Nicknames: The Cuban Commander ("La Comandante Cubana"), Havana's Fist of Death ("El Puño de La Muerte de Havana"), The Splendid Slugger and Candie. ("Don't you ever dare call me by this last one. Got that, tonta?")
Age: 26
Born: April 18th 1993, in Havana, Cuba
Nationality: Cuban
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 1,85 m (6'0 ft)
Weight: 81 kg (180 lbs )
- Strenght: 9/10
- Endurance: 10/10
- Intelligence: 4.5/10
- Dexterity: 5/10
- Speed: 7.5/10
Entrance music: Guantanamera - Celia Cruz (Cover from a song composed by Josito Fernandez and written by José Marti)
Alignment: Heel ("HEEL?! The ianques decided that, didn't they? I'm going to show you the heel when I beat you!")
Martial Arts: Pro-Wrestling and Boxing
Fighting Style: Powerhouse (Pro-Wrestling) and Slugger (Boxing)
Preferred Type(s) of Match(es): Boxing, Handicap ("One weakling is never enough!"), NHB, Street Fight, Hardcore, K'O only, Standard and MMA. ("If I can knock ya down, I'm in!")
Finishing move/s:
Revolutionary Reckoning: The Cuban Commander places her opponent face-up on her shoulders and hooks it's head and a leg with both of her hands, before pulling down both extremities, while falling to her knees, on an attempt to flex her adversary's back and achieve a submission or even a knockout, if Irene does it with enough strength. ("You better pray you're knocked out before I can use this move on you!")

Missile Crisis: The Commander grabs her opponent's neck with both of her hands, choking it while lifting the opponent into the air. From here, Irene powerfully throws the victim of this attack away, into to the mat or anywhere else, slamming it against the surface of the object that it landed.


(Image NSFW)

Debut: ("Looking forward to put a tonta to kiss the canvas....")
Personality: Choleric, Irene is as person that embodies charisma and confidence, thinking ("And showing!") that she is an unstoppable force as long as she haves determination to reach her goals. And to her, reaching an achievement is the equivalent of happiness. With the determination of a hungry wolf in search of its prey, she is always struggling to push her way ferociously, doing anything in order to be victorious. In the ring, she tends to be dominant, relentless and unforgiving. If her opponent can't keep up with her determination, she won't slow down. To the Commander, mercy is a weakness.
However, the raging determination that drives this Cuban forward is also responsible for a short-tempered behavior, which usually reflects on gratuitous violence or cruelty as a way to channel her fury, or, alternatively, in poor strategic decisions during a fight. She tries to compensate those by sheer violence and brutality. ("In short, I don't care if you think that I'm 'cruel', as long as I am victorious")
History: Born in Havana as the daughter of Antonio Candelaria, a famous Cuban Olympic champion of boxing, Irene has always been exposed to the world of fighting. Being a sportsman, Antonio always taught her daughter to always do her best, in order to reach her goals and never give up. "This is the secret to winning, niña", he would say. Due this teaching, introduced by her father, she adopted a perfectionist behavior in her infancy, always going for the higher grades in the school subjects.
As a child, however, she also used to be bullied, until, one day, she broke the nose of one of her bullies. From that day onward, Irene concluded that she would never let anyone pick on her again and that she would do anything in order to win a fight. That way, she'd be always be left alone and, also, be on top, the objective that her father's philosophy preached.
Following her father's footsteps, she became a boxer in her teens. Winning national championship after the other, by her sixteenth birthday she was already a household name in female boxing on her country and abroad. Trying to capitalize on her popularity, the Cuban government invited her to join the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), something that she accepted, with the prospect of bettering her physical attributes. During her service, in which she reached the rank of Mayor Suboficial, Irene not only reached the peak of her physical condition, but also developed a sense of discipline that helped her improve her career as a boxer.
With the oficial endorsement of the FAR and the government as a whole, she traveled the world fighting for Cuba internationally, by the International Boxing Federation (IBF), where she won the world's heavyweight championship with illegal punches, that left her opponent wounded for life, after a brutal beating in her hands. Due the Federation's extinction, she remains the final champion of it, despite many still challenging her for the belt; challenges that she is happy to accept. Of all the ten attempts to take that symbolic belt from her, she won all of them.
Meanwhile, the news about the League of Anime Wrestling reached Cuba and the rest of the Western World, with that league's popularity spreading like wildfire. The Cuban Government, seeing all the other countries having representatives at the organization (including their bitter american rivals), decided to send their own endorsed champion to compete against LAW's wrestlers. The chosen champion was Irene, that started and concluded her training on pro-wrestling to compete on the League. Now, she seeks to satisfy her desire for victory and the country that endorses her by being the new heavyweight champion of LAW. ("And I will crush any woman that stands in my way!")
Attire #1/Boxing Attire ("Won that championship with it! Jajaja...")










Love Interests:
Record: 0-0-0
List of Matches:
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