Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

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Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

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Openweight Qualifier Match (unofficial)
Triple Threat Rules, No Disqualifications or Countouts
Winner is determined by being the first woman to secure a Pinfall or Submission

(Start at 1:21 for replays)
The sudden pounding of music brought with it lights that flared in time with the beat. The song was instantly recognizable. Music that had become synonymous with the League's Self-proclaimed Ace! Every pump of bass brought on another flicker of gold stage lighting. And with it another brief vision of the Venomous Vixen herself!

And when the beat dropped, the gold-toned lights flared fully to life! Gold confetti rained ceremoniously down from the ceiling. It refracted the light in a dazzling display of gaudy gold. Presenting the Lightweight Champion to the world!
The reigning lightweight champion strode down the ramp towards the ring radiating smug confidence. Her trademark golden hair was tipped with brilliant pink. Her lips were painted as black as her intentions. Her alabaster skin was contrasted by the soft blush of her cheeks. Her eyes were swept with black liner, angular and sharp. It made her honey-gold orbs glitter, 24kt.

A spade-shaped hairband made of her namesake, rose gold, pulled her hair back and exposed her face. Her attire was more complex. Sleeves and Leggings were both speckled with shiny rose gold highlights. Her top was collared with a window that exposed the valley between her firm, perky breasts. Like her hairband, this too was cut to the shape of a spade, though this one was inverted. Symbolic of her status as Ace.

Her bottoms were practically lingerie. Barely there at all. So high-cut were they that the tendons of her kissable inner thigh were bare to the world. A centimeter or two from indecency. The back was cut like a thong, allowing her round, athletic backside to bounce with every step she took. Every aspect of her femininity was accentuated. One look at her was enough to make even the most vigilant of opponents feel their heartbeat hasten.

And lastly, she carried the symbol of her reign. The crown that made her Queen. The Lightweight Title. It hung over her shoulder, clutched by one hand. Its face was showing, her name embroidered prominently upon it. But tonight it was little more than an accessory.

She sat upon the canvas daintily and pulled herself up onto the apron. She slipped through the middle and top ropes, her hips giving a teasing wiggle to the time keeper and the camera behind her. And then she made her way onto the ropes to thrust her title high. Present herself for applause.

"LAW! Welcome your ACE!" She demanded unmic'ed. And the crowd erupted! Satisfied, she descended and moved to a far corner to recline. To wait.

Tonight's bout lacked the singular focus that her recent matches had. She carried no microphone and had no speech. Her belt was of no concern to her opponents. She arrived tonight as the representative, chosen or otherwise, of the Lightweight Division. A challenger once more. This time in pursuit of the League's newest prize.

The Openweight Belt!
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Re: Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

Unread post by Ghost »

Opportunities were really given early towards the new blood of about any company. It would take a certain amount of prowess and popularity to gain such high steps to reach a new floor of challenges. From the very beginning, Karina has been pitted against the absolute powerful of LAW and the cutest. Perhaps people were in love with the sight and theme that Karina had going for her, or perhaps it was the way she managed to overpower people twice her might and come out victorious!

Karina aimed for more than just winning matches. She aimed to conquer LAW and to become it's rightful queen once that iron grip of hers was settled upon the many famed wrestlers the place had to offer. And thus, her eyes were now locked upon two opponents who would dare to step into the ring with her, heck even going as far as to compete for something that was recently announced belt which held no restrictions towards and against it's wielder. Some might say it could be a trophy to become this jungle's apex predator, and who was Karina not to pit herself against whoever dared to gain it?

Her theme song came blasting through the speakers, complete with the light green and white fireworks to scattered all over the stage like rain beating and bouncing upon the hard soil. It wasn't long before her first opponent and the crowd would be delighted with the view of Karina, yet other than her trademark jacket and custom stockings.. She was wearing something completely different!
Once the fireworks stopped and the music hit it's repeating lines, Karina's full outfit and body was on display, looking a lot more revealing than usual and the crowd absolutely loved it! The sight of Karina's muscles were one thing, now she traded the bare view of her abs for full view of those thighs and those butt cheeks! One might call it fan service as she marched down the ramp proudly, moving her hand through her hair for the moment while her curves were perfectly outlined within this outfit.

She rolled underneath the bottom ropes, that at the very least was still a common thing for Karina as she pushed herself up onto her feet and made her way close to the center of the ring, her eyes focused upon the light weight champion who seemed to have the crowd wrapped around her finger already, yet when the bell of this match would signal it's ending, it would be Karina's fingers wrapped around Rose's and her other opponent's necks while she holds them both up as trophies of her succesful hunt.

And thus, without a vocal confirmation towards Rose, she simple placed a hand upon her bare hip and would her a threatening glare, though the smirk that came along with it was a sentence of itself.. Karina was ready, and she was confident to know that she was going to dominate.
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Re: Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

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An abyss chewed away the light in the whole arena. It left nothing but the flash of phones to flicker like stars in the cosmos. That quiet replaced with a low, almost peaceful instrumental rhythm, the slow rise with the choir’s echoing voice, their breath unleashing a cloud of flammable fumes, ignited by drum and electric guitar! Vibrant red stage lights danced in a circle around the woman who strode onto the stage, cloaked by shadow, and stood shoulder-width at the ramp’s starting point. A spotlight shone on her figure, and there she was, the self-proclaimed Miss Main Event! She dressed in her attire of black, red, and gold. Her black and red-trimmed chest-piece that cupped her breasts, those short-shorts with golden laces, golden lace-up black boots, golden kneepads that pinched her ebony thigh-highs, pulled over wealthy legs - garnished in latex arm sleeves, latex over her chest, red trim and her emblem “KRR” scattered across her attire. She came a long way since wearing that latex bodysuit. Now she bore her body for all to view, with six-pack abs, a bountiful V, packed arms and sturdy legs!
She postured tall with her hands folded over her bust, blessed with a lipstick-heavy, lopsided smile and hair curtained over one eye. It remained as she strode down the ramp, accompanied by boos, shouts and dog whistles as the front ranks ate up the sashay in her walk, the elegance in her tipped-up chin, the shine of her teeth and swish of that flowing hair. The spotlight followed like a loyal dog - right up to ringside, where she punched her fists together, cracked her fingers, then moved up the steps to take her place on the apron. Her thumb and index curled, inserted in her mouth to whistle at the referee. She pointed to the ropes, then grabbed the top rope, hooked her leg over the middle, and piled on her weight so she could arch back and see the front-row upside-down. Lipstick wetted her dainty open palm, and she locked on one individual to release the affection, though that hand morphed into an even more loving middle finger. The referee mounted the rope, pushed up the top, so she straightened out, reached over and smeared their cheek in the saliva caught when she whistled.

She took her place inside the ring, close to the ropes, and threw her hands up, presenting herself in the spotlight she ordained. To gain one last mouthful of boos, whistles, cheers. Whatever the crowd may show. Noise was noise; all of it was precious. And now, the lights faded back, the spotlight culled, and her theme died out. There they stood. Karina Rine, Rose Gold and Karla Reinhardt. She was off to the side, diagonal from both women. Her stare pivoted between each, a smile with her tongue poking out just a little at the corner. One bigger and one smaller. The lightweight champion and a monster. One of each weight class. Such perfect victims that she couldn’t help but make a tongue pass across her lips, hungry, then lean on a hip.

“I suppose you two Hundchens won’t let me just pin you both?”
Last edited by Monsy on Thu Nov 18, 2021 5:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

Rose stood at the point of the triangle that she was confident was most pronounced. Flanked on either side by women of larger stature than her own. 'Though larger, shouldn't be confused for greater.' Her painted black lips curled at the thought.

Karina had been the second in the ring. Nearly a full foot taller than herself. And almost twice her weight. She was a gargantuan woman. An amazoness fit to be called a heavyweight. She was just as fit as she was large. Her body was skin pulled tight over muscles and curves. There was no doubt in the Sinister Siren's mind that the woman benched with a Rose Gold at either end of the bar.

Karla Reinhardt entered last. Where the other woman was feral barbarism, Karla presented the poshness of a patrician. She traded lipstick for fangs. But she was no less fit and no less curvy. She was closer to Rose Gold's own size, just with an additional twenty pounds of weight. It was most obvious in her vulgar tits. She was shocked the woman wasn't in heels.

The referee measured the competitors with a quarter of the intensity with which they measured each other. Rose took turns meeting their eyes with her own. Luminescent amber orbs met the hungry, challenging glare of Karina's. A savage wolf staring down a hungry lioness. It was unfortunate the sizes were reversed. Then, they turned upon the demure redhead. Karina had let her eyes do the talking. But Karla preferred her mouth. Rose quipped back.

"Only in your dreams. If you're lucky, that'll be the one you have after you pass out between my thighs, Red."

The bell rang. But the blonde didn't budge.

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Re: Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

Unread post by Ghost »

Having some time to keep her eyes on her first opponent, she took that to start examining her opponent's strength and weaknesses. The girl was a light weight, that was for sure considering how lithe yet alluring Rose looking, yet she had the attitude of someone who seemed eager to best anyone within the ring. Karina will just have to make sure to keep an eye on her and figure out who her next opponent would be.. And she did not need to wait long for that to happen as the third entrance came to seal the deal.

Her eyes diverted towards the next girl who would enter the fray, who seemed perfectly capable of handling herself though had a certain high point of pure arrogance that made it seem like she had already won the match and was just looking at two people whom simply belonged to her. The words that came from Karla pretty much confirmed it, yet at the same time.. She pretty much started to cement herself as the main enemy for this three way battle and while Karina was confident in her own skill.. She had yet to see the other two perform in the ring and the last thing she needed to do was dive head first between the two and make herself an easy target!

Instead.. She chose the smarter option, aiming to egg the other two on to fight, or perhaps make the enemy of her enemy her temporary ally.. Karla made the sweet opening statement that would make a good alliance option between her and Rose. The bell went off and she lowered herself slightly, shifting her gaze from Karla, to Rose and back again. It seemed Rose took the option of laying low as well, not striking at the first sign of battle and would see what the other two would do.. A smart move but Karina was definitely planning to do more than just that.

" Say.. Rose. You wouldn't mind double teaming against the red head first, would you? " She asked with a teasing, yet chilling tone as her eyes now fully focused on Karla, keeping her eyes on the woman while trying to find the perfect time to strike, though needing the confirmation of the alliance first would definitely help Karina decide whether she would attack or defend herself.
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Re: Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

Unread post by Monsy »

This was a touching moment. Three enemies, readied for war, staring and scheming, plighting and plotting. She can see it in their eyes. She’s a virgin to triple-threats, but by no means ignorant to their formula. Perhaps it wasn’t best to quip them both, but it felt so good to speak. Hear her own voice. Laugh. It’s just a shame other people talk back. No matter how pretty they might be.

She chuckled in response, waved her hand to dismiss, “Don’t be ridiculous. Our burly bloodhound over there is going to take you out. I hear she likes to go for the weak links first.” A hand was placed on her chest as the bell sang its tune and the three didn’t seem to move. Not one wanted to rush, risk and roll the dice. This was often a good time for diplomacy to be established, the perfect moment for the victim and punishers to ready their strategies. And it seemed that Karina offered the first olive branch. The notion shook her stiff. Her eyes now darted to and fro, head in tow, always a second late as her cheeks warmed and she pointed the finger at Karina, then one at Rose. “Hey! You two are supposed to fight each other! This isn’t some cheery story where two Hundchens gang up on their owner!”

She met Karina’s stare and replied with a glower, though glanced periodically at Rose who’s lighter weight prompted some swift action. That was something she came to expect of a division she used to prowl in. But a heavyweight? That was just a walking punching bag. A target that Karla’s grin could sneer about, cock back a left fist and march forward. “I’ll just have to punish you first.” She said.

Before she could come near, however, she dashed towards her flank, her head now fixed on Rose. That white-knuckled left fist now exploded from its coils, pistoned a stiff straight punch for Rose Gold’s cheek. Her shoulder dipped into the strike; her right hand coiled too as she yelled. 〝HAAH!〞

Land where it may, but look neither right or left as Karla turned her back, lunged and jumped to only nurse the height difference between Karina and herself, swinging that right fist for the same spot she did Rose. Another yell took that thrust. 〝I’ll punish both of you!〞
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
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— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

Rose Gold bawked at Karina's question. Not because it was ridiculous. But because she was surprised the woman could speak. She'd expected her language to be as tattered as her attire.

By the time her surprise faded, the proposed target had interjected. Rose Gold brushed the tip of her nose with a thumb before looking down it at Karla. Shorter though she was, she somehow found a way to look down on her. Even as she implied ownership.

"The weak hm? I guess that explains why she sought your throat first, Princess."A grin spread across her face like wildfire. Toothy and arrogant.

She gestured Karla onwards as she began her march and moved a hand to brush her bangs back.

*CRACK* It was at that moment that Karla's knuckles took exception to her cheek bone and sent her staggering towards the boundary of the ring!

Her head was whipped in the direction of the blow and conjured a spray of saliva! Her world flashed white and she reached for something, anything that she could call reality.

She found the ropes, just as she slipped through them. Her hip hit the apron and she tumbled to the arena floor. The sucker punch effectively eliminating her from their standoff!

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Re: Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

Unread post by Ghost »

Karina had her first target in her sights, yet bode her time just to see which of the two would crack first. While the olive branch was given towards Rose, she did not get the answer in kind. Until she had such an answer though, she would have to protect both of her sides from both girls. Her gaze shifted from one to the other, yet it was Karla who kept barking the loudest, which did not seem to match any type of bite just yet and while Karina was good at being defensive, she was pretty sure she was slower than the other two... That might cost her dearly if she made the wrong step and put herself in the center of the target ring.

Karla was the one to strike though, like thunder she struck out at Rose, which was a great first target if she wanted to make sure the two wouldn't gang up on her. The results were great and it left only two people standing while Rose needed the short moment of recovery and left the two to their devices. Karla had the first attack and immediately went for the second, which was obviously going to be Karina if she valued not being attacked from behind by the long haired barbarian queen.

She came close to the blinking Karina and she was able to strike at the same target she had struck Rose, right in the cheek! It had worked wonders against Rose so surely it would do the same to Karina right? The blow was enough to make Karina tilt her head to the side and take a step back, almost making it look like she too would either on the floor or back against the ropes.. But the recoil ended there.

Karina took the punch and shower that it was not enough to make Karina behave or stun her enough for another attack. It was still the very start of the match and what Karina's lacked in speed, she knew how to back up by taking blows like a champion. She turned her head back to meet Karla's gaze and it was quick to become a threatening glare, ready to pounce on Karla like she was a piece of meat to a starving predator.. And soon enough she would aim to lift her leg up, trying to send her knee like a wild bull straight up towards Karla's gut!
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Re: Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

Unread post by Monsy »

The elation when her bone thrashed onto Rose’s cheek was a dam. Arousal started there. It gave her feet life and the ability to fly, where she soared above all mortal concepts, played a merciless goddess who turned her bloodlust on Karina. One punch would do for her too. The pain on her knuckles was more orgasmic than before. Her arm fully extended across her chest, but it was a shame she couldn’t see the swelling over her latex sleeve. There she now stood, shoulder-width feet, proud as one eye closed, and she combed back the hair that sheathed the other so she could wink. “Is taking you both out that easy, Hundchens? Come on, where’s the challe- BLEGH!!”

The knee stabbed her deep. It nuked her abdomen, its many muscles, reverberated up her chest and exploded out her back like phosphorus flame. She doubled over the limb, folded, and her arms, knees bled dry of strength. Those eyes bulged, harvested tears and grew bloodshot. A wad of spit spilled onto the ground. Her entire body shivered, and the moment the knee withdrew, Karla would collapse onto the canvas. Knees pinned as pillars, her forearms as prongs of support. Almost face-down and her hips up, and now an arm went across her gut as she peered up, puppy-eyed.
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— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
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Re: Egos and Opportunites; Triple Threat Qualifier, Rose Gold vs. Karla Reinhardt vs. Karina Rine

Unread post by Ghost »

When it came to the start of the match, those who struck first and true were quick to get a davantage going, a worthy tactic to go by that Karina herself often decided not to use, considering that she was predictable when it came to frontal attacks. She would have to work on that at some point, either to use moves she was not known for or baiting her opponents into irresponsible attacks. For now though, her focus was on the woman who struck Rose first and then came towards her for a strike right to her face. It was a damn fine hit and it would send any other woman either back or straight to the ground in a daze..

Yet Karla's mistake was fighting the behemoth head on when she was still fresh in the fight. The punch did some magic, it did hurt Karina but with it came great agitation and the sudden aggression that would have to linger until Karina was satisfied. Thus, she went striking back to Karla as if she wanted to show how it was done between a battle of power houses, yet the clear difference between the two was easily noticeable. She brought the woman to the ground while she was about to taunt the two other opponents and that was a satisfaction of itself.. But she was not done yet.

As the woman was face-down on the floor, it was obvious that Karina just had to keep going, ignoring Rose for the time being so she could move back and quickly bounce herself into the ropes behind her, making a short sprint to leap up and head back down towards Karla's back with a mighty elbow drop!
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