotard attire as a tribute to her. But instead of a leotard Leona wore a much more skimpy two piece.
The outfit was perfect for her well built frame, which gave the crowd a nice look at her cleavage and rock hard abs. Now while her mother was fine with the revealing attire, she was somewhat against the embarrassingly sexual holds Leona would use. Regardless the amazon would go on to destroy all of her competition in the California league until she decided to leave for other leagues.
But it wasn’t until she met Chris Kelly that the amazon found a true challenge. Even with all of her strength and power, Leona failed to beat the American Goddess in their first match. This would spark a long rivalry between the two, with several wins and losses along the way on both sides. But at the final match to end the feud between them, Leona was defeated by a Phoenix Splash from a ladder.
The loss was hard for her, but she was able to move forward from it. Surprisingly though, Chris would soon reach out to her at a gym and they’d end up hooking up. Leona couldn’t help but fall for the blond and would find herself being drawn to the American beauty. She wasn’t the only one, though. A woman named Vanessa Williams had the same idea and Leona found herself in a love rivalry.
Now with the creation of this new league, LAW, the destroyer intends to join it alongside Chris in order to dominate the competition.
Wrestling Attire: (See pics)
Standard Attire
Casual Attire
Atomic Drop
Loves weightlifting
Hates the cold
She’s overly sexual and it only gets worse when she’s drunk
Gets embarrassed easily when teased (Especially by Chris)
Leona isn’t against group sex
Likes when Chris is honorable
LAW Information
Chris Kelly (Lover): The first woman to defeat her in the ring. Afterwards the two women net again and again in a heated rivalry. It wasn’t until a year later that the two slept together, a night that Leona has never forgotten.
Vanessa Williams (Ally): The love rival and ally. Leona isn’t a fan of the Silver Wolf, but she is able to work with her none the less. The two both love Chris, and that caused the three to find themselves in a few “group love sessions”…