"You won't receive mercy."
Name: Misako EnjojiAge: 19
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Height: 5'5 / 165 cm
Weight: 130 lbs. / 59 kg
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Alignment: Heel
Ring Gear (as Saka)

Ring Gear (as Misako)



With Kyoko

History: A hot-blooded girl with a penchant for violence, Misako had been getting in fights since a young age. She stood up to people who were bullying her friends, but there were just as many instances where her intentions were less noble - in truth, violence tended to be her immediate response to most problems the short-sighted girl was faced with. Early on, parents, teachers, and other voices in authority in her life saw problems with her behavior, and tried to push her into more constructive things, like her school’s soccer club. But that didn’t work, in no small part due to her boyfriend and her best friend Kyoko also being established delinquents - and Misako had little to dissuade her from the path she was going down.
She and Kyoko stuck to their life of causing chaos and getting in fights, and soon, they had established themselves as a fearsome presence in their neighborhood - and so too did they realize they could stand up to pretty much everyone in their way if things came down to it, and most people were too afraid to challenge them after their latest rampage. In order to satisfy their desires for further mayhem, with the added bonus of being able to get away with it and to make good money off it (without needing to beat up people for their cash), they turned to wrestling, trying out for LAW and entering as a tag team. In turn, that caught the attention of fellow delinquent brawler Sachiko Koizumi, who drew them into her circle of like-minded, cordial, and dignified young ladies so that together they could crush the skulls of their enemies into the pavement.
Under the Heartbreakers, Kyoko, Misako, and Sachiko quickly carved out a name for themselves as one of the promotion's most fearsome tag teams, dominating the action by threat of violence, and by force if they needed to. For a while, it looked like they were on top of the world, and that no one could possibly stand in their way. Ironically, though, it wouldn't be an outside force that would start the Heartbreakers' undoing, but their own leader.
The Heartbreakers were booked for a 2v3, No Holds Barred handicap match against the team of Jonathan Steele and Ryan Brown - but rather than those names, they would come face to face with...something else. Both Jonathan and Ryan had been taken over by their dark sides and swayed over to the Selection, and when the Heartbreakers were forced to go up against opponents with seemingly supernatural powers far beyond anything they could expect to overcome, they were powerless to stand against them. If there was any nail in the coffin, though, it was when Sachiko was forced to leave the match. She wasn't even supposed to be there - she was under probation that forced her to team up with her rival Veronika Noir in the Heart Connection as punishment for disrupting a main event. Sachiko had tried to skirt the rules by taking advantage of the tag team stipulations to sneak in in plain sight, but it was no use. The promotion found out anyway, and she was thrown out of the competition - leaving Kyoko and Misako to their opponents' mercy.
Both of them were swiftly overcome, and through the powers of the Anomaly, they were hypnotized into his service, taking on new personas in the process. Misako adopted the name and personality of Saka, and though she continues to act as herself normally, at any moment the Anomaly can flip the switch, turning her into an instrument of his will and forcing her to carry out his every command. They were placed in a team of their own alongside Roxanne Wolf as the Wild Jackals, and there, they intend to serve their master whenever he wills it.
Personality: Misako has a strong sarcastic streak, and rarely has anything to say that isn’t an insult to the people around her. It’s the way in which she gets through a life she finds incredibly dull and unworthy of her time, and as such, she tends to bristle when faced with getting along with other people, but on the occasions she’s actually pleased with herself, she’s eager to gloat about it. In most situations, she’s quick to get angry and lash out, and she tends to address any problem with her fists. Though she isn’t as oblivious as her tag partner, she still isn’t exactly a genius, and she doesn’t tend to think too far ahead.
As Saka, Misako's brutality is amplified at the expense of her sarcasm, and she becomes cold, serious, and humorless. She rarely speaks except to issue threats, preferring to let her fists do the talking and carrying out the will of her masters with emotionless efficiency. She is entirely loyal to the Selection and to the Wild Jackals, and she makes no attempt to question their orders.
- Despite her outside appearances, Misako has a guilty pleasure for hearts, plushes, makeup, and girly things in general. She denies this to anyone around her, but they tend to find it more obvious than she thinks it is.
Fighting Style: Like her partners in crime, Misako is a brawler first and foremost, but compared to Kyoko she’s more likely to use grapples and actual wrestling moves over strikes and techniques improvised from sports training. That said, she isn’t the type to go for flashier moves, preferring what gets the results. She’s still as brutal and aggressive as anyone on her team, however, and she has no qualms about using weapons or dirty tactics if she has the opportunity to do so.
Favored Match Types: Misako doesn’t care about what matches she can get into, and she likes to think she can handle just about anything. She isn’t the queen of foresight and she can get herself over her head, but she won’t back down once. In addition to standard contests, she’s open to doing hardcore matches and street brawls, as that’s how she got her start, and while she typically works as a team with her fellow ruffians, she’s perfectly content in singles matches as well.
Finishing Moves:
Stun Gun
Literally just a Stone Cold Stunner. But she likes to pretend she’s original.
Interrogation Technique
In Misako’s idea of a submission, she kicks and/or stomps her opponent in the groin as many times as she can. Obviously, she runs the risk of being disqualified with this one, but she lives on the edge.
Relationships with Other Characters:
- Kyoko Kobashi has been a friend of Misako since childhood, and was probably not the best influence on her. However, she’s also very protective of her and willing to stand up for her, as a friend. The two of them go back a long way, and they aren’t willing to let that change any time soon! With the two of them having been long-time partners in crime, it was only to be expected they’d be partners in LAW as well.
- Sachiko Koizumi is Misako’s new boss, in theory - though she doesn’t see her as that so much as she is someone who occasionally tells her who to punch, seeing as she’s perfectly willing to fight people on her own accord. She’s more begrudgingly accepting of Sachiko rather than Kyoko’s blind adoration, but she puts up with her nonetheless. Sachiko does annoy her, but most things do anyway, so she doesn’t care that strongly.
- Under the control of the Selection, Saka answers to Roxanne Wolf as the Selection's Chief of Security, and follows her command unquestioningly as a member of the Wild Jackals. She sees her as her natural superior, and accepts her place in the hierarchy.