After checking with the participants, the decision has been made to have me post this match log. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Summer was finally here , and what an better way to celebrate it then with an beach themed ppv thought Roselina , and management seemed to have agreed.As she was just waiting for her que as she wore an green thong and yellow bra bikini as she wondered how she had bin picked for this. Still she figured it was because of her good looks as who would not want to see someone like her in an bikini right.
Still since they were on an beach their was not an gorilla position to wait in as she was stuck waiting in the chancing booth .Still the moment she would hear her entrance music , Roselina would step out of the booth as she made her way to the ring as You can look but you can't touch by Kim Sozzi was out of the speakers. Walking past the curtains she would make her way to the ring as the announcer said
''now entering from New Orleans,Louisiana . Weighing at around 146ibs , it's Roselina Lebeau'' as she would slide under the bottom ropes as the warm sand stuck to her stomach as she waited for her opponent to arrive.
This was a new experience for Emelia, but she knew she needed to push herself to improve in LAW, to make sure her family name wasn't disgraced by her fairly feeble performance so far!
Glad in her deep evergreen one piece swimsuit, Emelia made her way across the hot sand towards her first round opponent in this beach tournament, something she'd never contemplated before. If she could make her mark here maybe she could earn a bit of respect.
She slid into the ring and faced Roselina, eyeing the scantly-clad Louisiana beauty from head to toe. The Scandinavian planted her hands on her hips and nodded once the announcer had finished announcing the rules.
"Good luck to you," she said primly, trying to remain professional despite the slight discomfort of being in the beach arena.
Roselina would watch as she was disapointed in her opponent's attire as she felt it would piss off the fans. As they wanted to see two sexy woman fight while wearing bikini's , and here was Emelia coming out in an swimsuit as she replied back ''I don't need luck to beat you , and seriously who comes to an beach match wearing something like that. Don't you know that these people wanna see some skin during these matches''
Emelia raised an unimpressed eyebrow at Roselina's tirade about her attire. Apparently all it had taken for her to rile this woman was not wear a bikini. The Scandinavian planted her hands on her hips, pointing her toe and extending one long leg, at the same time tossing her hair back to reveal her ample cleavage perfectly visible at the top of her swimsuit!
"I think there's more than enough skin on show for you and them," she snapped, glaring at Roselina. "Now, are you going to stand there and complain, or shall we get down to business?"
''You really think that ? Why not let the fans decide that shall we. If you like what I am wearing that chant my name , and if you wanted her to wear something more simular to my attire then chance her name''replied Roselina with an smug tone as she was rewarded with an lot of people chanting her name over Emelia's as she just gave her opponent an smug smirk as she whispered ''seem like the fans have picked my attire over yours whitey''
Emelia glared at Roselina after the fans made their opinion clear on who's attire they preferred. Evidently wearing less instantly made the American a fan favourite. But that wouldn't win her the match.
"Maybe they do," Emelia sneered. "But that doesn't win you the match. Bikini or no bikini, I'm going to send you home today!"
''I doubt it as you don't look like you can handle much ''replied Roselina in an smug tone as she would circle around the other wrestler. As she was confident she could easily win as she would attempt to lock up with Emelia in the center of the ring
Emelia's scowl deepened at Roselina's words. Her LAW career so far hadn't exactly been stellar, but she wasn't about to admit that to her opponent.
The American circled her, Emelia watching warily as the woman moved around, before her adversary surged forward into a lock-up.
"Nnnnghh!" Emelia groaned as she tried to meet Roselina in the lock up, only to find herself starting to get pushed backwards right from the start!
As both wrestlers circled around each other it seemed like only an matter of time before they would lock up.AS the Southern beauty would entwine her fingers with Emelia's own as she would begin to push forward.
Which was successful right away as she began to push back the other wrestler before she would chance her plan. As she tried to bend Emelia's fists as she hoped to force her opponnent on her knees as she said ''you will not manage to beat me loser.So get on your knees weakling''
Emelia tried to hold her ground against Roselina's pushing, but it became quickly apparent that her opponent was stronger. She was pushed backwards a few steps, gritting her teeth in desperation. Soon though the pressure grew greater. She could feel her wrists being bent back as Roselina leveraged her advantage. Emelia planted her feet, trying desperately to push back... but it was no use. Slowly but surely her fists were bent backwards, legs shaking violently against the pressure.
"N-NO!" she blurted in dismay as her legs gave out, leaving her to collapse to her knees in front of Roselina, hands still entwined with her powerful opponent's. "Nghhh!"
Roselina would just smirk as she was able to leverage her advantage so that the other wrestler would fall onto her knees. As it became clear that Emelia was not an match for her as she thought ''this is going to be so easy. As I should not go full out or else this match won't last even an minute at this rate''
As she would attempt to raise her knee into the knealing girl's face to knock her down
Emelia gritted her teeth in desperation as she was forced easily to her knees, unable to match Roselina's strength and falling, forced to look up at the other woman. She tried to push back up, but had no leverage, stuck in a very vulnerable position.
Roselina took immediate advantage, raising a knee up hard into the Scandinavian's face.
"UNNHHH!" Emelia yelped as the blow connected, knocking her flat on her back, laid out beneath Roselina!
Roselina would ram her knee into the Scandinavian's face as she watched with glee how she knocked Emelia on her back. From their she would begin to show off as she would twerk as she slowly descended down towards her opponent's face as she went for an facesit pin as she heard the fans cheer for her as she did this
Emelia groaned as she lay flat with Roselina looming over her, the other woman starting off the match strong and leaving the Norwegian vulnerable. Emelia's brow furrowed in confusion when she saw Roselina beginning to twerk over her, but then her eyes widened when she realised the woman's ass was descending towards her!
"Wait, no-NMPPGHHH!" she wailed as she failed to move in time, and instead was treated to Roselina's rear being smothered over her face. Emelia flailed desperately, arching her back up off the mat, hands clasping at Roselina's rear!
Roselina would just smirk as she sat down on her opponent's face as she had given the fans an show as she just laughed when she cut off Emelia's plea for mercy. As she just grinded her behind on the other wrestler's face as she would struggle to stay on top as she would see the referee check on the other wrestler to see if she wanted to give up
Emelia whined piteously from beneath Roselina's rear, her face totally enveloped by the other woman's backside. She twisted at the hip, legs kicking in desperation as she pushed at her opponent's thighs and ass.
It was getting hard to breathe, and soon her struggles grew weaker. Nevertheless, the young Norwegian shook her head weakly when the referee checked on her. She couldn't give up so quickly. With her bust heaving up and down, she went limp beneath Roselina, trying to conserve her energy for one last desperate attempt at escape!
Roselina would just laugh as she sat on her opponent's face as she rubbed her behind against it. Feeling her opponent's hands against her butt just made it better as she was surprised it would be this easy to smother Emelia unconsious as she would rise to her feet as she yelled ''check her ref as I think she is done"