Artist: Colorvirus https://www.deviantart.com/colorvirus
Name: Romhilda Cara Hertz
Age: 24
Nationality: Germany
Birthplace: Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria
Height: 6’1
weight: 185 lbs
Ring Alignment: Heel
Hair color: Brunette
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: White
Bio: Born in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Romhilda the wrestler was very different from how she originally was growing up. Very shy and nervous around folks due to her self doubts and anxiety, Romhilda was a very isolated student in her schooling. Later, in the equivalent of high school in Germany, as the nerdy, if dweeby looking Romhilda struggled immensely being alone and picked on, despair wrought within her mind.
Then, a nerdy boy came to her, picking up her fallen books, and asked her if she was alright with a kind look. Despite the jeering sneers from the bullies, the boy never wavered and helped her up. This left a profound and lasting impact on Romhilda.
The boy, Barnim Clemens Hertz began to accept Romhilda more and more to his daily routines where the two would study together, talk hobbies and interests together, and more. Romhilda was smitten by this geeky boy who was rather thin in stature and appearance was unkempt, but his heart was kind and strong and his encouragements and flattery towards Romhilda were endearing.
As they grew older, the two realized something about themselves altogether as they gave their eternal vows to each other. They love each other so much that they saw within themselves something unworthy of their beloved's love. Thus, to fix this weakness, the two started to work out together and improve themselves physically, and speak to others more socially despite the initial hostilities from the bullies. Eventually, the two would meet their biggest tests for their love's endurance, when Barnim was accepted into the military, he would be sent away in foreign missions, away from Romhilda, leaving Romhilda alone.
However, with encouraging letters and continued loving support from Barnim, Romhilda continued and grew for her love for Barnim. She trained and worked out harder than ever. What's more, she sought to improve herself after Barnim wrote how he has improved physically to ensure he would come back as the perfect man for Romhilda. In her eyes, she must become the perfect woman no matter what!
Among the hobbies she took up to improve her beauty, Romhilda has found wrestling to be an interesting sport for her to try. Impressed and bewitched by the theatrics and many sexy attires many wrestlers wear, Romhilda decides that this will be a good sport to test her new looks as Barnim approaches ever closer to his return home.
Romhilda is a very popular wrestler and heel in the Global Women's wrestling due to her perversive if not shameless style of fighting. Focusing on humiliating and "glorifying" her foe's bodies for the crowd to get rowdy to, Romhilda is extremely good at humiliation movesets and is excellent at submissions. The vast majority of her wins have come from foes tapping out of shame from the sexual positions Romhilda has put them in. While Romhilda hits well with her strikes, her poor skill in hand-to-hand combat leaves her very vulnerable to losing in a trade against more skilled and faster strikers. Fortunately, determined to win and prove herself, Romhilda is very hard to force submissions or give up. Beware, however, should her husband be an observer in one of her matches...
Romhilda carries with her a glass Masskrug with a pewter lid, a cup from her daily job as a bar girl, she has taken as her sidearm in her wrestling matchups. Laced with strong alcoholic drinks, one of Romhilda's favorite tactics is to force her foe to drink the beer and be intoxicated by it, impairing their fighting abilities immensely.
Wrestling moves:
Pleasure bomb
A variant of the Sitout bomb. Romhilda alters this to where in the sitting position, instead of going for a pinfall, she instead holds the calves of her opponent's legs and spreads them out, exposing the groin area for the audience to see, shaming her opponent.
Sex rack
Non-hentai version
Hentai match version (Warning very NSFW):

A variant of the Torture rack, it is mostly the same save for that in humiliation matches, Romhilda positions her hands to the groin area and breasts, cupping them.
Boob buster
Non hentai match version:

Loving hug:
Non Hentai Version:

Hentai Match version (Warning, very NSFW):

In Hentai match versions, it is considerably altered where she has the opponent sit on her leg and has their top exposed to reveal their mammaries. Romhilda proceeds to suckle on the breast while rubbing her opponent's groin to elicit a sexual response and to cause her to cum.
Finisher move: Bosom Pin

Humiliation move: Delectable hold
Views on Matches:
Standard Match: "Boring for my tastes, but vanilla isn't bad to take every now and then."
Tag Team Matches: "It would be nice to join if I had a friend, or if my beloved can join with me. Ah yes!"
Handicap Match: "I'm no fan of participating in a free for all. Too many wrestlers for me to enjoy my delights in the ring."
Hardcore Match: "I may be shameless, but I hold standards to what I do to a person's body and I won't impair it in such a horrid fashion."
Smother Match: "Oh yes." Romhilda proceeds to spend a minute moaning and imaging the things she'll do with her bosom, lifting her puppies up with her folding arms. "I love this warmup to my favorite."
Hentai Match: Romhilda spends a minute moaning and groping her own breasts. "It is my favorite match in all of wrestling. The many positions I can put my foe into, and especially, for them to humiliate me in such fashion so my loving Barnim can see and collect all the moves he will try on me, ah, ah", Romhilda slides to the floor as she goes into a sexy induced daydream.
POW Match: "If you thought I was lewd in the ring, wait and see in the videos of what I will do to them at my place, especially with my husband around. Oh oh oh, I hope she has a consent form ready as I want to make her night an unforgettable one so she may feel no shame losing to me again. The best of all is my Barnim will see me dominating over another woman while he dominates me in turn." Romhilda proceeds to self-masturbate before climaxing from another sexy induced daydream.