Age: 18
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'10
Weight: 172
Entrance Music: Flatlined by Modern Echo
Nationality: American (Orlando, Florida)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Bio: One-half of the rookie tag team known as The Young Lions. Alongside Jay, Noah trained in a wrestling dojo in Japan before they were loaned out to various wrestling companies in Japan in order to gain in-ring experience and on the job training. Among them was LAW who were looking to expand on their ever-growing male roster as well as talent to help keep the women's roster on their toes, snapped the two up and had them work as enhancement talent. Noah has shown promise as an individual and despite his boyish looks, has the ability to knock out anybody with a brutal kick.
Personality: Noah is rather humble, often acting gracious for the opportunity to work for the various wrestling promotions that he's been sent too. While always looking for ways to grow, Noah is an easy-going and friendly individual.
Wrestling Information

Wrestling Style: Noah has a very straight-forward approach to his wrestling in which he'll just rush towards you and beat you into submission. Utilizing his past martial arts ability and surprisingly technical wrestling ability, Noah can and will take you down with his hands and feet.
Preferred Matches:
* Standard
* Ironman/POW
* Tag Team
* Last Man Standing
Power: 8/10
Technique: 8/10
Endurance: 7.5/ 10
Submission: 6/10
Speed: 7.5/10
Aerials: 4/10
Signature Moves
Attack Flourish
Tornado Enzuigiri
Anaconda Vice
Friends: Jay Wallace
Allies: Jay Wallace (1/2 of The Young Lions)
Rivals: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Crushes: N/A
Current Singles Record: 0/2/0
1. Vs.Miyabi Mey : Knockout Match
Result: Loss via knockout (Reverse Headscissors)
2. Vs. Tina Armstrong : Standard Match
Result: Loss via pinfall (Tiger Bomb)