Lucy Heartfilia, the Celestial Spirit Mage

Alias: Princess
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 50 kg
Nationality: Fiore(ian)
Alignment: Good


Lucy was born in the once extremely wealthy and powerful Heartfilia family. Her father and mother were originally part of a merchants' guild called Love & Lucky where they met; they decided to become independent when Lucy's mother, Layla, became pregnant. They chose her name when they noticed that the sign of the guild was missing the letter "K," and instead read 'Love & Lucy'; it made an impression on them, so they decided to name their daughter after it. Back in her home, Lucy shared a good relationship with the staff in the estate as well as, her mother, until she passed away when Lucy was around the age of ten. However, because her father was overly obsessed with his business and money, he had neglected his daughter, which eventually led her to run away from home.
Not long after, Lucy joined a mage guild called Fairy Tail, made a bunch of friends, took on various jobs and went on plenty of adventures and misadventures together.
Lucy takes exceptional pride in her appearance and is very confident in her sex appeal, often exuding a certain amount of vanity. Despite this superficial attitude, she is a clever, kind, and genuinely caring person. Lucy is passionate for literature and is in the process of writing her own novel about her adventures with Fairy Tail although she does not like telling anyone about it.
Lucy is very kind to her Celestial Spirits and refuses to utilize them as shields or think of them as such. She fights alongside her Spirits and treats them as friends.
Fighting info

Lucy is tougher than she looks and more agile than you might think. She can take hits from magic lightning, explosions, beatings from people with superhuman strength and still get up and fight. While her strength is nothing to write home about, she's pretty fkin impressive by human standards.

-Hand to hand combat:
While not her forte, she's still decent at it.
-Whip expert:
The whip is her primary weapon for personal combat. Not only can she use it to whip or grab people, but also grab onto something to help her scale the battlefield.
-Can sense nearby magic power.
-Is a good dancer:
-Urano Metria:
Lucy's most powerful spell.
After around 10 seconds of chanting, the area around her and her opponent becomes full of miniature planets. upon release, all of those little planets blast into the opponent. The spell is normally too powerful for Lucy to cast, but she can do it by having Gemini transform into another Lucy and with their combined power, they can cast the spell. Or, Lucy can do it on her own if she equips Aquarius Star Dress, since it increases Lucy's magic power.

-Finishing move - Lucy Kick:
-Although, there's the Lucy Punch, too:

-Lucy's whip:

-Fleuve d'étoiles:
A magic whip that is made of solid water, somehow... It can extend to greater lengths or retract. Means River of Stars. Was given to Lucy by Virgo (one of her spirits).

Silver Keys:

Gate of the Southern Cross: Crux

- Capable of knowing of all information on Celestial Spirits and their owners
Gate of the Lyre: Lyra

-Excellent musician and singer
- What kind of music she play's depends on what's reflecting on someone's heart
Gate of the Canis Minor: Nikora/Plue

-It's Lucy's pet...
Gate of the Compass: Pyxis

-A living compass.
Gate of the Clock: Horologium

-The only useful silver key spirit for combat.
-Can take Lucy inside itself. Horologium can casually tank nearly any attack or a swim in lava.
-When Lucy is in extreme danger, Horologium summons himself on his own and protects Lucy instantly.
-When this happens, Horologium can't be used for a while.
Golden Zodiac Keys:

Gate of the Golden Bull: Taurus

-Probably Lucy's physically strongest spirit.
-A total perv. Will always appreciate Lucy's body. Although, he may appreciate Lucy's opponent's as well if they happen to be beautiful women. He may even refuse to attack them.
-Wields a big battleaxe.
-His strikes are strong enough to fracture the ground and make small earthquakes.
Gate of the Giant Crab: Cancer

-Potentially Lucy's fastest spirit. Can do or mess up a haircut, along with the opponent's weapons in an instant.
-Utilizes a pair of scissors as weapons and tools for haircuts
-Scissors have shown to cut through steel swords
-Is the one who always does Lucy's hair
Gate of the Maiden: Virgo

-Treats Lucy like a princess/mistress
-Is a masochist. Every time Lucy summons her, Virgo asks whether it's time for punishment. Sometimes Virgo even gets caught punishing herself...
-Has chains on her wrists that can be used more or less like whips.
-Good at hand to hand combat.
-Uses earth magic. Can tunnel through the ground as easy or easier than a fish swims through water.

Gate of the Archer: Sagittarius

-Yes, that's a dude in a horse suit.
-Archery specialist. Can hit pretty much any kind of shot as long as it's not blocked or deflected. Can even shoot homing arrows.
-Pretty resourceful.
Gate of the Lion: Leo/Loke

-The leader of the Zodiac Spirits and probably the best fighter spirit.
-Expert at hand to hand combat.
-Is the typical ''pretty boi'' who flirts with Lucy and pretty much any girl, including the enemy. Will not hit women.
-Loke can summon himself on his own free will, using his own power.
-Immense stamina. Stayed in the real world for three years on his own power. I think most of Fate Servants would agree that it is impressive.
-Uses Light Magic.
--Lion's Brilliance. A very bright flash of light in the area, makes it impossible for an opponent to keep their eyes open, it's basically the same as looking directly at the sun with your eyes wide open.
--Regulus Blast. Loke fires a powerful blast of light magic.
Gate of the Twins: Gemi and Mini

-Uses copy magic. Can copy the power, abilities, knowledge, personality, appearance and items of those they transform into.
-However, cannot copy anyone who is more powerful than Lucy.
-In order to copy someone, Gemini has to make contact with them first.
Gate of the Golden Ram: Aries

-Uses wool magic. Can spam large amounts of wool to block attacks or cover enemies in wool to relax them...
-Timid and shy (constantly apologizing)
Gate of the Scorpion: Scorpio

-Uses Sand Magic.
-Sand Buster: Creates a powerful sand tornado that will even strike enemies with an indirect blast
-Sand Spear: Fires a beam-like, piercing blast of sand from his tail
-Sand Wall: Conjures a wall of sand that can protect him from lightning magic
Gate of the Goat: Capricorn

-Great at hand to hand combat.
Gate of the Water Bearer: Aquarius

-A floating mermaid with a whole LOT of attitude.
-Probably the most powerful spirit as long as there is water nearby.
-Uses water magic, Can make a tsunami in no time.
-Doesn't care if Lucy gets caught in her attacks as well.
-Hates Lucy, although deep down, cares for her a lot.
-Can summon herself on her own free will and her own power.
The Celestial Spirit King

-Lucy has to break a Golden Key in order to summon him, so it is used only as an extreme last resort, when the lives of the ones she cares about depend on her.
-Easily more powerful than all the Celestial Spirits combined.
-Uses Sword Magic: Channels magical power through his sword.
--Meteor Blade: Slams sword on the ground to create a linear explosion
--Galaxia Blade: Beam of energy rains down from the sky to strike enemy, petrifies dark entities and dispels dark magic
-Can slow down or stop time.
-Can easily regenerate from being pierced in multiple places on the body and through the head.
-By the way, the dude is huge.
Force Gate Closure:

-Can be used to un-summon her spirits if for some reason they attack Lucy.
Star Dress
-A Celestial Spirit Magic spell in which Lucy incorporates the power of a Celestial Spirit into her body. The power manifests itself in the form of a wardrobe change (similar to Requip), in this case in the form of a dress centered around the Spirit in question's own wardrobe.
-Is able to summon her Spirits to fight alongside her including the Spirit she's equipped to.
-Needs to hold the key in question in her hand in order to transform/requip. Except for Aquarius.
-With the dresses, Lucy can use the power of her spirits herself, without retaining their whacky personalities.
Star Dress: Aquarius Form

-Water Barrier: A powerful barrier of water capable of no-selling powerful explosions.

-Aqua Metria: Lucy utilizes this spell makes the land flow in waves like the sea and attacks the opponent with it.


Virgo Form

Taurus Form





-Enables Lucy to move faster than the eye can see.
Scorpio Form

Capricorn Form

Aries Form

Gemini Form

-Summoning more Spirits drains Lucy's magic faster. She can keep one spirit at a time no problem at all. Two would be fine, but it would be considerably more draining for Lucy. Three is the extreme limit that she would really avoid trying.
-Needs her keys in order to summon her spirits. Except for Leo, Aquarius and Virgo. Although then Lucy has no control over when they come or go. Also, Lucy doesn't need to hold onto Gemini's key to summon that spirit.
-Needs her keys in order use her Star Dresses, except for the Aquarius dress.
-Lucy's spirits have whacky personalities and that sometimes becomes a hindrance in a fight.