A Smothery Debut! - Ducky Williams vs Chloe Valentine (Debut)

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A Smothery Debut! - Ducky Williams vs Chloe Valentine (Debut)

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Ducky Williams was a playful girl. That much was sure. The blonde often would tease opponents, those friendly enough to warrant it anyway, and she was even known to smother a foe once or twice for the crowd's enjoyment! She couldn't have a butt as good as she did and NOT give out a stinkface every now and then, after all. However, today, the blonde would be participating in something that she had yet to actually do in LAW before, that being a smother match!

"Hmmm... I mean... this should be easy. In theory." A pondering Ducky mused aloud, as she stood in front of a mirror in the locker room, examining her weapons for this match. She had quite the curvy figure, so she figured that she would have a good chance of putting her foe out with either her boobs or her butt. However, Ducky had no clue who her foe was, with it being a debuting wrestler, new to the promotion! And not only did Ducky have no idea what she was up against, but she knew that losing this match meant that she'd be unconscious under the tits or ass of another wrestler, a defeat that would be tough to live down!

Still, despite the worry of being humiliated in front of the crowd, Ducky herself would soon shake it off, instead focusing on making her entrance for this match! Ducky hurried out of the locker room, making her way backstage until she arrived at the entrance ramp, waiting until she was given the cue to go out, before bursting out, making her entrance!
The crowd gave a loud cheer as the fan favorite blonde made her way down to the ring, waving to the audience as she did so, the crowd eager to see a girl like Ducky compete in her first ever smother match. And so was Ducky, to be honest, as she quickly climbed into the ring, looking up to the ramp, as she waited for a brand new wrestler to make her entrance!

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Re: A Smothery Debut! - Ducky Williams vs Chloe Valentine (Debut)

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A new fed. A new crowd. A new roster to meet and fight. There were many things that worried Chloe - would she be any popular here? Could she rise through the ranks as quickly as she had at her last fed? LAW was big, enough to be featured on the papers sometimes, as well as many, many mainstream wrestling websites. And her opponent was one whose name she simply couldnt avoid seeing often.

"...What kind of name is Ducky anyways?" Chloe scrathced her head, as if trying to detour her mind from the match stipulation. She had seen pictures of this girl before, and honestly, being in a smother match with her felt like legit handicap. "Well... I mean... does it really matter? I think I can do this." She slapped her cheeks in an attempt to get herself pumped up. "Yeah! I totally got this!" The selfie maniac exclaimed, reassuring herself.

Soon enough, her music would start playing in the arena for the very first time. It caught her off guard, as she rushed to adjust her top over her breasts and ran out of the locker room, almost stumbling out of the backstage. She managed to catch herself, making quite the glamorous entrance as she showed up at the top of the ramp, holding only her selfie stick and a phone at the end of it, taking a couple of pictures with it. She wasnt the selfie maniac for nothing!
The crowd's response wasnt nearly as loud as the one Ducky got. However, and much to her credit, a good part of the crowd recognized her, while some others were thrilled to see new blood - someone so spunky, cheery and just so... enthusiastic. Chloe, used to being a fan favorite, skipped down the ramp to the beat of her theme song, stopping every now and then to take a couple pictures with some of the fans that really seemed to want one.

Soon enough she'd join Ducky in the ring, climbing onto the apron and jumping over the ropes, her assets bouncing a tad from the acrobatic maneuver, but not too much. "Hellooooo!" She exclaimed, waving at the blonde girl. "You're really packing some huge dobonhonkeros!" She exclaimed, trying to sound excited as she quoted a very unpopular meme, referring, of course, to Ducky's chest. "Would you mind like... not smothering me? Like, at all?" She'd add, fully aware that was the point of the match. "Cool, thanks!" The selfie maniac would offer a thumbs up immediately after, as if trying to assume Ducky had agreed with her, not quite giving her much of a time to answer.

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Re: A Smothery Debut! - Ducky Williams vs Chloe Valentine (Debut)

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Watching the entrance ramp, Ducky didn't have to wait two long for her foe to arrive, the lights dimming and music beginning to boom out, as her foe made her appearance at the top of the ramp! And right away, Ducky seemed to gather what kind of girl she was, seeing her step out with a smile and selfie stick, taking a few pictures of herself before beginning to make her way down the ramp! She walked to the beat of her own entrance music, and all around just looked quite pretty! There was, however, one thing that worried Ducky...

And it was explicitly shown when Chloe entered the ring, hopping over the ropes and landing gracefully, which caused the selfie queen's breasts to bounce slightly! Ducky's attention hadn't exactly been on her foes assets, but she was suddenly reminded in that moment that Chloe would, in mere moments, be trying to shove her boobs and her ass in Ducky's face to smother her out!

The thought wasn't exactly comforting, with Ducky fully reminded of how humiliating that would be, but she was more than prepared to show that between the two, she was the one to be feared in a smother match! However, Ducky was soon brought back to the present as Chloe turned to her, immediately cracking a joke about Ducky's breasts! The blonde looked down at her own chest, but as she opened her mouth to respond, Chloe cut her off quickly, flashing her a thumbs up as she immediately stopped Ducky from stating that she would, in fact, be smothering her. Still, as Chloe had some fun at Ducky's expense, the blonde would be quick to join back in with the teasing!

"Well, cute as you are, you're getting a bit ahead of yourself! These dob... doba... whatever you called them, are probably not the only thing you need to watch out for." Ducky said with a grin, turning to walk back to her corner, while at the same time giving her round ass a playful spank, causing her rear to jiggle! She was content with simply demonstrating to Chloe that she had multiple ways to smother her out!

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Re: A Smothery Debut! - Ducky Williams vs Chloe Valentine (Debut)

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Chloe couldnt help but feel at least a little bit intimidated by Ducky's superior assets, but hey, what would be left of her if she let the mere sight of her opponent scare her out of the ring? The more she talked, the more her confidence grew, letting her stand toe-to-toe with the blonde woman. She was here and she was going to take this seriously! It's the least she could do.

Watching Ducky retreat to her corner and smack her ass like that made Chloe gulp a little bit. The confidence she had built with her light taunting started to go back down as, even if only for a second, she imagined herself under her opponent's butt, outclassed and out cold. "I-I... dont think so!" She was late to reply, which clearly left her in a psychological disadvantage.

Returning to her own corner, Chloe slid her phone and selfie stick under the bottom rope, hiding it under the turnbuckle before starting to warm up some, looking at her blonde opponent the whole time, checking thrice that her breasts were nicely contained in her top, trying to calm her own breathing as she waited for the bell... which sooner rather than later... rang.


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Re: A Smothery Debut! - Ducky Williams vs Chloe Valentine (Debut)

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Giving her ass a playful slap, Ducky smirked slightly as she caught Chloe staring at her behind, the blonde seemingly having distracted her opponent, perhaps causing Chloe a bit of pause, seeing something that could very easily smother her! Still, after a moment, the Selfie Queen would respond to Ducky, though her slight stutter and worried expression gave away that Chloe was feeling a bit nervous now, something that Ducky couldn't help but giggle at just a bit!

Still, the blonde wasn't going to underestimate her foe, as that was a recipe for disaster, so as the bell rang, Ducky would bend her knees slightly, bringing her arms up into a ready stance, as she squared off with Chloe! Flashing a wink to the selfie maniac, Ducky would slowly begin to circle her, edging closer and closer, before stepping in, reaching out to grab Chloe in a classic collar and elbow lock up, pushing back against her foe in order to test her strength!

"Alright! Let's see if you can go then, or if you're just talk!"

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Re: A Smothery Debut! - Ducky Williams vs Chloe Valentine (Debut)

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Chloe was not the kind to fluster easy - she was usually the flirt that could never shut up. But then again, this was the very first time someone threatened to knock her out with their butt. It took her a second to bounce back psychologically from that taunt, but when the bell rang, she was ready!

The selfie maniac circled her blonde opponent a bit, hands up and knees bent in a basic wrestling stance. With Ducky coming at her already, she refused to back down from the challenge and locked up with the girl, going as far as to press her own breasts up against Ducky's ample bosom, as if to say that though she was caught off guard before, she was gonna make her opponent pay a visit to cleavage town before the final bell rang.

"Lets do this! Hope you had a good day, because it's naptime now!"

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Re: A Smothery Debut! - Ducky Williams vs Chloe Valentine (Debut)

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With the ring of the bell, the match was soon underway, Ducky and Chloe beginning to circle one another in the middle of the ring, before rushing in to lock up with one another, Ducky pushing up tight against Chloe to try and force the selfie maniac backwards! And as they pressed up against one another, Ducky would feel Chloe's breasts push against hers, their boobs smushing together as both girls vied for dominance, trying to shove the other back to the corner and get the upper hand!

"Heh! Talk tough while you can, because as soon as I get these bad boys on your face, you won't be talking much at all!" Ducky cried out, shoving hard in order to begin pushing Chloe slowly backwards towards the corner, a grin on her face! As she did her best to gain ground, Ducky would push her chest further forwards, trying to press her own bust hard against Chloe's, showing off how large her breasts were by smushing Chloe's with them, hopefully intimidating her foe a bit!

"Better keep up, or else I'll be putting your cute little ass to sleep real soon!"

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Re: A Smothery Debut! - Ducky Williams vs Chloe Valentine (Debut)

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Chloe was a bit puzzled. What girl called their own boobs "bad boys"? I mean, bad girls sure! But bad boys was just... wrong! She surely intended to bring that up at a later point, but right now she was struggling enough with keeping up with the bustier woman. She never expected that her very first move in this league would be going boob-to-boob like this, but she wasnt going to get intimidated by Ducky!

So, the whole pushing thing was failing. Hard. She needed a plan B! With Ducky so close to her, it was hard to simply move out of the way... so she did the only thing that came to mind. For just a moment, the selfie maniac would pull on her opponent, dropping to the mat onto her back and bringing one leg up, planting her foot against Ducky's stomach and flipping her overhead with an acrobatic monkey flip! "Less booby-booby more wrestly wrestly!" She'd exclaim.

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Re: A Smothery Debut! - Ducky Williams vs Chloe Valentine (Debut)

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

While Ducky would have been equally keen to debate that her phrasing of "bad boys" was definitely something that wasn't unheard of, she was preoccupied with trying to force Chloe into the corner, shoving hard on the selfie maniac! However, while Ducky was ready to continue and shove the brunette girl backwards towards the corner, Chloe had other plans as she suddenly rolled backwards onto her back, planting her foot on Ducky's stomach before throwing her overhead with a monkey flip!

"Would you just- wooooooah!" Ducky gave a shrill cry as she was suddenly flipped over Chloe, the selfie maniac using her momentum against her, throwing her overhead and sending her crashing onto the mat! Ducky landed with a thud on her back, letting out a low groan before attempting to roll over and try and pick herself up, groaning to herself as she did so!

"Rrrrgh... Oh, trust me, I'm gonna wrestle you all right... and when I do, you'll be wishing that you were able to tap!"

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