Alex Dublin

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Alex Dublin

Unread post by jdo_sss »

Name:Alex Dublin
Age: 18
Weight: 130 pounds
Alignment: Face
Nationality :American
Eye Color:Blue
Theme:Fly high by Young Gotti
Sexuality : Straight

Wrestling Style:Alex's wrestling style very different to other especially since 9 out of 10 time his opponent gonna be larger than him so he doesn't normally go for lock ups, but doew try to go for leg kicks, chop blocks and especially high flying moves since he's pretty lightweight compared to others.

Preffered Matches :Regular pinfall matches, Ironman or submission based matches.

Preffered Moves : Shining Wizard, Curb Stomp, Frog Splash, Chop Block, Leg Sweep, Dropkick etc

Finisher: Five Star [image) usually just consists of a normal T shirt and jeans sometimes does like to go with shorts and bare chested if he feels like has to. Not a big fan of ordinary wrestling attires as he would often have to wear them when competing especially when his sisters forced him to play "dress up".

Bio:Alex grew up and was raised around a county called Oceanside in California. Because he grew up so close to the ocean he loved to surf, bike and even wrestle once in a while. At the age of 7 he took a personal interest of wrestling after going to his first show and wanting to do something of it and even gain a title. His sisters often did bring the fun out of wrestling as they did wrestle him as kids and if they won they would make him play dress up with them humiliating him in the process as often most mixed matches he's in brings back bad memories.

Personality: Alex is a very shy and humble person. He was brought up from a lot of humiliation and strong overcomings he had to go over as a kid. He is definitely a face at heart wanting to give his opponent his all, but want never wanting to take the cheap or unfair way out how much he's been screwed over in his life.

(Currently trying to get where the image shows by itself not just the website thanks for the patience)

Match Record:

Allies N/A
Last edited by jdo_sss on Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:16 pm, edited 13 times in total.

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