Rules: Anything Goes
Victory Condition: Pinfall, Submission or Escape from the Cage by climbing over the top or exiting through the door.

Still, if it meant that she could be in another hardcore match and bash a woman's face against the cage...then she didn't really mind. Shaking her head a bit as she was now finished, she stepped up to Gorilla Position and with that her music would hit. Angela would start to walk down the ramp, having her usual stern and pissed off face on display. A resting bitch was was a good way to describe it, but there was a very faint trace of a smile on it tonight.
She made her way towards the cage that covered and surrounded the ring. She would walk up towards the door and enter the cage, slipping through the ropes and entering the squared circle. Now being the only fighter in the cage for the moment, she'd walk around the ring as the crowd booed her. The Nightmare was here to give everyone bad dreams after all...especially her opponent of the night. Settling into her corner of the ring, Angela would crank her neck and try and loosen herself up a bit.