Satsuki Hayano, the Queen of Clubs

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Satsuki Hayano, the Queen of Clubs

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

Satsuki Hayano, the Queen of Clubs
A thrill-seeking high roller who’s always relentless in her pursuit of a prize!

Vital Stats
Name: Satsuki Hayano
Nicknames: The Queen of Clubs, Daikokunyo, the Impossible
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Eyes: Pink
Hair: Pink
Height: 5’4
Weight: 120 lbs
Hometown: Macau, China by way of Osaka, Japan
Alignment: Heel (Neutral Evil)
Entrance music: MONSTA X - GAMBLER
Favorite Match Types: Standard, hardcore, no-DQ, hentai, humiliation, and absolutely ANYTHING with high stakes, be they physical, sexual, monetary, pride, or otherwise. The bigger the wager, the better the fight. Has a particular love for hentai and humiliation matches, as she sees staking her body and pride against those of another woman as the greatest wager of all.

“Get a good look while you can… It’ll be the last thing you see before I take everything you’ve got.”
In-Ring Attire - “When everything’s said and done and the chips are down… I’ll be the one holding all the aces.”
“Queen of Clubs” Alternate Attire - “If you come at the Queen, you’d best not miss.”
“Daikokunyo” Alternate Attire - “Contests like this are proof that you're really living.”
Hentai Alternate Attire - “Time to make the ultimate wager.”
Hardcore Alternate Attire - “You know the phrase ‘memento mori’? Well, you’ll be remembering this for a long time.”
Lingerie - “Whatever you did to see me like this… Do it again. Clearly, it worked.”
Workout/MMA Attire - “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
Beach Attire - “I wonder if this resort has a good casino…”
Casual Attire - “Sometimes, you just need to enjoy the fruits of your labor.”
Casual Attire #2 - “So what club are we hitting up first?”

Wrestling Information
“To risk it all… just the two of us in a ring... It's like candy for a thrill seeker like me.”

Style: Agile Thrill Seeker (Capoeira + Brazilian Jiu Jitsu + Street Fighting) - Satsuki fights to chase the highs that only spirited, risk-defying combat can give her. There’s no better feeling for her than giving everything she's got to defeat an opponent who's doing the same. Except, that is, for those rare instances where she’s actually put on the back foot herself. Facing an opponent that can push her to her limits sets an inferno ablaze within Satsuki, motivating her to fight even harder.

Over the years, Satsuki has picked up the central tenets of various martial arts, drawing concepts from each to create a fighting style that matches her mercurial nature. On the one hand, rather than commit to the rhythmic gingas of capoeira, she adapts the Brazilian martial art's focus on unbalancing foes with fluid movements. Similarly, she adopts Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu's emphasis on targeting vulnerable joints and muscles, instead of its methodical techniques. As a born-and-bred street fighter, she combines all of this into a free-flowing, improvisational style that allows her to overwhelm opponents with continued pressure and rapid-fire attacks.

Satsuki tends to play by the rules of whatever match she’s in, save for claiming whatever prize she can from her defeated opponent afterwards. However, she understands that sometimes, the name of the game itself is to cheat.

Strengths: Satsuki's greatest strength is her dexterity, honed by 24 years of freerunning from the packed streets of Osaka's underbelly to the skyscraping rooftops of Macau. She has an innate understanding of her body's placement, momentum, and speed, which she uses to close gaps, counter moves, befuddle opponents, and power up her strikes.

Satsuki's lightning-fast reflexes and general dexterity allow her to counter moves, using her opponent's weight and positioning against them. She's fearless when facing down the prospect of taking a big hit, preferring to dive right in and counter rather than shy away.

Weaknesses: Satsuki's risk-taking nature can backfire when it results in her biting off more than she can chew. The match means nothing to her if both she and her opponent aren’t giving it their all. Because of this, she has a tendency to poke and prod to anger or motivate her opponent into becoming the best version of themselves. This may give them the fuel they need to come back and put her down for good. Even if she remains the "stronger" fighter throughout the match, though, risks can still come back to bite her. If possible, she sometimes selects moves that show off the full range of her abilities, even if they’re not the most safe or efficient.

While Satsuki's street-rat upbringing and experience in urban freerunning have made her more tenacious in the face of bumps and bruises, she is still a lightweight. Particularly powerful moves have a way of flattening and stunning her.

Favorite Moves:
  • Capoeira:
    • Banda/Pulling Sweep
    • Rasteira/Leg Sweep
    • Tesoura/Scissor Takedown
    • Capoeira Kicks
  • BJJ/MMA:
    • Mount grapevines
    • Rear grapevines
    • Spladles
    • Rolling Thunder Kicks
    • Axe Kicks
  • Puroresu:
    • Dragon Sleepers
    • 619s
    • Drop Toe Holds
    • Handspring Headscissors
    • Hurricanranas
    • Dragonranas
In-Ring Traits:
  • When the Chips Are Down…: When she’s truly challenged and feels that both she and her opponent are giving their all to avoid being conquered by the other, Satsuki is invigorated. Her endurance and reaction time receive a significant boost, and she pulls out all the stops, resorting to her most audacious and risk-defying moves.
  • Soul Read: Satsuki has an uncanny ability to read her opponent’s body language, giving her insights into their state of mind. If there’s a way to draw out her opponent’s competitiveness through insults, actions, or digging up their past, she’ll try to find it and use it. Satsuki revels in an opponent’s confidence, and she loves it even more when she can steal that hope away from them along with everything else.
  • Nimble Fingers: Whether performing cardistry as a party trick or picking locks in her other life, Satsuki has particularly dexterous fingers that have allowed her to pull off great feats of micro-coordination. In the ring, this mostly translates to being able to deftly undress a foe or sleight-of-hand an unexpected move right into their face, though she hasn't quite learned how to use this trait to its full lewd potential... yet.
Signature Moves:
Spot Moves
Aces High
Satsuki grabs a doubled-over opponent by her hair and jumps backwards, slamming both knees into her opponent’s face for a Double-Knee Facebreaker.

Pocket Rockets
Against a dazed, sitting opponent, Satsuki runs both her knees into their face or the back of their head. Can be done against the corner or in open space.
Lay Em Down
While going for a capoeira-style kick, Satsuki will instead sweep her opponent's legs.
Over the Top
Satsuki leaps off of the top ropes or the corner post to deliver a brutal flying axe kick to the top of the opponent's head.
Signature Spot - Shove or Fold
Satsuki puts a sitting/kneeling opponent in a tight standing headscissor, their face buried in her crotch. They are then given a choice, in front of the whole crowd: Eat her out or get put into a stomp scissor.
Splash the Pot (Submission or Humiliation)
Satsuki picks her opponent up and bundles them up for a package piledriver, usually holding them in the air for a few seconds to build up anticipation. Then she drops the opponent, quickly rolling onto her back to lock in a Shame Hold.
Drawn Dead (Submission or KO)
A Hanging Headscissor. Hopping onto the ropes, Satsuki climbs over her opponent before locking in a figure four choke. She then allows herself to fall out of the ring, using gravity to all but hang her opponent. For a Critical version of this finisher, she can reach behind her and pull at the opponent's legs, turning it into a Tarantula.
Cut the Deck (Submission)
A La Ayakita. Satsuki teep/push kicks a standing opponent into the ropes. When they bounce off, she jumps at them, cutting them down with a bodyscissors. Using their combined momentum, Satsuki continues to roll over and captures the opponent's head in the crook of her knee + completes the hold with a pull at their arm.
Ace Low Wheel (Pin or KO)
A Sunset Flip Powerbomb. Satsuki jumps atop a doubled-over opponent before flipping forward and slamming them into the canvas.
Hentai Finishers (NSFW)
Flop, Turn, River
While seated with back control, Satsuki performs a series of leg scissor roll-ups, parading her naked, beaten foe around the ring (the Flop). Then, she finishes with one last roll-up pin, displaying them for all to see (the Turn) as their juices flow down their body (the River).
Aces Full Of Queens
Satsuki sits on her opponent's face as if for a schoolgirl pin and tucks their legs under her arms. She continues to finger them while grinding on their face.
Biographical Information
“The winner takes everything, and there's nothing left for the loser.”

Shortened Personality
In general, Satsuki Hayano is chasing the high of winning a high-octane, high-stakes battle against a skilled, confident opponent. She has faith that her skill will not only get her in front of those opponents but that it will defeat them. However, she's willing to be cunning in order to get what she wants. Whether that means manipulating an opponent to motivate them with anger and/or pride, or whether it means using others in the long term to get herself where she wants to be before discarding them, she's fine with it.

Most of the time, Satsuki is friendly and affable enough, if a little aloof and distant. However, her meteoric rise up the cutthroat world of underground gambling has caused her to reflexively keep others at a distance -- she isn't really one for genuine friends. Her smile doesn't reach her eyes, but Satsuki is socially skilled enough to hide that. However, if you are Satsuki's opponent in literally anything, expect her to pull out all the stops to beat you and take her spoils for winning. The only exception is when she feels that the contest was too easy, the opponent not skilled enough.
Detailed Personality
Daikokunyo is a feminine manifestation of Daikokuten, a Shinto god of fortune and wealth who carries a wish-granting mallet and a large sack of riches. While Daikokuten is usually depicted as a calm but affable figure, the god traces its historical roots to Shiva, the fearsome Hindu destroyer god and was also often depicted as equally fierce itself.

It is fitting, then, that Satsuki is often seen as the reincarnation of this Lucky God among the high rollers of East Asia. While hardly the most talkative, Satsuki is usually easy enough to get along with. At a bar, club, or other social setting, she is aloof but attentive, as if lying in wait for someone to capture her attention. Some people might confuse her typical preference to respond rather than initiate for shyness or haughtiness. In truth, she’s a skilled conversationalist, perfectly willing to offer a snarky joke or provide a well-thought out answer to a question when need be. It’s just that only those who pique Satsuki’s interest get to see that skill to its fullest extent. Faced with such a person, Satsuki is open and sociable as she hopes to get to know them... inside and out. Don't excuse this for friendship, though. Thanks to her upbringing and experiences, everyone in Satsuki's world is a potential opponent in some contest or another. While she can be friendly, Satsuki usually sees people in either a comparative way or a transactional one -- if she had to beat you, how would she do it, and if not, what can you offer her?

To an opponent, though, Satsuki is not a smiling god of luck but instead a fierce deity of battle. When faced with an opportunity to add to her proverbial (and literal) bag of riches, she’ll do all she can to take whatever her rival has to offer. At the end of the day, though, every confrontation is guided by the thrill she finds in a fight to the limit. If you’re an opponent who can’t come close to hanging with her -- or, even worse, who doesn’t even think they can -- you’ll find yourself quickly dispatched without a second thought. In these situations, Satsuki usually ends up too disappointed to deem anything of their opponent’s worth taking.

But if, like most who challenge Satsuki, you mean to put up a real fight, she’ll make it her sole goal in life to beat that fight out of you through any means necessary. While Satsuki might go all out to humiliate such an opponent, she doesn’t do so out of malice or sadism. Really, she holds no ill will at all towards most opponents. Satsuki is just firm in her belief that it’s not just the winner’s right but, in fact, her place to take everything she can from the loser -- her pride and dignity included. When signing up for a match with Satsuki, wrestlers do so knowing full well what might happen to them if they lose; such is the price of holding court with the Queen of Clubs.

Shortened Backstory
Satsuki Hayano grew up as a street urchin, wheeling and dealing to survive until she discovered the game of poker. During her first cash game, Satsuki found that she was thrilled by the idea of a spirited duel between her and her opponents, one that would only end when one would overwhelm the other’s skill and break their confidence. Chasing that dragon for much of her life, she gambled in a variety of games against increasingly-tougher opponents, reveling in the feeling of coming out on top despite her opponent’s best efforts. Now, she takes on LAW to claim every prize that its wrestlers have to wager against her.
Full Backstory
Satsuki Hayano was born without much fanfare, in an overcrowded hospital to parents who were anything but ready for that title. By the time she was six, she was living on the streets of Osaka, busking, begging, and working odd jobs in search of her next meal. She developed an early talent for networking, dealing in favors, goods, and information to find whatever she needed to make it to the next day. Soon enough, every homeless person within twenty square kilometers of her (probable) childhood home knew Satsuki, welcoming her into their camps by night and trading with her by day.

One night, she happened upon a group of her fellow street urchins playing a game of poker and, despite her youth, was invited to join, probably so that they could hustle Satsuki out of all her money. Satsuki was always a fast learner, so she picked up on the rules easily and quickly figured out how to count the cards and get a sense of her odds of winning. What surprised her, though, was that she could read not only the cards but also her opponents. Every grimace, every smile, every quirk of a brow was just as valuable a hint as a flop, turn, or river card. What started as a routine poker sharking operation quickly became a dominating victory for Satsuki.

As her opponents lost more and more of their money, they went from an in-joking, arrogant group of friends to a panicked school of fish in a barrel. They stopped silently sharing information about their hands and looked increasingly pale as their stacks got smaller and smaller. This proved to be the biggest surprise of all for Satsuki, whose heart rose to flame at their gradual descent into despair.

Of course, her opponents waved her victory off as a beginner's luck and sought to make their money back… only to lose even more of it as the night went on. But Satsuki just couldn’t capture that feeling anymore. Even when her opponents’ pockets were long emptied, she just didn’t get the same rush that she did in that first half hour… When they earnestly believed that they would beat her. When she thought the same, bemoaning that she’d probably have to go another night without food. When they stopped treating this as a chance to make money and more like a fight for survival.

When they started giving their all.

That was the missing link. That was the key. The sorry state of her opponents wasn’t what entertained her; it was the way that they’d fought as hard as they could, trying desperately to at least break even on the night. Taking candy from a proverbial baby was just too easy, and when it became apparent that those guys weren’t actually any good at poker, the game lost its luster.

With that realization in mind, she set off to chase that dragon once more. Whether it was poker, mahjong, or even video games, Satsuki always played for keeps. Every night brought deeper pockets and more skilled, confident opponents than the last. Even with her natural aptitude for improvement, winning started to become a bit of a challenge. Still, she won far more often than she lost, lining her pockets with whatever her rivals staked. Every time she pushed someone to their limit before ultimately beating them, the fire in Satsuki’s heart grew brighter.

Before long, Satsuki had clawed her way to the tables reserved for high rollers and other VIPs. Every other night, she was facing off against high-ranking Yakuza, corrupt government officials, foreign superstars, and other luminaries at tables worth millions of yen. With every game, the stakes got higher and higher, and she became famous for her fiery demands that her opponents fight with all they had.

Eventually, though, the Yakuza’s underground gambling dens became too small for a competitor of Satsuki’s skill. Without a word to anyone, she flew to Macau, ready to move on to bigger and better things.

With how many nights she spent perched on the rail of some nightclub’s VIP section, scanning the maelstrom down below for someone she could call an equal or rival, she earned her first nickname: the Queen of Clubs. Among her fellow gamblers, though, she earned a much less romantic moniker, their hushed whispers only referring to her as Daikokunyo. The moniker referenced a Shinto god of fortune who traced their historical lineage to the Hindu destroyer god Shiva; it was a fitting name for someone who sought only the most dangerous of foes before thoroughly dismantling them.

Eventually, even the stomping grounds that she’d built for herself out of chips and cards started to lose its appeal. Outside of the stuffy professional scene, there was hardly a person in the Eastern Hemisphere who could match her at the tables. That’s when Satsuki found LAW: a league of the world’s most athletic, sensual, and confident fighters, each one willing to put their mind, body, and soul on the line in thrilling bouts.

All of a sudden, the dragon she’d been chasing her whole life didn’t seem so unreachable anymore.
Fun Facts:
  • Satsuki's favorite drink is a Smoked Black Manhattan.
  • Satsuki drives a black Ferrari California T with a custom interior inspired by that of the McLaren 675LT.
  • Satsuki actually can't dance worth a damn unless she's doing capoeira. Oh, and she can grind pretty well, too. In either position.
Likes: Freerunning, mixology, street food, rallycross, international relations theory.
Dislikes: Sports betting, smoking, philosophy, milk chocolate, doing the laundry.

LAW Information

Record: 4-2-0
Timeline of Events
Chapter 1) Stacking the Deck
Satsuki Hayano arrives at LAW, eager to throw herself into everything that the wrestling promotion has to offer. She quickly gets a lay of the land, learning how to fight in this league while picking up several new skills from unexpected sources.
  1. With Our Bodies on the Line: COMPLETED MATCH against Vanessa Vixen (Standard Match with Stakes)
    WIN by Submission (Splash the Pot) - Satsuki takes on a proud blonde who's looking to spice things up with her wife in the stands. Unfortunately for Vanessa, Satsuki has other plans in mind -- namely, beating her down and humiliating her in front of said wife!

    Satsuki's debut, as well as the debut of her finisher, Splash the Pot.
  2. Showing Who is Dominating: COMPLETED MATCH against Nadia Fortune (Hentai Match)
    WIN by Orgasm + Pinfall - What's more annoying: An agile striker who dodges half your moves or an affable jokester who laughs at all of them?
  3. Song and Dance: COMPLETED MATCH against Uta Toyama (Standard Match)
    WIN by Pinfall (619 into Cartwheel Knee Drop) - Satsuki faces down one of LAW's more powerful strikers, challenging herself to beat Uta at her own game.
  4. Versus Claudia: COMPLETED MATCH against Claudia Augustina (Standard Match Hardstyle Hentai Match)
    LOSS by Orgasm + Pinfall (Fingering) - In her first true test against a more renowned wrestler, Satsuki changes the game. The new lewd warfare favors Claudia, and while the underdog makes a spirited attempt at victory, she ultimately falls short for her first loss in LAW.
  5. 2021 LAW Halloween Party: SOCIAL THREAD with lots of people!
  6. Hockey Night in Japan: SOCIAL THREAD with Gil
    COMPLETE - Always seeking new ways to train, Satsuki runs into the Great Armagilo herself! The two get to know each other over some hockey, stoking Satsuki's competitive fire... but also, strangely, warming her heart.
  7. Private Indecency: SOCIAL THREAD with Evelyn Fallanger
  8. You Will Know Her Name: PROMO
    COMPLETE - In the wake of the announcements of Apex and We Are LAW 5, an enthralled Satsuki addresses the LAW faithful.
  9. Martial Malpractice: COMPLETED MATCH against Mikan Tsumiki (Standard Match)
    WIN by Submission ("Standing Chokehold") - Satsuki's first encounter with the concept of jobbing. She doesn't like it.
  10. We Are LAW 5: COMPLETED MATCH against Yuki Kazikura (Prisoner of War Match/PPV Debut)
    LOSS by Pinfall (Warrior's Sacrifice) - When the stakes are at their highest, Satsuki embarks on an absolute war with a pillar of LAW's Lightweight Division. In a match that leaves no scar unbled, physical or emotional, the Dynamite Schoolgirl wins Satsuki as her prisoner.
Chapter 2) Raising the Stakes
The arrival of LAW Apex and the competitive pressures that come with it are like candy to Satsuki's hedonistic soul. As she navigates LAW's biggest battlefield, however, she learns more about her fellow aspirants than she ever expected.
  1. Now What?: POW AFTERMATH THREAD with Yuki Kazikura
  2. Kicks, Tricks, and Pink Drinks: SOCIAL THREAD with Angelina Tarrant
  3. The Tell Tale Heart Returns! A Special Edition!: PROMO with Veronika Noir
  4. An Idol Fit For a Queen: ONGOING MATCH against Amika Ishibe (Standard Match)
  5. a bunch of placeholders
  6. Versus Claudia II - Fight the LAW 2: ONGOING MATCH against Claudia Augustina (Winner-Fucks-Loser Hentai Submission Match on a Floating Mat)
  7. Versus Angelina - We Are LAW 6: ONGOING MATCH against Angelina Tarrant (Hentai Submission Match)

Last edited by FreestylePoet on Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:03 pm, edited 36 times in total.

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Re: Satsuki Hayano, the Queen of Clubs

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

The Impossible, LAW’s Biggest Mystery
A quixotic phantom thief going after every treasure LAW has to offer!

Vital Stats
Name: Unknown, still at large
Nickname: The Impossible
Sex: Female
Age: Presumed between 18-28
Eyes: Pink (lenses?)
Hair: Pink (possibly dyed?)
Height: Estimated between 5’3 and 5’6
Weight: Petite frame, between 110-125 lbs
Hometown: Reported sightings and calling cards around the world, from Boston to Bangkok, from Paris to Pretoria. Possible base of operations somewhere in East Asia.
Alignment: Face (Chaotic Neutral)
Entrance music: Vs. Marnie Remix - Pokemon Sword and Shield - VanilluxePavilion
Favorite Match Types: Standard, hentai, submission, and anything against a strong personality, regardless of whether or not they’re a heel or face.

[Author's Note: This character is an alias for Satsuki Hayano, which she adopts simply for the fun of being a phantom thief. If you'd like her to, she may occasionally interrupt matches or show up when she's not scheduled to fight. Typically, she'll appear in matches that Satsuki is scheduled for anyway, though. You can book her for matches on her own, as well, rather than having an in-universe surprise appearance.]

"Ya gotta be either lucky or good to catch a glimpse of me. Which are you?"
In-Ring Attire - “Well now, let’s get to the fightin’, shall we?”
Another View of In-Ring Attire - “Time to kick things up a notch!”
Hentai Alternate Attire - “So ya've caught me… What are ya gonna do now?”
A Rare Public Appearance - “Hehe, don't get too greedy with ya pics, now! Wouldn't want those cops behind ya to get stuck in the crowd, eh?”
Wrestling Information
“Looks like runnin's not gonna do me any more good. I'll try to make this quick for ya so we can both get on with our days, yeah?”

Type: High Flights and Joyrides ("Impossi-Fu")

Ordinarily, the Impossible would far prefer to simply make a flashy escape rather than fight. However, when a fight becomes unavoidable (such as in a wrestling ring), it becomes clear that this isn't for a lack of skill. In fact, the Impossible is quite the combatant who can turn the space around her into a weapon.

Based on reports from law enforcement, she appears to employ a style of fighting known as "Impossi-Fu." Body cam and surveillance footage suggests that Impossi-Fu may have its basis in performance-based martial arts such as capoeira and professional wrestling, as well as more practical ones such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Krav Maga. However, the Impossible also shows a degree of comfort with impractical aerial assaults, as she frequently uses them to ambush and defeat opponents.

Favorite Moves:
  • Jumping kicks
  • Suplexes
  • Enzuigiris
  • Splashes
  • Bronco Busters
Physical Stats:
Endurance - 7/10
The Impossible appears to be have some sort of formal athletic training, judging by her ability to go through long chases and fights.
Strength - 5/10
The Impossible can put quite a bit of momentum behind her strikes in open space, but her frame is too small to generate that much power.
Speed - 10/10
Whether in a sprint or in a fight, the Impossible is too quick for almost anyone to keep up with.
Defense - 6/10
While many people online have claimed to have caught or hit the Impossible, we doubt this is true.
Technical Stats:
Strikes - 8/10
The Impossible is a skilled striker who can dispatch surprised pursuers with a single blow.
Submissions - 6/10
The Impossible prefers to quickly defeat her opponents but has shown an occasional penchant towards putting them in painful or humiliating submission holds.
Aerial - 8/10
The Impossible seems untrained when it comes to aerial assaults, but her sheer willingness to improvise makes her a deadly foe in the air.
Countering - 6/10
The Impossible has martial arts training that allows her to counter her opponent's moves with ease.
Hentai Stats:
Technique - 7/10
The Impossible appears able to type, pick locks, and figure out mechanical puzzles with speed and ease. In short, she's good with her fingers.
Stamina - 4/10
Online sources say that the Impossible has a hair trigger. Investigators are unsure if this is true.
Dominance - 4/10
In her calling card letters, the Impossible appears to react more to online fantasies with uncomfortable amounts of detail, suggesting that she is a very sexual creature who welcomes others' passes at her.
Seduction - 7/10
The Impossible's public persona and apparently-flirty attitude have captured the hearts of many.
Signature Moves:
Hardcore Parkour
The Impossible performs a spinning splash from the corner post.
Impossible Kick
A simple question mark kick.
Made Ya Look!
The Impossible fakes her opponent out, making them think she's going for a groin kick. She then delivers a brutal dropkick.
”Spin the Mind”
The Impossible puts her opponent into a combination omoplata/armbar, flying around them all the while.
Mystery Bomber (finisher)
The Impossible drops a double flying knee on a fallen opponent from the corner.

Biographical Information
“And to the President of NorthTrust Financial… Next time you purchase a famous piece of art, at least make sure it's authentic, please.”

The Impossible's targets have ranged from invite-only awards shows to high-dollar fundraisers for charity. Shadowy government institutions to regionally-beloved universities. Opulent manors to irregularly-scheduled food trucks. The only thing that they have in common is that they are, without exception, tough nuts to crack. It's safe to say, then, that the Impossible isn't motivated by any sort of ideology or goal. Similarly, the objects that she's stolen have ranged from ancient artifacts to a jar of secret sauce, so it's unlikely that she is motivated by money. Rather, she appears to be an adrenaline junkie, only pursuing targets under the watchful eye of either the public or a well-renowned security firm. The Impossible likely enjoys beating the odds and showing her skills.

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." But what if you can't eliminate the impossible? The truth may become obfuscated.

This concept is believed to be where the infamous phantom thief The Impossible got her name. The Impossible is a mysterious phantom thief who has stolen countless objects of value from secure and/or public locations around the world. At the site of every crime, she leaves a single horizontal line, spray-painted somewhere nearby. Investigators initially believed that this was a Chinese or Japanese numeral 1, a directional mark, or even a hyphen. The current working theory is that this line is an underscore, meant to say "blank." Occasionally, she leaves a letter taunting her pursuers, which is where the public first learned her name.

Little is known about the Impossible other than what we have directly seen of her regarding her appearance and calling cards. However, she does occasionally take the time to appear in public, typically to use the resulting uproar of excitement to avoid law enforcement. She doesn't seem to mind it when others take photos of her, as it's enough of a rarity for them to deserve the shot. Finally, the Impossible inexplicably speaks with a Cajun accent, suggesting a possible origin in the United States.

Fun Facts:
  • Sometimes, the Impossible's mask seems painted on, although it is typically an actual mask. Despite how small the mask is, investigators have not been able to pinpoint the girl's identity.
  • The Impossible may not be able to cook, as several of the "secret sauces" that she's stolen from restaurants were simply mixtures of mayonnaise and ketchup.
  • Countless people have told stories online regarding encounters they've had with the Impossible. These posts have claimed everything from having casual sex with the Impossible to witnessing her using bona fide superhuman abilities. The Impossible never denies these posts, though we know she sees them, as she occasionally references them in her letters and even sometimes steals things by request.
LAW Information

Record: 0 - 0



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