Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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Cage Match

Rules: Anything Goes
Victory Condition: Pinfall, Submission or Escape from the Cage by climbing over the top or exiting through the door.

Angela was rather happy to once more get into a cage, she had been in far too few cage matches since coming to LAW, she had desired to be in more hardcore matches and it seemed as if she was going to now. A wicked smile on her face as she finished wrapping up her hands with that tape. She didn't know much about her opponent, other than that she was British, which figured. Everyone always seemed to want her to fight Brits of some sort, probably because of the 100 years war or some shit. Britain and France were naturally going to pit against one another for the many years of animosity...though such things was long past.

Still, if it meant that she could be in another hardcore match and bash a woman's face against the cage...then she didn't really mind. Shaking her head a bit as she was now finished, she stepped up to Gorilla Position and with that her music would hit. Angela would start to walk down the ramp, having her usual stern and pissed off face on display. A resting bitch was was a good way to describe it, but there was a very faint trace of a smile on it tonight.

She made her way towards the cage that covered and surrounded the ring. She would walk up towards the door and enter the cage, slipping through the ropes and entering the squared circle. Now being the only fighter in the cage for the moment, she'd walk around the ring as the crowd booed her. The Nightmare was here to give everyone bad dreams after all...especially her opponent of the night. Settling into her corner of the ring, Angela would crank her neck and try and loosen herself up a bit.

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Re: Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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Gemma stepped out onto the ring with a wide smile, thrusting a fist into the air as her music hit the loudspeakers. She grinned for the fans, chest puffed out proudly as she stepped toward another competition. However, her eyes lingered on the massive steel structure built around the ring. Not entirely a stranger to hardcore or gimmick matches, those still didn’t compare to the unforgiving image of the cage, locking combatants into the ring.
Still, the British gal didn’t let that deter her. Tonight LAW management had decided to offer her a match against a French woman, and so Gemma knew that even more of the folks back home were going to be watching and rooting for her. “At least they didn’t send Holly down here,” Gemma mused to herself. “Talk about a national embarrassment …”

Climbing up the steps to the ring, Gemma entered through the cage door. The lithe white-haired girl flashed a smile, body bouncing as she rocked on her heels, limbering up for the contest. She gave a cocky wink to her upcoming opponent, making it clear that Gemma noticed the difference between their fan reception. Gemma threw up a hand to the fans, giving them a “V for Victory” with her fingers, egging them on to cheer her even more.

“You ready for this one, luv?” Gemma asked, dropping her hand as she took wide steps toward her opponent. “Just to warn you, I’m not going to be taking this one lying down.” Gemma did some final stretches while waiting for the bell, lacing her fingers behind herself, arching her spine and taking a deep, chest-filling breath. After that, Gemma released her fingers, swinging her hands up playfully into a boxing pose, smirking at her French opponent and waiting for her reaction to the Brit’s flippant attitude.
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Re: Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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Angela would look on at the ramp as her British opponent was making her way down the ring, she was without a doubt a stark contrast between them. The fans liked her and she was a very bubbly and bouncy type of person from the looks of it. Angela would keep her arms folded underneath her impressive rack as she waited for the woman to get into the cage.

Once she was in the ring, the cage door locked behind them and they were both now trapped. Watching the Brit stretch and limber up Angela would look around at the crowd cheering for Gemma. Stepping up towards her and waiting for her to put her hands up in that playful boxer like manner. The second she did though, Angela would step it and grab at those hands, trying to catch them by the wrist and pull those arms apart. Trying to yank Gemma towards her and throw her head forward! Aiming to ram her forehead into the bridge of her nose and try and catch her off guard with a brutal headbutt!

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Re: Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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Gemma looked more than a little cocky as she stood up against the French girl, but she couldn’t help play up her punky persona against this woman. Angela looked like someone who took herself very seriously in the ring, which while admirable, also made her a perfect target for a little pre-match silliness. So, without a thought, Gemma committed to her comedic pose—setting herself up for a quick grab and an incredibly stiff headbutt to the face!

“AAARGH!” Gemma cried out as Angela’s face bounced off of her nose! Gemma could feel the pain shooting through her entire face, blossoming out. The arena seemed to spin around her, stars in her eyes, as she reeled backward. The referee scrambled to get the bell rung, starting the match officially while Gemma staggered back, wanting to at least make sure it wasn’t thrown out.

“Rrrghh, aaah!” Gemma cried out again, trying to turn her pain into anger as she raised her arm, flexed her bicep and tried to fire back with a wild clothesline. Gemma was swinging blind, stumbling forward more than charging, but hoped their close quarters and Angela’s hand on her wrist would help her close the distance and find her mark.
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Re: Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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Smashing her forehead into the bridge of Gemma's nose, Angela got a delightful scream of pain from the white haired woman and would see her stumbe backwards. The bell rang and the match was officially rolling. The platinum blonde would let out a low chuckle as she watched Gemma cry out and bring her arm up, flexed and ready.

Wildly swinging it as she moved forward, Angela would try and duck low underneath said arm and slip in behind Gemma. Looking to lock her arms around that waist after avoiding the clothesline and hug her tightly. The large breasts of the French woman pressing into Gemma's back. She'd pop her hips and then try and swing Gemma up and backwards, trying to slam her down with a German suplex!

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Re: Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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Opening her eyes, Gemma’s big wet orbs were crossed with the force of Angela’s headbutt. The Air Raid Siren was clearly staggered by the French woman’s blow, unable to react at all, or even follow the motion, as Angela ducked around her and hooked an arm around Gemma’s waist. Catching on much too late, Gemma started to windmill her arms when she realized that Angela’s arms were flexing around her belly and sinking in, to lift her up.

“N-nooo~!” Gemma cried out, mouth opening wide in dismay as she realized what Angela had in store. The punky Brit’s boots flailed up into the air as Angela executed the suplex, her body folding over as she was flailed through the air and her shoulders were spiked into the mat. Gemma's ample breasts swung upward, smacking her in the face as she completed her arc and got slammed into the canvas, something more humiliating than just hitting the mat. “GAAH!” Gemma cried out, grimacing in agony as she was slammed down. Gemma twisted on her shoulders in pain, trying to writhe out of Angela’s grip at the moment of impact, wanting to escape a possible bridge attempt and roll her suffering body toward the ropes. Unfortunately, as shown on her pathetic face the entire time, Gemma was in absolute agony!
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Re: Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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Slipping in under that arm of Gemma's and going in behind her white haired opponent, she saw Gemma stumble forward but the strong arms of Angela soon enough wrapped around her, hugging her close and pressing her impressive rack against the back of the woman. She squeeze on that waist before trying to lift Gemma up and throw her down, swinging her backwards and nailing her with that Gemran suplex of hers.

The impact cause the crowd to wince a bit as Gemma cried out in pain, she would watch her quickly twist out of the grasp of the Nightmare of France, Angela would lick her tongue and rise up to her feet, looking to chase after Gemma and grab a hold of her by her hair, trying to yank the Brit up towards her knees where the French beauty would then try and throw a harsh knee strike right up into the face of Gemma, trying to nail her with a harsh knee strike.

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Re: Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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“Nnngh, no,” Gemma moaned, as she felt Angela’s warm body sink into her, squeeze her, and hurl her end over end for the suplex! Gemma bounced off the impact, rocked by the slam. Gemma bounced off the mat, trying to roll away, but Angela wasn’t about to let that happen. “AOW!” Gemma cried out, frightened, opening her eyes to see Angela gripping her hair.

Gemma was up on her hair in a second, arms limp at her sides as she struggled to shake off the suplex. Angela wouldn’t give her a chance, however, smashing her pretty face with a knee strike! “AARGH!” Gemma cried out, her face rocked by the knee strike. Gemma would stay on her knees, rocked, arms flopping at her sides. Gemma’s eyes would roll back in her head, stunned by the hit, momentarily dazed and helpless in the French Nightmare’s grip!
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Re: Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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Angela smirked as she drove her harsh knee right into the face of Gemma and heard her cry out in pain, watching her arms fall limp at her side and look rather dazed. Angela would lick her lips a bit, like a shark smelling blood in the water, Angela would try and yank on that white hair of her foe and try and pull her up to her feet in a doubled over position. There Angela would try and drive her head in between those strong thick thighs of the Nightmare of France.

Angela would then try and lean forward, pressing her impressive bust against Gemma's back as she would try and wrap those arms of against that waist. Heaving out as she would try and show a feat of strength by rolling Gemma up onto her shoulders, trying to hold her there for a second, perched on top...before she'd try and send Gemma down into the canvas with a nasty powerbomb!

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Re: Cage Match - Angela Guillot Vs. Gemma Faraday

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Gemma shook her head a few times but couldn’t manage to shake that dumbstruck expression on her face. Angela had delivered a stunning blow, one that stopped the Brit in her tracks, and Gemma already had a feeling that this could be lethal. Gemma tried to fall back and roll away, but Angela knew a good thing when she saw it, grabbing Gemma by her platinum hair and yanking her head between her thighs!

“Ughn!” Gemma grunted as she was trapped between Angela’s firm thighs, her butt bouncing as she stomped around, looking for an escape. Quickly, Gemma would get hoisted up, bewilderment on her face as she wound up on Angela’s shoulders. In a panic, Gemma balled up a fist, firing strike after strike at Angela’s head in a desperate attempt to get away. Dazed and confused, however, Gemma wasn’t capable of the required power to stop this, and she was helpless against being splattered onto the mat! “AAARGH!” Gemma screamed as she hit the canvas, spine arching and bouncing bust thrust skyward as her spine absorbed the thunderous force of the powerbomb, leaving her breathless.
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