Age: 26
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5 feet
Weight: 115
*Note* All Outfits are just variations of the original outfit*
Outfit 1

Outfit 2

Outfit 3

Dj CUTMAN - Strike the Earth ft. Kevin Villecco (Shovel Knight Remix)
Nationality: American
Signature move/s:
Down you go!
- A Full Nelson Russian Leg sweep Facebuster. Iria usually tries to wear her opponent down for this hold with a full nelson hold first.

Getting Started!
- After getting her opponent to double over (usually with a gut kick), Iria will get a running start before launching herself over her opponent and grabbing their head to take them down in a vicious flipping neckbreaker. She usually tries to open up whatever offense she has planned with this move, most of them being strikes and quick moves.

With a Bang!
- Iria kicks her opponent down to a kneeling position and follows up with a fierce Superkick. Or she can try to catch opponents before they get up to their feet. She tends to have to do the Superkick to opponents that are down lower due usually to any size difference.

Crushing Defeat
- A double knee drop, usually aimed for an opponent's stomach. She will usually try to get this launched off the top rope, but has been known to springboard off of the middle rope to land a quicker version.

Strength - 3/10 - Won't be winning any strength contests any time soon.
Speed - 6/10 - She isn't necessarily slow, but not the fastest out there either.
Agility - 3/10 - Still getting used to high flying moves. She won't being doing crazy flips just yet, though she might still try.
Intelligence - 2/10 - Its not that Iria isn't smart. Just impatient. Something that can be easily taken advantage of.
Stamina - 5/10 -She can take a bit of a beating, but her endurance for long matches is nothing to write home about.
Wrestling Skill
Strikes - 5/10 - Learned how to land decent blows. The only thing holding her back is her actual strength.
Submission - 4/10 - Basic holds and a few more advanced ones. She hopes to get better at this.
Powerhouse - 2/10 - She might be able to do a body slam or suplex to someone in her weight class. But she won't be carrying them around the ring.
Aerial - 5/10 - She likes to springboard off the ropes and do top rope moves. Nothing super fancy just yet though.
Counter - 2/10 - Yet again her impatience makes her unable to really make use of counters. Though she isn't completely incapable.
Fighting Style: Rather than focus on one area, she has decided to focus on strikes, aerial, and submission holds. Which has left her doing okay in all areas, but not strong enough to stand out.
Favorite Move(s):
Boston Crab, Stomach Claw, Shining Wizard, Swinging DDT
Favorite Matches:
Standard, I Quit, Submission
Personality: In a single word? Optimistic. Iria likes to always believe that 'Tomorrow will be better than today!' She uses this usual attitude for her in ring personality as well, as a Superheroine that is going to defeat the evil wrestlers of LAW!
History: Being called a nerd was normal for her growing up. She did have friends, mostly other nerds, so it wasn't like she was alone. Iria was always a positive and easily outgoing person, always diving into things that she enjoyed even if she wasn't very good at them. She took interest in a lot of things over the years. Some things she picked up and stuck with, while others were just passing interests. Computers, programming, audio mixing, painting, chemistry, and even some background work in theater. Heck at one point she even took lessons on playing the Hurdy Gurdy. And while she still has it and likes to fiddle and clean it, she doesn't play and will likely say she's keeping it in tune for a friend. She had heard of pro wrestling over the years growing up, but she had never been one for most sports.
Once she finished high school, she decided to travel abroad. Her family had housed a foreign exchange student from Japan, and offered her a place to stay for her first stop. Upon arriving there, she found that the family was all into professional wrestling, some of them being current wrestlers, and others owning a gym for training new wrestlers. Surrounded by it, she finally decided to give it a chance. Now Iria wasn't really someone that was out of shape, but she certainly wasn't going to win any contests. So her plans to travel abroad were put on hold for now at least. Its still a desire of hers to see the world. But now she had another interest piqued. And so she got to training. There were a few... hiccups along the way. She was finding out things about herself she didn't know while training. Some things that she decided were best not known to others.
Impatience was one of her flaws though. She couldn't just take her sweet time. Of course one day she managed to find out that LAW had a habit of signing new fresh talent as jobbers. Especially those that were quite green. She had managed to learn quite a bit, and was proving to be a quick learner. But she didn't have in ring experience. But that's what her next stop at LAW was for! She knew she wouldn't be some great prodigy and win every match. But every day she got more involved in wrestling, she found herself enjoying it more and more.
Now she just needed a gimmick. She didn't want her wrestling bit to be just a standard one. So she figured to use her other interests to decide on one. So she figured a Superheroine persona in the ring would best suit her.
Hobbies: Collecting toys and comics, and doing abstract paintings
Likes: Video Games, Superheroes, and Horror movies
Dislikes: Scary stuff (outside of movies she can't handle it very well), her random bouts of insomnia, and has a minor fear of the dark.