Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

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Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by godjacob »

"And here we are now with Amaya Shizuko. Set to make her L.A.W. debut against Haruka Le Roux in a best two out of three contest. Why don't you give our eager audience an insight into your thoughts mere moments prior to your big arrival to this grand stage?"

It was a rather basic question, a bit too basic for Amaya's view of things, but she supposed it was fitting enough. Standing in her backstage locker room one of L.A.W.'s own interviewers seemed to want to get a scoop with the newcomer around here. Standard procedure she figured, though even with her neutral look her eyebrows had a way to convey this intensity about her.

"Nothing much to say. A new experience means an opportunity to make my mark and let the L.A.W. roster know who I am. I don't know much about Haruka, but I promise she is gonna know who I am before this night ends." Amaya explained, as she made her point quite clear; speaking with a firm resolve as well as this quiet confidence; it would be clear she was sure of herself as she made he little pledge to Haruka clear to the audience and the interviewer.

"Wow, no shortage of confidence from you it would see. Though Haruka is a rising star here in her own right, one could say you might be poking the bear with a comment like that." The interviewer replied to Amaya, pointing out that it would be likely Haruka would get word of this or might be watching in her locker room TV or a backstage screen as they spoke. Something that had not escaped Amaya's notice, as she simply stared intently at the interviewer before she addressed his point in kind.

"I am aware. I want her to know this. I won't let her or anyone here at L.A.W. have me act like a scared schoolgirl. Strength lies in conviction, and I will show her and the entire locker room I have that in spades. If she has any disagreements with my words, she is free to try to make me eat my words in the ring. Try, being the key word here. I came here to win, and as good as she may be she will find I am more than just a mouthpiece." Amaya replied to the interviewer, as she spoke without menacing words and her expression which only intensified behind each word told the story even better than her vocals could. She felt she was ready, she was here to make her mark of L.A.W. and she was unconcerned what reaction she would pull from Haruka.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

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Oh so cute!!” Haruka’s voice was heard before the rest of her was seen sauntering on forty and looking at Amaya still dressed rather casually for the moment, since there match was just later in the evening she still had time to get dressed but it appears Haruka couldn’t rest the temptation of meeting Amaya first. And judging by the smile on her face and the genuine enthusiasm in her words that seemed to be more then enough to show Haruka was already eager. “I must say..when they told me I would be I would be in such a tough match for someone sdenut..I was worried they wanted me to break the girl. Either that or they knew they had. Stem for me and now that I’ve seen you for myself.” Haruka spoke walking around her soon to be foe looking over the stern women. “Nothing here disappoints. And I’m so glad you talk about conviction because that’s what your gonna need in this kind of match, how well will your conviction hold when your down a fall, will you get overconfident if you score the first fall. Will the pressure get you down if we’re tied and I’m not going down like you thought? And more importantly will your conviction help you..if your body breaks.” Haruka tapped her lips with one of her fingers looking inquisitive. “So many questions, so much time to find the answers~
Last edited by Taskmaster12 on Wed Jan 23, 2019 5:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

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"Oh my it appears that Haruka herself has made an unexp..." the interviewer began to say, before a casual glare from Amaya caused her to cut her point off as the interviewer allowed the two wrestlers their space without her vocal impute. Amaya glanced at Haruka with a more relaxed, but still stern stare as she listened to her overly enthusiastic comments. One of those cheerful types, a stark contrast to the always serious Amaya as she listened and watched Haruka moved around her and listed her "concerns" Amaya would have with the match. Begrudgingly, Haruka raised some fair points as a match like this was as much mental as it was physical though she never gave any indication to this as soon enough Haruka finished her little speech she would close her eyes to process the words before she looked Haruka in the eye and greeted her with that cold but calm expression of hers.

"It's touching you came here to express your worries about me in this match, but I think you should be more concerned with your own performance..." Amaya replied before she shifted her expression to something yet seen from the stone cold student. A sly smirk on her face. "Though you mentioned of my body breaking? That's an adorable thought but I am afraid that it will simple be that. A thought. You won't be breaking my body, or anything for that matter. Amaya replied as she seemed sure of herself even with Haruka present with her as she aimed to show she will not let her little comments spook her. "But there is one thing I agree with. There are questions to answer, and the time to answer them will come sure enough. When that comes....you will know what it means to be broken."
Last edited by godjacob on Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

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Haruka’s smirk didn’t falter even when Amaya laid into her with those feirce eyes and her resolve. And with the announcer gone it was just the two of them. Amaya remained equally unfazed by her mirage of questions some of which would likely stir most women a little while the women continued to admire the body of Amaya. “Oh don’t worry about me, I’ll perform just fine. Just fine indeed.” Haruka giggles stopping beside Amaya and getting close with the two staring each other down. “Hmm, you sure? I’m pretty good at breaking stuff. Though with you Inmight make an exception wouldn’t want to let such a thing of pure beauty go to waste so soon, ooou decisions decisions.” Haruka pondered what she was going to do about that, obviously she was going to beat her but how, should he dominate and crush her or should she be a bit less aggressive in how she took her down? “Well I guess we’ll find out. Don’t worry we can tear the roof off this place.” she started to walk away but stopped and turned back to Amaya. “Oh. By the way, we’re fighting in bikini’s so hope you brought something a bit more, fitting. Seen you soon.” Haruka scampered off as excited as she could be.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

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Amaya, who normally prided herself on being prepare for any situation, had been left flatfooted by Haruka before their battle had even began. As this key revelation she slipped away so casually before she departed caused her eyes to widen and jaw to slack open. Partially. Amaya could not believe this, it was bad enough that her pro attire had "complications" which forced her to resort to her school uniform as the main attire but now without her being informed earlier she was expected to make her L.A.W. debut in a bikini. Not the best first impression to walk around in pervert bait on what is meant to be a competitive contest.

Still, with a sigh she quickly resigned herself to this fate. Amaya had never been one to let the fear of "shame" of such things get in the way nor would she allow Haruka's mind games to mess with her. Amaya came here to make a strong first impression her in L.A.W. and bikini or not she intended to do nothing less. With that, she would go and make the need preparations...and cosmetic change, for the coming match.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

2 out of 3 falls bikini match

Haruka had her fun and now it was time to play with her in the ring. Truly an interesting specimen that Haruka wanted to feel every inch of and see if that resolve held up when she was being crushed every which way. Giddy as a schoolgirl Haruka came out dressed for the occasion looking refined in a skimpy bikini that she knew would turn heads. Moving down to the ring she blew a kiss at a few choice people and winked at even more. Eager to get started and entering the ring as she strutted around the ring making sure her hair was in place. Then her eyes would turn to the ring wondering if she would see little Amaya in all of her beautiful self in a bikini.
Last edited by Taskmaster12 on Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:27 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by godjacob »

Not long after Haruka made her crowd-enticing entrance, the music of Amaya played through the rafters. Being her debut she had yet to develop much of a reaction off this alone beyond sheer curiosity. But soon enough, a more string reaction would come with Amaya made her appearance from the back curtain; dressed in a skimpy string-strap blue bikini. This was a sight that was likely just as easy on the eyes for Haruka as it had been with members of the crowd, one that elicited a mild blush from Amaya as this was not how she envisioned making her debut entrance.

But, she wanted to avoid showing weakness. And quickly died down her blush as she gazed upon the ring and her opponent with that cold stare; a show she was focused and ready as she walked down the ramp with purpose. She avoided giving any winks or blowing kisses to members of the crowd as Haruka had, her eyes only on her opponent as she almost disregarded their presence. For the moment anyhow.

She would enter gracefully through the middle rope as she moved to the center of the ring as she scanned the large crowd. Her expression never wavered and she she glanced at Haruka only intensified. Soon, she would lift her right arm and hold her index finger high in the air. Making the number one gesture for Haruka to see, a clear message sent to her opponent before she moved by her corner as she eyed the natural teaser.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

It was even better then she could have hoped for, she couldn’t tell but Amaya almost looked embarrassed which would fit with the surprise she had when she made the announcement. She watched patiently as Amaya moved down to the ring eyeing her up while she got closer and let her get the chance to enjoy it. Amaya didn’t seem interested in playing around which told Haruka to expect her to go for the kill instantly. Something she’d need to be wary of and watched Amaya make her intentions clear with her finger being snot up to the sky. “Oh this will be fun. Don’t be shy about showing me what you got. I want every, single, bit.” Haruka winked and stepped forward moving closer to her as the match was close to starting.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by godjacob »

"I don't intend to do anything less. Though if you find it hard to handle that don't say you didn't ask for it." Amaya replied back, as she moved to the center of the ring just as Haruka had as she eagerly awaited for the match to begin. Though with this short moment she figured it was better to retort to Haruka who seemed to ask for her best. Amaya never needed to be told to give someone that, but given the mind games and teasing Haruka had done to her on top of the bikini surprise Amaya found her to be an especially tempting target to focus her fury on. But Amaya was not one to be careless, for all her teases Amaya could sense natural confidence from the girl so she knew she would have to take her seriously and try to prepare for anything.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

With a small hum Haruka stretched herself a little bit letting the ref get everything set finally finishing up just as things were going to kick off and the bell rang to start the match. The smile on her face never left but she got more serious her guard came up and her feet were firmly planted to the ground. Haruka wasn’t many things but an idiot was not among them, she wanted to play with Amaya no doubt but she wanted to win, sometimes the fun could come afterwards. Now the question of who would make the first move persisted. Haruka inched forward to confront Amaya and see how good she was, testing the waters a little by trying to go for her head then aim for a chop to her chest.

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